Pubdate: Fri, 2 April 1999
Source: Los Angeles Times (CA)
Copyright: 1999 Los Angeles Times.
Contact:  (213) 237-4712
Author: ERIC LICHTBLAU, Times Staff Writer


$300 million in grants is meant to support programs that are proved
effective, officials say. Some experts, citing track record, are skeptical.

WASHINGTONSpurred by last year's spate of schoolyard shootings, federal
officials committed $300 million in new grants Thursday to school districts
that can demonstrate effective ways of combating violence and drugs.

The program will provide up to $3 million per year for three years to 50
public districts that, through an application process, can put together a
comprehensive strategy in areas such as gang intervention, school security,
mental health treatment and mentoring.

The overall rate of crime in schools has actually decreased slightly
nationwide over the last five years, but worries over the state of American
educationalong with tragic shootings in schoolyards from Oregon to
Kentuckyhave made fighting violence and drugs a passionate cause.

"Communities are coming together across the nation to provide services for
children," Atty. Gen.

Janet Reno said in announcing the program. She hailed the initiative as an
"unprecedented partnership" between three Cabinetlevel departmentsJustice,
Education, and Health and Human Servicesin an effort to streamline the
cumbersome funding process and get resources to those students most in need
of help.

But specialists in the field were somewhat dubious. "These are important
issues, and we ought to applaud them," said University of Michigan professor
Maris Vinvoskis, who has studied educational policy issues extensively.

But, he said, given the federal government's spotty track record in the
area, "there's every reason to be skeptical about whether this is going to
do what they say it's going to do. . . . Why should I believe it this time?"
In the past, federal school programs with similar aims sparked criticism for
devoting billions of dollars with virtually no strings attached. In the name
of safe and drugfree schools, funds were used for things such as Disneyland
tickets, puppet shows and resort weekends for community leaders.

But federal officials vowed that this latest program will ensure higher
standards of accountability because districts will have to compete for the
money. "Schools that come in with programs that aren't sound and effective
are going to be knocked out," said Bill Modzeleski, the Department of
Education's point man for the program.

In applications due June 1, districts seeking funds will have to provide
documentation on key problem areassuch as drug and alcohol use, weapon
possession, truancy and suicidal behaviorand map out a plan for combating
these problems. The plan must demonstrate cooperation with outside groups,
such as police, mental health and juvenile justice officials.

The program will award up to $3 million a year to urban school districts, $2
million to suburban districts and $1 million to rural and tribal districts.
Initial grants will last three years.

Modzeleski pointed to the Los Angeles Unified School District as a place
that could benefit from the program. A successful application might propose
improving conditions in problem schools in SouthCentral Los Angeles by
employing more truancy officers and keeping schools open longer for
afterschool programs, said Modzeleski, who visited the district a few weeks

He stressed that districts must rely on methods that have been proved
effective by existing research.

A district that wanted to spend all its money on metal detectors, for
instance, would face rejection because "research has shown that's highly
ineffective." L.A. Unified spokesman Brad Sales said linking federal funds
to proven programs is "a welcome and needed" step and that Los Angeles will
certainly apply.

At Drug Strategies, a Washington research group that has given failing marks
to many federal educationfunding programs, vice president Rosalind Brannigan
said she is encouraged by the initiative.

Setting up a competitive application process and establishing clear
expectations for districts is a break from many of the earlier programs that
failed, she said.

"It's a step in the right direction. . . . People are being put on notice
that these programs have to be proven to work," Brannigan said. But ensuring
that districts abandon popular but often ineffective community drug and
violence programs, she added, "could be like turning the Queen Elizabeth. It
would take a lot of institutional effort."

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