Pubdate: Sat, 07 Aug 1999
Source: Jakarta Post (Indonesia)
Copyright: The Jakarta Post
Contact:  P.O. Box 85 Palmerah Jakarta 11001
Fax: (62) (21) 5492685


JAKARTA (JP): A six-member team of police detectives, led by Jakarta
Police detective chief Col. Alex Bambang Riatmodjo, is leaving for
Hong Kong on Saturday, in connection with the arrest of 12 Indonesians
by the administrative region's customs officers for illegal drugs possession.

Alex said the police detectives would arrange meetings with the local
officials and also with the jailed Indonesians.

"If possible we will hear from the suspects (concerning) any
information about drug syndicates in our country," he said.

Asked whether the Indonesian police would seek their release, he said:
"they deserve the punishment... but as they're questioned there, we
want to hear from them about their illegal businesses."

Alex said he strongly believed that operators of drug marketing
enterprises and other narcotic-related criminal activity in the
country had an extensive network with neighboring countries, including
Hong Kong.

"The number of Indonesian nationals arrested while trying to smuggle
drugs in Hong Kong demonstrates our country's involvement in
international drug syndicates, either as suppliers or as

He, however, insisted that Indonesia had yet to be proven as a a site
for substantial drug production.

"The quality of our locally fabricated drugs, such as cheap ecstasy
pills, is far below those made in Thailand."

The 12 Indonesians were arrested at Hong Kong airport between February
1998 and April 1999 for alleged drug smuggling. The drugs were
detected within the suspects' digestive tracts or within their luggage.

The suspects, aged between 27 to 47, were apprehended for possession
of a variety of drugs, including amphetamines, methamphetamine, N-
methylephedrine hydrochlorine and ecstasy pills.
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MAP posted-by: Derek Rea