Pubdate: Thu, 11 Nov 1999 Source: Burlington Free Press (VT) Copyright: 1999 Burlington Free Press Contact: Bob Melamede Title supplied by editor VIOLENCE FROM DRUGS A RESULT OF LAWS While heroin is a dangerous and addictive drug, like tobacco, the only drug that has in and of it self been associated with violent behavior is alcohol. The violence that results from illegal drugs is a direct result of the law.When poorly concieved laws create an artificially inflated value on an inexpensive item like heroin and drive transactions into a blackmarket, violence is the result. This sad, but inescapable fact has been demonstrated during America's bout with alcohol prohibition, and more recently when the Canadians levied extrodinary taxes on cigarettes. They had the sense to reduce the taxes as we had the sense to repeal prohibition. The per capita consumption of heroin is similar today to what is was when the drug was legal at the turn of the century. Most people have, and had, the common sense to not use the drug. Those who are unfortunate to be addicted should be helped, not further harmed by criminality. I never hear drug wariors proposing that tobacco should be made illegal to help people to stop smoking. - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart