Pubdate: 6 Mar 1999
Source: British Medical Journal (UK)
Copyright: 1999 by the British Medical Journal.
Issue: BMJ 1999;318:669 (6 March)
Author: Judith Aldridge, Senior research fellow. Fiona Measham, Senior
research fellow.

[Note: the authors have recently published *Illegal Leisure: The
normalization of adolescent drug use* by Howard Parker, Judith Aldridge,
and Fiona Measham London: Routledge ‘Adolescence and Society’ Series, 1998
ISBN 0-415-158010-9 (pbk) A review of which (by Peter Webster) will be
appearing in the International Journal of Drug Policy issue 10-4]


EDITOR To add to the debate about the use of sildenafil (Viagra)
recreationally, we have evidence of such use by apparently healthy women
and men in England.

Our two year study funded by the Economic and Social Research Council
explored the health of customers in night clubs, looking in particular at
illicit drug use. As part of this research, 2056 customers completed short
structured interviews in three clubs in north west England over six months
in 1998. Fieldwork in two clubs occurred before sildenafil was licensed in
the United Kingdom (September 1998). In the third club it occurred during
October. Interviews with customers and staff showed that supplies of
sildenafil were readily available in the third club for UKP10 a tablet (50
mg). We therefore incorporated questions on sildenafil usage into the
survey (n519).

Sildenafil was used as a recreational drug by 15 respondents (3%) (10 men,
5 women; 14 white, 1 African-Caribbean; mean age 26, range 19-34). All
reported having used at least one other illegal or illicit drug in their
lifetimes. Fourteen had used amyl nitrite (poppers), 13 amphetamines, 13
cannabis, 11 methylenedioxymethamphetamine ("ecstasy"), 10 cocaine, 8
(-hydroxybutyric acid, 6 lysergide (LSD), 5 tranquillisers, 2 crack
cocaine, and 1 heroin. Fourteen had used drugs within the previous three
months. Most reported having taken sildenafil simultaneously with illegal
drugs (methylenedioxymethamphetamine, cocaine, cannabis), illicit drugs
(amyl nitrite, (-hydroxybutyric acid), and alcohol.

Some used sildenafil in clubs, others at home. All reported positive
effects: enhanced sexual desire and love making and feelings of "warmth."
Fewer than half reported negative effects: headaches, genital soreness, and
intoxication. All said they would take the drug again, which had been
obtained from friends, dealers, sex shops, and the internet.

These results show potentially dangerous recreational use of sildenafil in
combination with other drugs. The combination with amyl nitrate is
particularly worrying as both drugs dilate blood vessels, which can result
in a dangerous drop in blood pressure and possibly myocardial infarction or

Within weeks of being licensed sildenafil was available in English night
clubs, which shows the willingness of women and men to experiment with
drugs. Our findings also provide further evidence for the normalisation of
recreational drug use in Britain.

Judith Aldridge, Senior research fellow. Fiona Measham, Senior research
fellow. Social Policy for Social Problems (SPARC), Applied Research Centre,
Manchester MI3 9PL

Kirby R. Does Viagra enhance your potency? Student BMJ 1999; 7: 11.
(February.) Parker H, Aldridge J, Measham F. Illegal leisure: The
normalization of adolescent recreational drug use. London: Routledge ,
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