Pubdate: 11 May 1999
Source: Sydney Morning Herald (Australia)
Author: David Humphries


The Premier yesterday tried to dampen expectation of breakthrough solutions
at next week's Drug Summit, warning "we're not going to solve this problem
by five days of talking".

The best result, Mr Carr said, might be identifying "greater areas of
co-operation". Releasing the list of the 80 delegates and 45 associate
delegates who will join the 135 State MPs at the summit, he stressed the
public should not expect magic solutions.

"We'll only wind back the problem of drug dependency by working together as
a community," Mr Carr said. "This is something that governments cannot solve."

He denied delegates were too narrowly based or that the list was stacked
with advocates of hardline prohibition. There was simply no room for the
State's top prosecutor, Mr Nicholas Cowdery, QC.

"He's only one of, I dare say, scores of people of some prominence in the
community who've expressed views," said Mr Carr. "It's not possible to
accommodate every one. The program's fairly crowded."

The Government was not closed to argument but no Parliament could be bound
by a summit. "If the summit says we want the Government to give more
consideration to the option represented by injecting rooms, of course we'd
respond to that by giving further consideration to it," he said.

Labor MPs would have a free vote at the summit. 

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MAP posted-by: Mike Gogulski