Pubdate: Sat, 07 Aug 1999 Source: New York Daily News (NY) Copyright: 1999 Daily News, L.P. Contact: Forum: Author: Timothy J. Burger RUDY, HIL SAID NO TO POT & COKE, BUT LAZIO ADMITS COLLEGE TOKE WASHINGTON--The powers that be in New York politics are now backing the two Senate contenders who say they've never used cocaine or marijuana. First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton insisted through spokesman Howard Wolfson this week that she never has used either substance — unlike her husband. President Clinton dodged drug-use queries for years — insisting he never broke U.S. law — before saying during his 1992 campaign that he smoked pot in England without inhaling. Mayor Giuliani's press secretary, Sunny Mindel, said the ex-U.S. attorney has never used either drug. Giuliani yesterday won Gov. Pataki's endorsement in the battle to replace Sen. Daniel Moynihan (D-N.Y.). Rep. Rick Lazio (R-L.I.) — who vowed to ignore Pataki and seek the GOP nomination despite Pataki's request that he quit — told the Daily News he tried pot in college but never cocaine. "I tried marijuana a few times in college. It was foolish," said Lazio, a 1980 Vassar graduate. The three top candidates for the Senate from New York responded to Daily News queries after 11 of the 12 main GOP and Democratic presidential contenders told The News on Wednesday they've never used cocaine. The News asked the question after a top Democrat accused the media of going soft on GOP front-runner Texas Gov. George W. Bush, the only candidate who refused to say whether he has tried the illegal narcotic. - --- MAP posted-by: Don Beck