Pubdate: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 Source: Sydney Morning Herald (Australia) Contact: Author: Stephen Gibbs 'I WILL KILL MYSELF WITH HEROIN' A 15-year-old boy who died of a drug overdose after being expelled from a farm for troubled youths had threatened to buy heroin and kill himself, an inquest heard yesterday. Jai Thomas Lambley died at Darlinghurst on February 11 last year, six days after he was expelled from the Triple Care Farm at Robertson, in the Southern Highlands, for sexually harassing two girls. On February 5, he had been driven to Moss Vale and told to catch a train to Campbelltown where he was supposed to attend a Department of Community Services office. But he went to Kings Cross and died. Two staff from Triple Care Farm told Glebe Coroner's Court yesterday they understood Jai had threatened to buy a hit of heroin and kill himself on the day he was expelled. Jai had been placed at the non-government run farm by DOCS after being given bail from Bidura Children's Court, where he had been found guilty of four armed robberies. The institution's manager, Mr Warren Holt, told the coroner Jai entered the farm on January 27 but did not participate properly in work programs. On February 5, after fondling and threatening two female students, he was expelled. A staff member, Mr Paul Ray, drove Jai to Moss Vale and gave him $10 for a train ticket. A DOCS officer was later told what had happened. Mr Holt said Mr Ray reported the boy had threatened to buy heroin and "do himself in". He considered the threat an outburst. Jai did not exhibit the sort of behaviour which would have convinced him the danger was real. Another staff member, Mr Trevor Summers, said Mr Ray told him Jai had threatened to burn down the farm, buy a shot of heroin and kill himself. The inquest continues. - --- MAP posted-by: Don Beck