Pubdate: 14 June 1999
Source: Independent, The (UK)
Copyright: 1999 Independent Newspapers (UK) Ltd.
Contact:  1 Canada Square, Canary Wharf, London E14 5DL
Author: Paul Lashmar


The Former England rugby captain Lawrence Dallaglio, already being
investigated over allegations of drug abuse, threatened legal action
yesterday over new claims that he took cocaine while celebrating at a
south London bar with clubmates from Wasps.

Dallaglio, 27, resigned as England captain three weeks ago after
reporters tape-recorded him bragging about drug dealing and using
drugs. At a later press conference he said he had been "foolish and
naive" and claimed he was drunk and lied to the reporters.

The Rugby Football Union is investigating the allegations, and,
according to the Mail on Sunday, the inquiry has been given two legal
statements that claim Dallaglio took cocaine in a bar as he and other
members of his club celebrated winning a key game five weeks ago. One
of the statements was given by Richard Nicholls, a chef, who allegedly
says he saw Dallaglio snort cocaine; the other was given by Mr
Nicholls' girlfriend who says she heard Dallaglio ask her boyfriend if
he could supply him with ecstasy.

A spokeswoman for Dallaglio, said yesterday: "These are outrageous
lies. Lawrence is baffled [as to] why these people are seeking to
discredit him."

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