Pubdate: Fri, 26 Mar 1999 Source: Tampa Tribune (FL) Section: Letters to the Editor Copyright: 1999, The Tribune Co. Contact: Forum: Author: Sean Taylor THERE IS NO WAR ON DRUGS Regarding the two articles on the Commentary page concerning the so-called war on drugs (March 19): Both raise some important issues, but even taken together, they barely begin to reveal the enormous destruction wrought by this American tragedy. First of all, there is no war on drugs; drugs are not being brutalized, drugs are not having their hard-earned property stolen, and drugs are not having their doors kicked in so that they may be hauled away by a gaggle of unfeeling thugs. This is a war on people - American people - perhaps someone you care about. Furthermore, we tend to talk about the cost of fighting this war, but we forget that our cost is someone else's revenue and, in this case, that ``someone else'' is Big Government. Not only has the American government declared war on its own people, but it is robbing its victims through taxation to finance its savage depredations. I love my country, but I abhor my government. - - SEAN TAYLOR Lutz - --- MAP posted-by: Patrick Henry