Pubdate: Tue, 24 Aug 1999
Source: Seattle Post-Intelligencer (WA)
Copyright: 1999 Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Author: Linda Day

As governor. George Bush heads a prison system known for it's terrible
treatment of prisoners. The users of hard drugs and marijuana are given
lengthy terms in these Texas prisons. How can he in good conscience allow
this to happen? Each of these prisoners has a mother, father, maybe a
sister and brother or wife. They all suffer. Barbara and George would have
done the same if little Georgie were caught. If George uses his past drug
experimentation as a learning experiences, and steps up on the line
demanding redefinition of drug use and abuse and treatment of such, I'd
have a lot more respect for him. The "drug war" hurts all of us.

Be a hero, George. Release those prisoners in Texas prisons for using the
drugs you once used. That is probably your only chance. There's no other
way of winning without the support of the post war and X generation.

As governor. George Bush heads a prison system known for it's terrible
treatment of prisoners. The users of hard drugs and marijuana are given
lengthy terms in these Texas prisons. How can he in good conscience allow
this to happen? Each of these prisoners has a mother, father, maybe a
sister and brother or wife. They all suffer. Barbara and George would have
done the same if little Georgie were caught. If George uses his past drug
experimentation as a learning experiences, and steps up on the line
demanding redefinition of drug use and abuse and treatment of such, I'd
have a lot more respect for him. The "drug war" hurts all of us.

Be a hero, George. Release those prisoners in Texas prisons for using the
drugs you once used. That is probably your only chance. There's no other
way of winning without the support of the post war and X generation.

A Mom, LINDA DAY, Shoreline WA
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MAP posted-by: Keith Brilhart