Pubdate: Thu, 01 Jul 1999
Source: Reuters
Copyright: 1999 Reuters Limited.


VANCOUVER - Police have broken up a  major ring of smugglers
who allegedly conspired to bring heroin from Asia to Canada and the
United States, authorities said Wednesday.

At least 11 people have been arrested or are sought in connection with
the scheme to smuggle heroin from Burma  through Thailand to Canada
from 1997 to 1999, according to police and media reports.

A prosecutor said it appears to be the biggest heroin smuggling
operation in Canadian history, involving 200 kg (440 lb) of the drug,
although police would not immediately confirm the amount of the drug

Additional details about the operation were scheduled to be released
later Wednesday in Vancouver.

The operation is also alleged to involve heroin processing facilities
in Asia and an illegal bank to handle drug money in Hong Kong. Arrests
have been made in Canada and Asia, authorities said.

Police in Canada and the United States have complained in recent years
that Asian gangs have turned Vancouver into a major smuggling center
for drugs intended for North America addicts.
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MAP posted-by: Derek Rea