Pubdate: Fri, 16 Apr 1999
Source: Chicago Tribune (IL)
Copyright: 1999 Chicago Tribune Company
Author: Todd Lighty


A Chicago policeman accused of leading a double life as a drug kingpin
allegedly interfered with a murder investigation, armed gang members
with semi-automatic weapons and betrayed fellow officers working
undercover, according to accounts from four co-defendants who pleaded
guilty on Thursday to drug conspiracy charges.

In an appearance before U.S. District Judge Blanche Manning, the four
admitted their roles in a Miami-to-Chicago drug ring that the FBI said
distributed more than 220 pounds of powder and crack cocaine in
Chicago from 1995 through 1998 -- a ring allegedly protected and run
by Officer Joseph Miedzianowski.

The four include the ring's drug courier, two customers and its chef,
who admitted to cooking about 55 pounds of powder cocaine into crack
allegedly for Miedzianowski.

In their plea agreements, they supplied new details in the
government's case against Miedzianowski, including how in 1995 he
allegedly told a murder suspect the names of possible witnesses in the
case and how two years later he supplied a dozen semi-automatic
pistols and revolvers to the Imperial Gangsters in their bloody street
war against the Spanish Cobras.

Further, their plea agreements also reveal accusations that a second
Chicago officer was present while Miedzianowski supposedly mediated a
drug dispute outside a police station.

Assistant U.S. Atty. Brian Netols declined to identify the second
officer, or provide more details about the murder.

But Netols said that with the four co-defendants breaking ranks they
have "obviously provided significant" information about the drug ring
and police corruption.

Miedzianowski's lawyer, Phillip A. Turner, said the allegations were
ludicrous, brought forth by desperate people looking to spare
themselves long prison terms.

"We are going to refute every last one of those allegations," Turner
said. "We will do it with witnesses of our own and

Miedzianowski, 46, a longtime officer in the gang crimes unit, has
been in federal custody since his arrest last December. He was
scheduled to be arraigned Friday on charges of participating in a
conspiracy to distribute drugs.

Lawyers for the four who pleaded guilty -- Yolanda Navarro, 26; David
Ruiz, 28; Francisco Figueroa, 29; and Joseph DeLeon, 32 -- either did
not return messages or declined to comment.

But according to their plea agreements, the four offer fresh, gritty
details of the government's allegations that Miedzianowski ran a major
drug ring while both on and off duty.

In exchange for their cooperation and their testimony against
Miedzianowski and others, the four likely will receive sharp
reductions in prison sentences that could have sent them away for
anywhere from 17 years to life.

Some of the most highly charged accusations came from DeLeon, a
high-ranking member of the Imperial Gangsters.

Miedzianowski, according to court documents, once described DeLeon as
a friend, and the government alleges he was the drug ring's best customer.

According to his plea agreement, DeLeon said he bought roughly 88
pounds of crack cocaine from the drug ring from summer 1996 to 1998 --
with Miedzianowski allegedly personally delivering about 20 pounds to
him. DeLeon also said he supplied some drugs to gang members who would
sell smaller quantities on Chicago's streets.

DeLeon also told prosecutors about a second police officer who might
be partially aware of Miedzianowski's alleged role, according to the
plea agreement. The second officer, according to DeLeon, stood nearby
as Miedzianowski tried to resolve a dispute over drug prices and
supplies between DeLeon and Juan Martir, a convicted drug dealer who
is also cooperating with prosecutors.

The second officer did not participate in the meeting, which occurred
outside the Grand Central Area police headquarters, according to court

DeLeon and Martir never resolved their differences that day, and
DeLeon alleges that Miedzianowski stepped in and replaced Martir as
his new supplier of cocaine.

DeLeon's plea also added detail to previous allegations by the
government that Miedzianowski thwarted the efforts of fellow officers
trying to arrest drug dealers. Whenever undercover cops were working
DeLeon's neighborhood, Miedzianowski allegedly tipped him off.

He also accused Miedzianowski of supplying him with at least 12
semi-automatic pistols and revolvers and bags full of bullets.

"During the time Miedzianowski was giving (DeLeon) firearms and
ammunition, the Imperial Gangsters were at war with the Spanish Cobra
street gang," court documents say. "Miedzianowski knew (DeLeon) was
giving most of the firearms and ammunition . . . to fellow members of
the Imperial Gangsters, and that these firearms were utilized for
Imperial Gangster street protection and retaliation."

Francisco Figueroa, according to his plea agreement, admitted
delivering cocaine and collecting money for the drug ring and cooking
powder cocaine into highly potent crack cocaine. Figueroa also told
prosecutors that Miedzianowski joined with others to rob rival drug
dealers and accused the officer of interfering with a murder

In 1995, according to Figueroa's plea, Nelson Padilla -- the "prince,"
or leader, of the Latin Lovers street gang -- "was wanted for murder"
by Chicago police detectives, according to court documents.

Miedzianowski allegedly gave Padilla and others the names of witnesses
to the fatal shooting, documents show. Miedzianowski never turned in
Padilla, who hid in Miami for a while before quietly returning to Chicago.

Netols, the federal prosecutor, would not discuss the status of the
murder investigation but said his office was working with state
prosecutors and Chicago homicide detectives.

Padilla also has been indicted in connection with the current drug
investigation and is in federal custody.

Figueroa told prosecutors that he taught Miedzianowski's girlfriend
and co-defendant, Alina Lis, how to cook powder cocaine into crack.

"Joseph Miedzianowski was frequently at (Lis') apartment while
(Figueroa) cooked the cocaine, complaining about the smell made by the
cooking crack," according to Figueroa's plea agreement.

Lis' former roommate, Yolanda Navarro, also is cooperating with the

Navarro said Miedzianowski allegedly tipped her off about an
investigation of her former boyfriend and used a building owned by his
elderly mother to stash drugs.

Drug seller David Ruiz, according to court documents, said he saw
Miedzianowski inside one of Martir's stash houses and that he was
aware that Martir allegedly paid protection money to
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MAP posted-by: Patrick Henry