Pubdate: Thu, 8 Apr 1999
Source: Canberra Times (Australia)
Author: Carrie May, Belconnen
Note: PUB LTE response to this LTE at


PAGE 2 of the CT, Sunday, 4 April, carried the banner headline "Churches
reject heroin-trial proposal". Hear, hear!

It is about time the churches pulled their collective heads out of the sand
and came out against such things. For too long now they have been silent on
the issue of drugs in our community and I for one have felt like a lone
(Christian) voice crying out in the wilderness.

I challenge Kerrie Tucker, of the Greens, and Labor leader Jon Stanhope to
stop and think again before  supporting Michael Moore's proposal for a
"safe" injecting room.

By "safe", does it mean keeping addicts "safe" from the effects of their
wilfully injecting themselves with an illegal, dangerous, mind-altering

Or is it just to keep addicts "safe" from prosecution? After all they are
committing an illegal act.

The most likely scenario of a "safe" injecting room is that drug addicts
will be kept "safe" from ever having to face the consequences of their actions.

"Safe" from reaching out to the only One who can help them - God.

Instead they'll just stay "safely" addicted to drugs ever after, until
death, courtesy of Michael Moore and his cronies.

Is that what you really want, Kerrie, Jon? It's your choice; think about it.

Carrie May

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