Pubdate: Wed, 25 Aug 1999 Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA) Copyright: 1999 Mercury Center Contact: Author: John W. Olver DOUBLE STANDARD ON DRUGS To the editor: If George W. Bush did not use cocaine he would have said so; therefore we must assume that he did. I don't believe the chemistry that occurred when Bush used cocaine 25 years ago has any impact on his ability to perform as president. But I do think the social implications of his escapades must be considered before we vote. I would ask him if he thinks he should have gone to prison and lost his right to vote as punishment for his behavior. If not, then I expect we can look forward to some dramatic reductions in the current laws concerning drug use. If Bush does think he should have done time, then he and we know the only difference between him and thousands of convicted felons is that he didn't get caught. How can Bush stand before the nation and say he is for a fair and just society when thousands of people each year have their lives ruined over something that he thinks shouldn't create a ripple in his run for the presidency? JOHN W. OLVER San Jose - --- MAP posted-by: manemez j lovitto