Pubdate: Sat, 15may99
Source: Mercury, The ()
Copyright: News Limited 1999
Contact:  93 Macquarie Street, Hobart, Tasmania 7000 Australia
Fax: (03) 62 300 711
Author: Matthew Rogers


PREMIER Jim Bacon's promise to avoid indulging his nicotine 
habit in public has gone up in smoke.

The promise was shattered when he was seen smoking on the footpath
outside the Theatre Royal on Thursday night during the Uni Revue's
interval. In October, Mr Bacon vowed to never smoke in public again
after a blast from a lung doctor for hampering the anti-tobacco fight.

Mr Bacon would not make himself available to comment on his lapse
yesterday despite The Mercury following him to two public engagements.
Opposition health spokesman Frank Madill said Mr Bacon's actions had
set a poor example for young people.

"He should apologise to the people of Tasmania, having made a
commitment not to do it," Dr Madill said, adding Mr Bacon should seek
a similar commitment from Health Minister Judy Jackson.

Australian Medical Association state president Bryan Walpole said Mr
Bacon was probably ashamed and embarrassed about his lapse.

But he said his public failure only highlighted that cutting back on
smoking intake was very difficult.

"As a role model, it's extremely important he keeps a smoke-free image
but an occasional lapse is no reason for a third world war," Dr
Walpole said.
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MAP posted-by: Derek Rea