Pubdate: Sun, 07 Nov 1999
Source: Sunday Telegraph (Australia)
Contact:  2 Holt Street Surry Hills, NSW, 2010
Fax: (02) 9288-2300


A NEW rapid detoxification unit for heroin and methadone addicts has
opened at Mt Druitt.

Addiction Treatment Australia and the Minchinbury Community Hospital
are using the controversial drug Naltrexone to help addicts.

It will be officially launched on Wednesday by Federal MP Roger

But treatment doesn't come cheap.

Clients must pay $4500 for before-and- after counselling, the rapid
detox procedure and a month's supply of Naltrexone tablets.

For an additional $2000, they receive a six-month supply of the
tablets and extra counselling.

Psychologist with the National Association of Alcohol and Drug
Addiction Counsellors, Ross Colquoun said it was not a "miracle cure".

He said the long-term success rate was 67 per cent after six months.
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MAP posted-by: Derek Rea