Pubdate: Mon, May 24, 1999 Source: Times Union (NY) Copyright: 1999, Capital Newspapers Division of The Hearst Corporation Contact: Box 15000, Albany, NY 12212 Feedback: Website: Forum: Author: Stanton Peele, The Lindesmith Center DON'T BASE DRUG POLICY ON QUELCHING ADDICTION The Albany Times Union ran Sylvia Wood's story titled, "With imprisonment falling short, science looks for the answers." The article maintains that, "For the past 25 years, the drug laws and similarly harsh federal statues have had little apparent success in combating drug abuse despite stepped-up enforcement and stiffer penalties." "Yet,'' the article continues, "mounting evidence suggests that the key to winning the drug battle may be new research that's unraveling the neurobiology of addiction," along with drug treatment. I was mentioned in the article in the following passage: "a tiny minority of people in the treatment community, including well-known New Jersey psychologist Stanton Peele, refute the premise that addiction is a chronic disease, and are skeptical of the growing volume of research to support the medical model." Let me give a few of the reasons for my position. The article misleadingly suggests that only criminal and interdiction efforts have expanded in the past 25 years. In 1973, under Richard Nixon, the entire federal drug budget was $429 million. In 1999, the federal drug budget is $16 billion, of which a third, or $5.3 billion, is devoted to demand reduction (treatment, prevention, research). Combining all government spending on drugs yields a figure of $40 billion, or about $13 billion for demand reduction. This represents in the vicinity of a hundredfold increase in money being spent on treatment and research over the past 25 years. How much more will these expenditures increase? Moreover, when should we expect to see the fruit of massive current expenditures for treatment and research? Will there be a substantial reduction of drug addicts, abusers, and prisoners next year, in five years, in 10 years? If not, what should we do in the meantime? I agree with the premise of the article that current laws are of little use. Imprisoning people whose only crime is drug use is a terribly expensive mistake. But we must attack these policies directly, not because we are praying that science will rush in to fill the gap. As for treatment, very few drug users are addicts. And for those who think scientists are just now starting to claim that they have the key to addiction, consider this quote form 1977 by neurologist Richard Restak. He was writing about the endorphins, opiates that are naturally produced by our bodies. According to Restak, endorphins are "a veritable philosopher's stone -- a group of substances that hold out the promise of alleviating, or even eliminating, such age-old medical bugaboos as pain, drug addiction, and ... schizophrenia." So, perhaps we should hold off planning our drug policy around science's anticipated ability to quench addiction any time soon. Stanton Peele, Morristown, N.J. The writer is a fellow at The Lindesmith Center, New York City - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D