Pubdate: Thu, 08 Apr 1999 Source: Houston Chronicle (TX) Copyright: 1999 Houston Chronicle Contact: Forum: Page: 4A Author: Christopher S. Wren, New York Times SURVEY - RISK OF DRUG USE RISES IN MIDDLE SCHOOLS The first national drug-abuse survey to include elementary-school children among the respondents suggests that youngsters become more vulnerable to the lure of drugs once they leave the familiar environment of primary school and strive to fit into middle school. The new survey, by Pride, an organization based in Atlanta that counsels schools and parents on ways to inhibit drug use among the young, also confirms again what many researchers have long known: that cigarettes, alcohol (primarily beer) and inhalants are used far more by children than are marijuana or harder drugs. Pride -- the name is an acronym for the National Parents' Resource Institute for Drug Education -- issued its findings Wednesday at its national conference in Cincinnati. Until now, drug-abuse surveys among children did not focus on those below the eighth-grade. But Pride's survey questioned pupils from grades four through six, and among the findings were these: The proportion of respondents who said they had smoked cigarettes in the last month jumped to 7 percent of sixth-graders from 1.6 percent of fourth-graders. Similarly 2.1 percent of fourth-graders said they drank beer at least once a month, fewer than half the 4.7 percent of sixth-graders who reported doing so. Monthly sniffing of glue and other inhalants also rose between the grades, although less so: to 2.7 percent of sixth-graders from 2.2 percent of fourth- graders. As for marijuana, only 0.4 percent of fourth-grade pupils acknowledged having smoked it in the last month, as against 1.7 percent of sixth-graders. In discussing their findings, officials of Pride also cited previous research, done for the National Institute on Drug Abuse, indicating that children's risk of engaging in drug use rises when they move from elementary school to middle school -- which, depending on the district, begins in grade five, six or seven -- and later from middle school to high school. Peer pressure and association with new friends appear to be the leading causes. Although marijuana use among the survey's respondents was far less common than beer drinking or cigarette smoking, the director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy noted a sharp jump in monthly marijuana smoking from fifth-graders (0.6 percent) to sixth (1.7 percent). "The reported dramatic increase of marijuana use between the fifth- and sixth-grades," said the director, retired Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, "is a real wake-up call to parents." - --- MAP posted-by: Derek Rea