Pubdate: Tue, 01 June 1999 Source: Santa Barbara News-Press (CA) Copyright: 1999 Santa Barbara News-Press Contact: Author: Frank Hamilton Note: Frank Hamilton is president of the Santa Barbara/SLO Chapter of MADD. WORKING FOR A DRUG-FREE GRADUATION The local chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving wishes to thank the Santa Barbara County Alcohol & Drug Program, the Council on Alcohol & Drug Abuse Fighting Back Program, and the county's high schools for their efforts in providing sober graduation programs in the county's high schools. The county Alcohol & Drug Program is providing substantial grants to the high schools in our county to enable them to have meaningful sober graduation programs this year. These programs have started in mid May and will continue through graduation depending on the individual school's schedule. Fighting Back, through its on-campus Youth Service Specialists, has helped the schools plan and implement programs that have the greatest impact on the student body. The schools have provided the time for the programs to be presented to the greatest number of students possible. The students themselves are to be congratulated for their part in presenting and participating in the programs. The exciting part of this letter is what actually is happening. Never before have so many of our county's high schools been able to present such a variety of good sober graduation programs in the same year. Several schools are presenting "Take the Lead," a multimedia event with a very strong message about teenage drug abuse with emphasis on driving under the influence of alcohol and its consequences. Many schools are presenting mock crashes. The California Highway Patrol, local fire departments, and Emergency Medical Services are to be thanked for their participation. The Fatal Vision goggles, which graphically show the user what happens to their vision at various simulated blood-alcohol levels, are going to be demonstrated at all the schools. MADD will provide speakers for some schools, and representatives will also be at all the schools to hand out information and gifts to remind the students about the consequences of under age drinking, as well as DUI. Parents can do their part by ensuring that any celebration they host for their graduates are drug and alcohol free. We can teach all we want, but setting the example is best. We are living in a time when our school children's lives seem under threat as never before. The citizens of our country should take heart that there are strong efforts by all the above organizations to ensure that our students have as safe a graduation as possible from the leading cause of death of their deaths. Thanks for a job well done. Frank Hamilton is the president of the Santa Barbara/SLO Chapter of MADD. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D