Pubdate: Mon, 30 Aug 1999 Source: Wall Street Journal (NY) Copyright: 1999 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Contact: Author: Jackie Calmes, Staff Reporter Politics & Policy TEXAS GOV. BUSH RECEIVED HELP ON TOUGH-ON-CRIME STATISTICS WASHINGTON -- Talk about tough on crime. In George W. Bush's first eight months as Texas governor, about 30,000 more people were thrown into prison, boosting the state's already huge criminal population by nearly a third. The Republican front-runner for president does indeed talk tough on crime. But the startling lock-'em-up statistic from his first year is misleading - -- and only dramatizes how difficult it is to gauge the actual Bush record since 1995. As on a range of state issues, Mr. Bush's boasts on crime owe much to policies that his predecessor and state legislators set in motion. "Whatever one might contend George Bush did, in our prison system you will find no trace of anything, period," says Glen Castlebury, the system's director of public information. At the same time, Mr. Bush has both continued and toughened those policies, and expanded them to the juvenile system as well. The number locked in juvenile facilities is set to triple in his second term to nearly 6,300, while more teenagers can be tried and imprisoned as adults; a Bush law lowered the age to 14, from 15 to 17, and broadened the list of crimes for which youthful suspects can be tried -- and punished -- as adults. Stoked by Admissions The question of squaring Mr. Bush's crime record with his proclaimed compassionate conservatism has been stoked by the governor's own admissions of unspecified misdeeds in his own "young and irresponsible" years. He has been specific in ruling out marital infidelity and divulging that he quit drinking the day after a boozy 40th-birthday bash. But the 53-year-old baby boomer has refused to say whether he did drugs, specifically cocaine, before 1974 -- when he was 28. "I have learned from the mistakes I may or may not have made," he said in Akron, Ohio, this month, "and I'd like to share some wisdom with you: Don't do drugs." First campaigning for governor in 1994 against Democratic Gov. Ann Richards, Mr. Bush made a big issue of juvenile justice. "The bottom line is young people need to understand there'll be severe consequences for bad behavior," he said. As for adult offenders, candidate Bush zeroed in on a provision in a landmark 1993 rewrite of the state's criminal laws that mandated probation for a range of nonviolent offenses, including possession or sale of small quantities of illegal drugs -- less than a gram of cocaine, for instance. For candidate Bush, "mandatory probation" proved a good target for depicting his opponent as softer on crime and drugs, though the law's supporters note that offenders still could be given as much as six months in a county jail and other penalties. "What we had was tough, and it was also a smarter program," argues state Sen. John Whitmire, a Houston Democrat who participated in the penal-code rewrite. At the time in Texas, he says, "our overcrowding was creating a revolving door. We were letting out murderers and rapists earlier to make room" for new, lesser offenders. But many prosecutors and local judges liked the jail option; once in office, Mr. Bush got the legislature to restore judges' discretion to impose it. By then, too, Texas had built more jails. Now, as before, judges give probation to 83% of the first-time offenders in this category, according to Tony Fabelo, executive director of the Texas Criminal Justice Policy Council, an independent state agency. Limited Options Mr. Bush's focus on the mandatory-probation law as an anticrime issue reflected that little else was left to him: The new penal code that Mrs. Richards and the legislature had enacted greatly toughened other sentences for violent crimes. They had begun a massive construction program to more than double state prisons by 100,000 beds. And, under her pressure, the parole board's approval rate plummeted to 20% from nearly 80%. "Bush couldn't do anything quite as dramatically because it had already been done," says Ken Anderson, Williamson County district attorney and author of "Crime in Texas." But, he adds, "he did some things that needed to be fixed" and shifted the focus then to juvenile justice and drug laws. The prison population has grown on Mr. Bush's watch, and crime has gone down, but both trends were significantly underway. That prison spurt of his first months, to more than 128,000 from about 98,000, marked the opening of nearly half of the newly built space. And 40% of the inmates had been warehoused in county jails. Meanwhile, with a stream of new beds coming available, law enforcers from the police to the parole board more eagerly went after parole and probation violators, sending them back to the slammer. Work of Cops and Judges The prison growth "happened when George Bush was governor, but it was the cops on the street who were pulling these guys in and the district judges who were thumping them in jail," says Mr. Castlebury. "It would've happened if I'd been sitting there as governor." Today, the state prisons hold about 148,000 people -- a system that Mr. Anderson's book puts at the world's third largest, behind Russia and China. Close to a quarter are drug offenders, and past studies have indicated that drugs were a factor in crimes of about 85% of all prisoners. Under Mrs. Richards and the late Lt. Gov. Bob Bullock, both recovering alcoholics, drug treatment in prisons became a priority for the first time. The initial goal was to treat 14,000 of the new inmates. The number of spaces for drug treatment is now less than half of that early goal, but it had been whittled to about 5,800 by the time Mr. Bush took over. Cost is a big factor, but so is a lack of counselors and facilities, says Mr. Castlebury: "If you gave us all of Bill Gates's money, we could not use it all." Mr. Bush's biggest imprint has been on juvenile justice. The changes he won in his first legislative session in 1995 toughened penalties both for those under 17 who committed violent crimes and for repeat offenders of any crimes, as well as lowering to 14 the potential age for trial as an adult. Mr. Bush also got more funds to supervise juvenile probations, which in turn increased the numbers of violators being caught and reincarcerated. "Texas is a tough state on crime. You may or may not like that," says Mr. Fabelo. "But out of that premise, we have a very comprehensive policy in place to take care of juvenile crime." Diminishing Returns That said, Mr. Fabelo has warned the governor and the legislature about reaching a point of diminishing returns: "A dollar spent building a prison is a dollar less that's spent on something else" -- such as treatment and prevention programs. Bush aides say the governor does advocate those approaches as well, in particular by his call for government support of "faith-based" groups that work with prison and disadvantaged groups. Earlier this year, appearing in Austin with the governor, conservative William Bennett recalled that he first met Mr. Bush after his father, then-President Bush, had made Mr. Bennett the nation's antidrug czar. The younger Bush's advice, Mr. Bennett recalls: "Kick butt." That stance, however, is now at the heart of the issue of whether Mr. Bush should admit to doing anything when he was under 28 that today would make him liable for the very state penalties he now enforces, and toughens. An earlier article in The Wall Street Journal noted rumors of drug use by Mr. Bush but found that people spreading the rumors had no evidence and that dozens of people who knew him well doubted the veracity of such rumors. While Mr. Bush still continues to insist he won't buckle to what he calls the press and political foes' "politics of personal destruction," the pressure grows from among Republicans. Even Mr. Bennett, who has said Mr. Bush's youthful acts shouldn't haunt him, just last week wrote an opinion piece for the Journal headlined, "Answer the Question." - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake