Pubdate: 28 Jan 1999 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Section: News,Page 11 Contact: Copyright: 1999 The Orange County Register GOAT HERDER'S DEATH SPURS TROOP-LIMIT RULE After the shooting death of a young goat herder by a Marine,the Pentagon has ordered an end to routine use of ground troops for anti-drug missions along the Mexican border, a Defense Department official said Wednesday. Under a new policy, armed troops may be deployed only with specific permission from the secretary of defense or his deputy, said Lt. Col. Mike Milord, a Defense Department spokesman. Esequiel Hernandez Jr., 18, of Redford, Texas, was fatally shot May 20, 1997. He had been grazing his family's goats near the Rio Grande, armed with a .22-caliber rifle to ward off predators. A four-man Marine unit said Hernandez shot at them from more than 200 yards away. Cpl. Clemente M. Banuelos said he fired the fatal shot after Hernandez raised his rifle again to shoot at the Marines. - --- MAP posted-by: Rich O'Grady