Pubdate: Wed, 24 Nov 1999 Source: Newsweek International Copyright: 1999 Newsweek, Inc. Contact: Authors: Frank Scimone, M. Carling, David Humphreys, Britta Van Dun Note: These PUB LTEs and the Newsweek International introduction refer to the articles at: Also: with the words "Americans also joined the chorus, recalling failed U.S. drug policies." Newsweek International acknowledged the effectiveness of this clipping service and the related DrugSense FOCUS Alert, which is at: EUROPE'S HIGHS AND LOWS Letters To The Editor Our Nov. 1 report on Europe's liberal drug scene drew a large and vehement response from readers. Some Europeans criticized the story for reflecting America's "narrow-mindedness" about drugs. Americans also joined the chorus, recalling failed U.S. drug policies. While one Colombian wrote: "This problem has to be eliminated from both the supply and the demand side," others called for legalizing narcotics. Argued one Briton: "The result is a better product that's even taxable." Europe's New Drug Culture: ~~~~~ To accept drug use as an undeniable cultural reality, and not an individual manifestation of criminality, is a step in a the right direction. Britta Van Dun, Eymet, France ~~~~~ As a British citizen I will vote for any party brave enough to put reality ahead of probity. I would prefer to legalize and license the production of drugs. Why should my children be put at risk by having to deal with the cockroaches that own the drug market? The example of the United States and Prohibition may be compared to Britain and the licensing of gin in the 18th century. Take the product away from criminals and produce it under controllable quality and distribution--the result is a better product that's even taxable. David Humphreys, Hong Kong ~~~~~ Your article asserts that a generation of Europeans use drugs more pervasively than their predecessors. Not true. Rather, a new generation has taken up, in relative moderation, softer and socially responsible drugs such as marijuana and cocaine while eschewing the addictive hard drugs, such as alcohol and nicotine used by their parents, which kill hundreds of thousands of nonusers each year. M. Carling, Paris, France ~~~~~ The best way to fight drug abuse is not by punishing, jailing or indirectly causing the death of the addicts, but in the development of intelligent, convincing and compassionate policies. Frank Scimone, Taormina, Italy - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake