Pubdate: Sun, 25 Jul 1999 Source: Dallas Morning News (TX) Copyright: 1999 The Dallas Morning News Contact: Forum: Author: Associated Press BUSH OFFICE DEFENDS TROOP USE AT BORDER Guard's Anti-Drug Effort Not Militarizing, Aide Says SAN ANTONIO - The use of Texas National Guard troops to search for drug traffickers along the Rio Grande is consistent with Gov. George W. Bush's previous statements against militarizing the border, his office says. The patrols gather intelligence, including spying on smuggling routes at the request of state and federal law enforcement agencies. But critics point to the May 1997 incident in which a Marine corporal on an anti-drug patrol fatally shot 18-year-old Esequiel Hernandez Jr. near the West Texas town of Redford. In the 10 years that such operations have been conducted, the National Guard troops have never fired a shot, Bush spokeswoman Linda Edwards said. "This isn't militarization of the border. This is part of a drug-interdiction effort led by local law enforcement agencies," she told the San Antonio Express-News. Mr. Hernandez, who was carrying a .22-caliber rifle, was shot in the rib cage by a Marine whose patrol was working with the Border Patrol. The fatal shooting led to a national debate over the use of military personnel along the border and triggered Defense Secretary William Cohen's decision to cancel similar missions indefinitely. Asked about the shooting during a 1997 trip to El Paso, Mr. Bush said the Border Patrol "should be in charge of the border." "The military shouldn't be enforcing the law on the border," he said. Mr. Bush's approval of the patrols is consistent with his El Paso statements, said Ms. Edwards. "Governor Bush supports the effort involving the guard because the 30 guardsmen assigned to help law enforcement in the surveillance of drug traffickers are highly trained for the task and extremely helpful," she said. There have been as many as 30 reconnaissance missions this year, with two occurring in the vicinity of the 1,500-mile Texas-Mexico border, said Col. William Pettit, counter-drug coordinator for the guard. "We aren't out there like a bunch of cowboys. We're there at the request of law enforcement," he said. "Our safety record and training speaks for itself." Aaron Reed, spokesman for the Texas adjutant general's office, which oversees the National Guard, declined to discuss when and where guardsmen carry weapons, citing security concerns. "We've got these guys out there, and there are some things we can't say because it would endanger them," he said. While praising the guard's efforts at ports of entry, U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes, D-El Paso, said he believes it's unwise to mix armed personnel with civilian populations. "I can see a prescription for disaster," said Mr. Reyes, who was chief of the Border Patrol's El Paso Sector before being elected to Congress. - --- MAP posted-by: Jo-D