Pubdate: Thu, 11 Feb 1999
Author: Francene Cucinello
Source: MSNBC WMSV-TV Nashville TN


One week ago police arrested a man who sells marijuana, he says that it's
his "mission." Two days after the arrest, Terry Barbour bonded out of jail.
Channel Four sent a crew back to Putnam County to see if he's back, to
business as usual.

Most days Terry Barbour works odd jobs, but not Thursdays. On Thursdays
Barbour says he sells marijuana. "I make my money selling pot. I sell to
anybody, I don't card nobody."

Last Thursday drug agents busted Barbour confiscating coolers full of
marijuana. Police seized 200-thousand dollars worth. You'd think that would
be enough to make Barbour stop selling. It wasn't. "I have to. Somebody's
gotta take care of this plant."

Barbour and his pals say providing pot is their "responsibility." He says
that he doesn't think he is doing anything wrong. "Big deal big deal. So
what, they made it illegal. Big deal." They say hemp is one of the most
useful plants on the planet whether it's spun into fabric, used as seed, or

Barbour says pot paid for a friend's hearing aids and helps another deal
with chronic pain. As for him? "I like the buzz. In it for the buzz. I can
get by on a joint or 2 a day but out here we'll smoke 3 or 4 or 5."

During the time our crew was talking to Barbour and his friends Thursday,
they had full knowledge our camera was rolling, but still openly used
drugs. We felt it was our civic obligation to report what we saw to the
authorities. We gave a statement to the district attorney. Late Thursday
afternoon they searched Barbour's house and arrested him again. He's
charged with possession of marijuana with intent of resale and is being
held without bond in the Putnam County jail. 
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake