Pubdate: Thu, 15 July 1999 Source: Grand Forks Herald (ND) Website Email I-29 POLICE INTERDICTION PROJECT NETS DOZENS OF VIOLATIONS Instead of waiting for crime to happen, several area law enforcement agencies this weekend took the law to the people. North Dakota Highway Patrol deputies, along with officers from the North Dakota Bureau of Criminal Investigation, the Walsh County Sheriff's office and U.S. Border Patrol spent Friday and Saturday monitoring travelers for criminal activity on Interstate 29 about 20 miles north of Grand Forks. Capt. Mark Nelson of the patrol said the focus of the project was to identify, apprehend and remove people who are using North Dakota roadways to break the law. Three drug-sniffing dogs aided officers in the interdiction activities. A major area of concern, Nelson said, was the interstate transport of narcotics and alcohol violations. The following is a list of violations identified by the agencies during the two-day project. Open receptacles of alcohol in motor vehicle: 21. Misdemeanor possession of a controlled substance -- marijuana: 12. Misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia: 12. Driving while license is suspended: six. Moving traffic violations: six. Minors in possession of alcohol: four. Warrant arrests: three. No drivers license: three. Felony possession of a controlled substance -- marijuana: one. Felony possession of a controlled substance -- cocaine: one. Furnishing alcohol to a minor: one. - --- MAP posted-by: Derek Rea