Pubdate: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 
Source: Jakarta Post (Indonesia)
Copyright: The Jakarta Post
Contact:  P.O. Box 85 Palmerah Jakarta 11001
Fax: (62) (21) 5492685


JAKARTA - An Indonesian woman has been arrested in Karachi,
Pakistan, with 3.3 kilograms of heroin in her possession, city police
chief of detectives Col. Alex Bambang Riatmodjo said on Sunday.

The officer identified the woman only as R.C., in her 30s, a resident
of Bekasi Selatan.

According to Alex, the Indonesian national had been detained by the
Karachi police since last week.

"We have just received the information. I will be going to Pakistan
myself with a team to investigate the case," Alex told reporters.

He refused to give further details on the matter and the origin of the
heroin, which has a street market of roughly Rp 1 billion

In another related development, police sources at City Police revealed
that East Jakarta police detectives on Saturday apprehended a group of
five people, including an active member of the Jakarta Military
Police, for possessing a kilogram of marijuana, several grams of
shabu-shabu (a crystal metamphetamine) and heroin plus Rp 12.5 million

The five, the sources added, were caught at their homes in Kayu Putih
subdistrict, Pulogadung.

The sources close to the investigation identified the alleged military
member as First Class Private Maspher Siburian.

"The East Jakarta police handed over the private last night (Saturday
night) to his headquarters. Let his office handle the case in their
way," one of the sources said.

Maspher, he added, has admitted of once being caught with drugs before
and detained by city police.

When asked to comment further on the case, officer Alex refused to
give any information, particularly regarding officer Maspher.

"Please do not ask me about that case," Alex said laughingly. "I
wouldn't know anything about it."

According to East Jakarta Police chief Lt. Col. Tjiptono, four of the
suspects -- Saleh Loban, M. Simanjuntak, Dolok Tobing and the
low-ranking officer Maspher -- were released on Sunday due to "lack of

"Only one of them has been detained and she is Mrs. Purba," Tjiptono

When asked about Maspher, Tjiptono immediately avoided the

He explained that the raid had been preplanned based on the complaints
from local residents.

"After a tip-off from residents, we barged into a number of homes,
which had been well known in the area for drug transactions," Tjiptono

"Of the 25 people caught from those homes, five suspects have been
officially detained in this case, as drug-traffickers," he said.

The officer added that his men also arrested another drug-related
suspect during a raid on Saturday evening in Cipinang.

He identified the man only as A.H., 24.

"Police seized Rp 1.2 million, 35 grams of shabu-shabu, and at least
150 grams of marijuana from his rented room," Tjiptono said. 
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MAP posted-by: Derek Rea