Pubdate: 12 August 1999 Source: Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (WI) Copyright: 1999, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Contact: 414-224-8280 Website: Forum: INCREASE FUNDS FOR DRUG TREATMENT This is in response to the Aug. 9 letter stating that Paul Schilling's death should be a wake-up call to substance abusers to get help and clean up their acts. The problem as I see it today is that there are many people suffering from the disease of active addictions who would like help, but there is no funding available for treatment. U.S. drug czar Barry McCaffery has proposed an additional $600 million over and above the $289 million in aid already given this year to Colombia to help it fight drugs. I have been reading about budget surpluses on the federal and state level. I am not aware of anyone recommending additional funding go to treatment facilities. Milwaukee has been cutting funding, not even maintaining previous levels. You want a wake-up call? How about one that states that money for treatment and education of the disease of addiction are badly needed? Jeffrey L. Starr Milwaukee - --- MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart