Pubdate: Mon, 22 Mar 1999 Source: Orange County Register (CA) Copyright: 1999 The Orange County Register Section: Metro page 7 Contact: Author: Sharra Goan Note: The referenced news item is at: TOO MANY BAD LAWS KEEP THE JAILS FULL We don't need more jail beds in Orange County ["2,500 new jail beds needed now, study says," News, March 17]. What we need is to stop arresting people for victimless crimes. Our jails are filled with people arrested for simple drug possession who receive sentences double that of murderers, rapists and child molesters. The penalties for violating your own body are higher than those if you violate someone else's body. We don't lock up alcoholics for possessing or ingesting it's their body. So why are we locking up people for possessing and ingesting other substances that aren't good for them? Seems hypocritical. Does self-destructive behavior necessitate incarceration? Especially at the cost of approximately $33,000 per inmate per year? We don't need more jail beds, we need to change bad laws. Sharra Goan Anaheim - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake