Pubdate: 6 June 1999
Source: Scotland On Sunday (UK)

Detectives who carried out a series of drugs raids have uncovered a
black market in Viagra. The officers found a stash of the impotence
drug during dawn swoops in the Dundee area.

More than 30 people were arrested and have been reported to the
procurator fiscal. A Tayside Police spokesman confirmed that over 30
homes had been raided and around 100 people searched. They also
discovered cannabis, amphetamines and steroids with a street value of
UKP4,500, and stolen property worth over UKP3,000.

A force insider said the discovery of Viagra proved a black market in
the drug. He said: "We have heard reports about it being used in clubs
in combination with amphetamines."
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MAP posted-by: Derek Rea