Pubdate: 24 May 1999 Source: New Haven Register (CT) Copyright: 1999, New Haven Register Contact: Forum: Author: Lolita C. Baldor STATE GUARDSMEN FIGHT FOR MORE COUNTER-DRUG FUNDS WASHINGTON - While the Air National Guard unit from Orange took center stage last week with its Kosovo call-up, officers from another Connecticut Guard program slipped quietly into Washington for some lobbying. The group belonged to the Guard's counter-drug program, and they came armed with distorted vision goggles that mimicked how a person's sight is impaired when on drugs. The display was part of an effort to snag more federal funding for drug-fighting programs. Connecticut's team includes 21 full-time members who work on both law enforcement and drug education for young people. This year's budget is about $950,000, but the proposed funding for next year is only about $775,000. "We're only going to win this (drug) war by educating young people," said Lt. Col. Ronald J. Renski, coordinator of the counter-drug program. "We need (more funding) so I can keep the people I hired." Most full-time members of the program concentrate on the drug enforcement side, although during the summer the education program grows, with a number of volunteers participating in various youth and camp programs. Guard members on the enforcement side work with the FBI and other agencies on research, intelligence gathering, and searching the banana boats from Central and South American that come into Connecticut ports. - --- MAP posted-by: Derek Rea