Pubdate: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Copyright: 1999 Mercury Center Contact: Author: Robert Pear FDA SCOLDING DRUG FIRMS OVER MISLEADING ADS WASHINGTON -- The federal government has repeatedly reprimanded drug companies in recent months after finding that they had made false or misleading claims in television commercials and magazine advertisements for a wide range of prescription drugs. Such advertising has exploded as drug companies market their products directly to consumers, and the government is scrambling to keep up with Madison Avenue. In the last year alone, the Food and Drug Administration has admonished companies about commercials advertising drugs for allergies, asthma, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, hair loss and sexually transmitted diseases. It has also found problems in advertisements for birth-control pills, anti-cancer drugs and medicines to help people lose weight and stop smoking. In most cases, the regulatory agency said, the advertisements violated the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act because they overstated the benefits of a drug, minimized the risks or falsely suggested that one drug was superior to another. The agency also found that many companies had promoted their drugs for uses not approved by the government. The FDA typically demands that the use of such advertisements ``cease immediately.'' Drug companies generally agree to stop making the claims to which the agency objects. In rare cases, the government has required corrective advertising, to offset what officials saw as inaccurate information in prior advertisements. In a typical comment, Daniel J. Watts, an executive of Pharmacia & Upjohn, cited in the last year for improper advertising of contraceptive drugs and those to treat male impotence, said, ``We were not in total agreement with everything the FDA said, but we complied with what the agency wanted us to do.'' He defended advertising aimed at consumers, saying, ``That's how people find out about new therapies.'' Though companies dislike being cited for violations, they applaud the FDA when it accuses their competitors of similar infractions. Reviewing ads Federal rules say drug companies must submit their advertisements to the FDA ``at the time of initial dissemination'' or publication. The agency generally does not have the power to review commercials before they run. But an exhaustive review of more than 100 agency letters asserting violations of federal drug-advertising standards shows that in practice, the agency often operates as an editor, criticizing the text and the design of advertisements, including details like the size of type. Under the rules, information about the risks and the benefits of a drug must be presented in ``reasonably comparable'' ways, so there is a fair balance. But advertisements, especially television commercials, often fail this test, the agency says. Premarin, for example, made by Wyeth-Ayerst Laboratories to treat symptoms of menopause and osteoporosis, is one of the most frequently prescribed drugs in the United States. The FDA said that in a television commercial for Premarin, ``multiple distracting visual images and activity occur during the audio presentation of the risk information,'' but the drug's benefits are described clearly and cogently, against a visual background without any distractions. The government told Wyeth-Ayerst to withdraw this and other advertisements because, it said, they made ``broad and ambiguous health claims for Premarin,'' promising benefits that had ``yet to be substantiated or even identified.'' Audrey A. Ashby, a Wyeth-Ayerst executive, said the company had complied with the agency's request to stop running the advertisements. In the future, she said, the company will submit any television commercials that mention Premarin or other drugs by name, so they can be reviewed by the government before they are broadcast. Distracting from risks Likewise, the government said, information about the risks of Depo-Provera, an injectable contraceptive, was jumbled in the audio and visual parts of a TV commercial. The multiple messages ``virtually ensure that consumers will have trouble fully comprehending any of the information,'' the FDA said in a letter to Pharmacia & Upjohn, the manufacturer. John F. Kamp, senior vice president of the American Association of Advertising Agencies, said prescription drug companies spent $1.3 billion on print and broadcast advertising aimed at consumers last year, up from $843 million in 1997 and $595 million in 1996. He said drug companies did not want to get into fights with the FDA over advertising because they feared the agency might retaliate by delaying the approval of their applications for the marketing of other drugs. Federal officials said such fears were baseless, but Kamp said the perception was nevertheless widespread in the industry. - --- MAP posted-by: Patrick Henry