Pubdate: Thu, 26 Aug 1999
Source: San Jose Mercury News (CA)
Copyright: 1999 Mercury Center
Author: Steve Lawrence


Reporters Would Get More Access

SACRAMENTO -- In a move supporters said would bolster freedom of the
press, the state Senate voted Monday to overturn prison interview
restrictions imposed on reporters by the Wilson administration.

``Freedom of the press is meaningless if the government can keep the
press from its operations,'' said Senate Minority Leader Ross Johnson,

The bill, approved 27-7, would override 1996 regulations under which
the Department of Corrections stopped arranging interviews with
inmates for reporters.

The regulations allow reporters to question prisoners they meet at
random during prison visits. They can also visit inmates during normal
visiting hours, but can be prevented from bring writing or recording
devices with them.

The bill, by Assemblywoman Carole Migden, D-San Francisco, would
require the department to schedule interviews for reporters unless the
interview threatens prison security or public safety.

It also would allow reporters to bring writing materials, tape
recorders and video cameras to the interviews.

Monday's vote sent the bill to Gov. Gray Davis.
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