Becker, Dean 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US CA: PUB LTE: Violence Arises From The Drug WarWed, 23 Oct 2013
Source:East Bay Express (CA) Author:Becker, Dean Area:California Lines:24 Added:10/26/2013

Over the decades of the drug war we have seen countless headlines reporting "drug-related" crimes of violence and drug-induced frenzy. What is not reported, and perhaps never even considered, is that the madness and violence being reported almost always arises not from a person too high to realize what they are doing, but rather from implementing the mechanisms of the drug war.

Dean Becker, Houston, Texas


2 US TX: PUB LTE: Courage And LogicFri, 17 Jun 2011
Source:Houston Chronicle (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:25 Added:06/18/2011

Following the release of the report from the Global Commission on Drugs, the U.S. drug czar's office sought to challenge the intellect of current and former presidents of foreign nations as well as esteemed U.S. officials with the response that these high-echelon leaders from around the world were "misguided."

The drug czar and his fellow drug war addicts must find the courage to debate this issue in an open, public venue. The Chronicle, by way of their editorial, has hastened the arrival of that glorious day. Thank you!

Dean Becker, Houston


3 US TX: PUB LTE: View From FoxThu, 14 Apr 2011
Source:Houston Chronicle (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:35 Added:04/16/2011

Would that the editorial writer, who applauds the efforts of Texas Congressman Michael McCaul in seeking to double down in fighting the Mexican drug war, had heard the speech of Mexico's former president, Vicente Fox, recently at Texas A&M University.

Fox posed a simple question: "Why do you expect us to stop the drug flow across the border when you can't stop the same drugs from crossing multiple state borders and being distributed all over the U.S.?" He also said there was more marijuana grown in California than in Mexico.

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4 US: Web: Pissing on Drug Warrior GravesFri, 10 Jul 2009
Source:DrugSense Weekly (DSW) Author:Becker, Dean Area:United States Lines:75 Added:07/10/2009

Those who support drug prohibition are the best friends the drug lords could ever hope for.

Drug warriors stand in eternal support of Osama bin Laden and worldwide terrorism; they are the wind beneath the wings of the barbarous cartels in Mexico and serve as home boys to the violent gangs that run roughshod in our neighborhoods. Drug war proponents have crafted policies that ensure ever increasing numbers of deaths from overdose, street corner shoot outs and from diseases that could have been prevented via a more intelligent policy.

[continues 504 words]

5 US TX: PUB LTE: Addicts Can Recover; Convicts Usually Don'tMon, 31 Dec 2007
Source:Amarillo Globe-News (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:47 Added:01/02/2008

(Re: Dec. 28 letter, "Drug legalization isn't the answer," by Wayne C. Williams.)

As another former law officer, I understand the need to justify helping send people to prison for decades.

Williams' statement, "Surely (former Officer Howard J.) Wooldridge has worked cases where lowlifes commit crimes in order to feed their habit," misses the point. The criminal justice system treats drug-users like lowlifes whether they have committed other crimes or not.

Dec. 17 marked 93 years since the passage of the Harrison Narcotics Act. Since then, more than 38 million Americans have been arrested for plant products in their pockets.

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6 US TX: PUB LTE: Train Heading South With CashThu, 25 Oct 2007
Source:Houston Chronicle (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:30 Added:10/27/2007

Over the lifetime of the drug war, we have given U.S. law enforcement more than $1 trillion to stop the flow of drugs. And over that same time frame terrorists, dangerous cartels and violent gangs have received more than $10 trillion to continue the flow.

How can we possibly believe that this basically feeble amount will work to circumvent drug sellers when they make $10 for every $1 we spend trying to stop them?

The money that has been frittered away on this drug war would fill a string of boxcars nine miles long stuffed with hundred dollar bills. How much more?

Dean Becker



7 US TX: PUB LTE: A 'Jihad' On UsersSun, 24 Dec 2006
Source:Houston Chronicle (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:50 Added:12/24/2006

The Dec. 19 Chronicle article "Houston's rise in violent crime outpaces U.S." said that "violent crime in Houston increased at nearly twice the national level." Certain deductions about this near doubling of violent crime in Houston are obvious.

Houston and Harris County lead the world in the incarceration of our citizenry; mostly for drug charges, minor amounts, empty bags, empty pipes or for failing a urine test for drugs. Our jails are so overcrowded that prisoners sleep underneath bunks and next to toilets, and we are contemplating building additional jails to house more drug users. Our jails and prisons are so swamped with drug prisoners that we find it necessary to provide early release to violent criminals to make room for these minor drug offenders.

[continues 201 words]

8 US TX: Column: Drug Users Are Unconditionally ExterminableThu, 01 Jun 2006
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:84 Added:06/01/2006

The questions I pose in response to the 90 plus years of anti-drug propaganda, hysteria and vicious and ugly war are simple and yet no response has ever been received from the drug warriors the true outlaws of the drug war:

Is it possible to curtail our children's easy access to drugs?

What can we do to destroy the cartels, terrorist groups, violent gangs and the institutional corruption that thrives because of drug prohibition?

How can we cut back on the number of overdoses and diseases caused by drug use?

[continues 520 words]

9 US TX: Column: The Drug War Is Not For The ChildrenSat, 01 Apr 2006
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:106 Added:04/01/2006

The Drug War is NOT for the children.

It is for cowards who wear badges

It is for charlatans who wear black robes

It is for politicians afraid of losing your vote

Prohibition is a scam that robs our society at every level

Prohibition ensures that every year, our law enforcement community wastes a hundred million man-hours, busting little Johnny's for bags of reefer. Millions and millions of man-hours searching trunks, under the seat, rifling through ashtrays.

The effort, wasted on this drug war is enormous, outrageous. Cops, sheriffs' deputies, DEA, CIA, FBI, justice department, state police, rangers, US military, Interpol, customs, border patrol, IRS agents, forestry service, the list is endless, of those involved in "fighting" the first of the eternal wars, the war on drugs.

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10 US TX: Column: Guns, Oil, DrugsWed, 01 Mar 2006
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:89 Added:03/01/2006

The United States now exists and has existed for approaching one hundred years as the most overall prosperous nation on the planet. Our people have, in comparison to the vast, overwhelming majority of the peoples of earth, thrived, like no other nation in history.

We did it by managing the world's economic system in a way that ensured our dominance in three specific areas: Guns, Oil & Drugs.

Those now in power, at the executive, congressional and judicial positions, at both the state and federal level, have sold the rights and financial futures of their constituents for less than a penny on the dollar in a brazen theft of public funds, "legally" given over to corporate charlatans and their lobbyist pimps.

[continues 602 words]

11 US TX: Column: Drug Lords Rule!Wed, 01 Feb 2006
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:89 Added:02/01/2006

Who are the drug lords? The administrators of the smuggling cartels live lives of luxury in Bogota, Kabul and Mexico City. The upper echelons, the enablers, live in D.C., New York, London and Houston. Who are the drug lords, the REAL kingpins? They are bankers, pharmaceutical houses, oil companies, construction companies, weapons manufacturers and a thousand other corporate interests whose very existence depends on violence, hatred, distrust and deception. The prohibition of drugs is the ideal means to continuously ratchet up the rhetoric.

[continues 609 words]

12 US TX: PUB LTE: Jaded But Hurting For TeenMon, 02 Jan 2006
Source:Houston Chronicle (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:39 Added:01/02/2006

I monitor the news about the drug war on a daily basis. I've become somewhat jaded to the ever escalating number of arrests and killings, but the City and State cover story on Friday, "Teen killed in shooting laid to rest / Mourners asked to remember not how he died but how he had lived," tugged at my heart. Perhaps it hurts more because it's local or because Jonathan Finkelman was only 16 years old, but no matter the details, it hurts every time one of our children is laid to rest because of drug prohibition.

[continues 115 words]

13 US TX: Column: Fear and Loathing EverywhereThu, 15 Dec 2005
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:89 Added:12/15/2005

December 17th makes 91 years of success in the drug war. Ninety-one years since the signing of the Harrison Narcotics Act.

We have spent more than 11 TRILLION dollars in making prohibition a success. We have arrested and destroyed the lives of tens of millions of Americans for possessing flowers or other plant extracts. We have sentenced young people to prison terms totaling more than 100 million man-years behind bars. Drugs are cheaper now, more pure than ever before and our children have easier access to drugs than at any time in our history.

[continues 529 words]

14 US TX: PUB LTE: No Death Toll From the DrugFri, 10 Jun 2005
Source:Houston Chronicle (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:30 Added:06/12/2005

If this country is going to allow federal authorities to prosecute sick people whose doctors prescribe marijuana to ease pain, then the so-called conservative Supreme Court has shown itself as something other than conservative and far from compassionate. True conservatives would strive for a smaller federal reach into our lives. Yet this court wants to use a sledge hammer to kill a firefly.

The court's decision to allow surveillance and control of America's gardens and windowsills is ludicrous.

Perhaps 100 million Americans have used marijuana in their lifetimes, and 15 million use it at least once a month. There is still no death toll from using marijuana.



15 US TX: PUB LTE: Regulating Distribution of Drugs Would Hit Pocketbooks of Drug CTue, 24 May 2005
Source:New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:64 Added:05/24/2005

I want to thank Ron Maloney for addressing the problem of drug prohibition.

For more than 90 years this "drug war" has wrought havoc on our communities, our nation and indeed the whole world. We have invested more than half a trillion US tax dollars for absolutely zero results. Despite the arrest of tens of millions of our fellow citizens for baggies of powders, flowers and pills, drugs are cheaper, purer and more freely available to our children than ever before.

[continues 320 words]

16 US TX: PUB LTE: US Drug Policy InsaneMon, 18 Apr 2005
Source:Monitor, The (McAllen, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:38 Added:04/19/2005

To the editor:

By God, it was wonderful to see such bold and evident truth in The Monitor regarding the failure of the drug war ("Nothing to show: U.S. anti-drug policy fails in Colombia," April 12).

Your editorial stated cleanly what has become ever more obvious. The U.S.-mandated/world drug policy does indeed correlate to your phrase: "Insanity has been described as doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results each time."

Ninety years, more than half a trillion dollars frittered away, tens of millions of non-violent U.S. citizens' and their families' lives destroyed by drug arrests, needless overdose deaths, black-market purchases funding the terrorists, cartels and violent gangs that mean us harm.

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17 US TX: Column: Fear Makes the Drug War PossibleFri, 15 Apr 2005
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:100 Added:04/15/2005

Fear... could make this drug war... last forever!

Without the superstition, demonization and the public's blind acceptance of our venerable witch doctor's pronouncements, drug prohibition would easily be seen as the utter failure... of all time.

Our shaman, our keepers of the public morals... in this case, the Attorney General, the Drug Czar, the administrator of the DEA, these are the chief shaman, our witch doctors if you will.

"Give one of these Mexican beet workers a few puffs... from a marijuana cigarette, and he'll think he's just been elected president of Mexico... and set out to kill all his enemies." ... That's an actual quote from the legislative "proceedings" just before the first marijuana law was passed in the state of Wyoming.... What we have been doing in the US, for the last 100 years or so, is vilifying certain of our brethren, because they do drugs. Somewhat like the US civil war, which pitted brother against brother, father against son, so too does the drug war; pit us against one another over ideologies.

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18 US TX: Column: Drugs Are Dangerous! Mmm-kay?Fri, 01 Apr 2005
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:103 Added:04/01/2005

Violent enforcers of the drug cartels are rampaging on both sides of the Mexican/US border killing cops, journalists and innocent civilians. Osama bin Laden and the Taliban are harvesting tens of millions of dollars each year from their control of the Afghan drug trade. Drug gangs in the US are responsible for needless and countless deaths, mutilations and other violent and reprehensible acts designed to ensure their sales turf remains intact. Each year hundreds of thousands of Americans contract HIV, Hep C or other deadly diseases because government policy will not allow for easy exchange or sales of hypodermic syringes.

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19 US TX: PUB LTE: Drug Warriors Learn Nothing During Past 90 YearsMon, 28 Mar 2005
Source:Amarillo Globe-News (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:41 Added:03/28/2005

Your March 23 editorial, "Meth dangers far outweigh illogical claims of legalization," states that "(m)ethamphetamine is everywhere," and you rally for the continuation of this 90-year-old policy that now ensures our children have "convenient" access to drugs.

Those who support our current drug war are in effect mandating the continuance of the financial bonanza that nourishes terrorist organizations, drug cartels and street corner vendors, who annually rake in a total of $500 billion worldwide. It is because of drug prohibition (in effect, the world's largest multi-level marketing organization), that we have problems of overdose deaths, the spread of AIDS and Hepatitis C, violent gangs and easy access to drugs for our children.

[continues 79 words]

20 CN AB: PUB LTE: Editorial On RCMP Murder Missed Point, Says TexanTue, 22 Mar 2005
Source:Lacombe Globe, The (CN AB) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Alberta Lines:42 Added:03/26/2005

Dear Editor,

Your editorial entitled `We'll remember' (March 8) stated: "It's our responsibility to support the men and women dedicating themselves to protecting our communities from the pitfalls of a destructive culture. Mayerthorpe's horror must not be forgotten. We must collectively support the community and stand behind law-enforcement heroes still carrying the torch that four of their associates died believing in."

There are none who would argue your point. These gentlemen died in support of community, future and freedom, and we could best serve their memory by truly opening the dialogue regarding the origins, the underlying premises that make prohibition an eternal and unwinnable war on ourselves.

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21 CN AB: PUB LTE: Marijuana Issue Not ExaminedFri, 18 Mar 2005
Source:Medicine Hat News (CN AB) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Alberta Lines:33 Added:03/19/2005

Re: Tougher Laws Not The Answer, Our Opinions, C4

In his editorial Matthew Grant claimed marijuana proponents want to experiment with society, when in actuality it is the prohibition itself that is a deviation from what was the norm.

He claims we might suffer diminished immune deficiencies, reduced lung capacity and perhaps even a bout with cancer if we puff the herb. Show me the bodies.

His unwillingness to fully examine the evidence on this matter, his ability to embrace a distant, potential threat and to use that precognition as reason sufficient to continue the arrest of our fellow citizens for putting themselves at risk, (in his opinion,) makes it glaringly obvious he "can't handle the truth."

Dean Becker

Houston, TX


22 US TX: Column: Just How Evil?Tue, 15 Mar 2005
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:92 Added:03/15/2005

Every day I write and report in numerous ways that "the emperor has no clothes" (and smells like week-old death.) I implore and cajole, I constantly yell "fire" in a burning theater and yet, most of you do nothing, nothing at all to end the madness of drug war. I see you in public venues, I take your calls and advise you as best I can and yet you do nothing.

The drug warriors, those who thrive on eternal drug war refuse to debate me, to interview with me, to email or write me or to even talk with me in public. They are evil; they live in a fabricated world comprised of lies, pilfered profits and mutually protective rackets. To encourage you to grasp this truth, to make the leap of faith and take the initiative to DO SOMETHING to make the drug war dry up and blow away, following is a snapshot description of the evil these bastards bring to the table every day of the year:

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23 US TX: Column: US Wins Drug War!Tue, 01 Mar 2005
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:102 Added:03/01/2005

What if the government finally managed to remove all illegal drugs from the streets of America?

The crime rate would fall by almost 50%. Accidental overdose deaths would basically disappear and children would no longer have easy access to drugs.

The prison industrial complex would boom like never before, with an annual influx of 2 1/2 Trillion dollars from government coffers. The unemployment rate would drop to zero as we staffed the thousands of new prisons with guards and support staff. More than 100 million US users of black market and redirected pharmaceutical drugs would be off the streets and behind bars.

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24 US TX: Column: What Will It Take?Tue, 15 Feb 2005
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:111 Added:02/16/2005

365 days a year, a few thousand drug reformers work to ensure your freedom. Many of you understand that and appreciate the effort, the daily sticking of the neck into the noose for a "fitting". Most of you then pick up the remote and go to Orange County. You have been hypnotized, repeatedly raped, robbed and buggered in numerous ways then placed back on your living room couch (click) for home-brewed, individually designed, therapy "viddies".

"Everything is broken..." As Mr. R. Zimmerman begins his umpteenth tour, we should once again heed his words. When it's all broken, the mind wants to shut down, to find a nice cave and do rituals designed to cover up and eliminate the dread and fear that current circumstance allows. If successful in destroying the lust for life and outgoing nature of the American "dreamers", the corporataucracy will have achieved world domination quite simply with the push of a button... a button they trained the populace to push in case of danger.

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25 US TX: Column: Drug War, a DisgraceTue, 01 Feb 2005
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:100 Added:01/31/2005

I work daily to expose the mechanisms of fraud, institutionalized for ninety years that demonize and penalize our fellow man for making a nebulous choice of intoxicant. Those who possess minor amounts of certain commodities, not manufactured by the fortune 500 may be subjected to penalties more severe than for skyjacking, terrorism and manslaughter, combined. This is not the face of justice.

90 years ago our leaders told us to circle the wagons, "barbarians are ambushing our children!" (With drugs.) Dutifully we created a civilization cloaked in fear, awaiting the dread onslaught. The death, disease and destruction, created within this loop of "security" have been ignored because we've been told that to change our focus might allow our barriers to be broached. Those who thus claim to protect us by way of eternal drug prohibition, are in fact, if not with intent, party to the "attack" on our society and whether through ignorance or collusion, in league with the drug traffickers.

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26 US TX: PUB LTE: Answer to Drug Trade ...Sat, 22 Jan 2005
Source:Dallas Morning News (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:42 Added:01/22/2005

Re: "A Culture of Murder - Fueled by the drug trade, young men in some Dallas neighborhoods find it too easy to pull the trigger," Jan. 16 news story.

Various proponents (and beneficiaries) of drug prohibition expound on the "benefits" and processes of this eternal war on our young people.

I wonder if Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle thought through his statement, "If there is a single common denominator in violent crime, it's going to be the drug issue - issues of turf and drug dealers ripping each other off." I wonder when was the last time the chief heard of a Budweiser distributor rubbing out a Coors dealer in a turf war.

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27 US TX: Column: Crackajuana KILLS!Sat, 15 Jan 2005
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:94 Added:01/17/2005

John Walters, the Drug Czar, tours the Americas, proclaiming cannabis is more dangerous than crack and twice the danger of biker meth. Walters says there are no legitimate medical organizations that support medical cannabis yet there are in fact more than 100, including the American Public Health Association, the American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Nurses Association, (some 6 million strong.) The Czar also claims that we are winning the war on drugs, yet most drugs are cheaper, purer and more available to our children than ever before, especially Afghan heroin. Walters' cracking down on cannabis users makes sure the cost of this one drug continues to rise. Cannabis can now cost more per ounce than pure gold. The czar proclaims it a great success that young people are now using less cannabis. He never mentions that our children are inhaling more (cheap) solvents, injecting more Oxycontin and doing more binge drinking nor does he reference the fact that the war on cannabis represents approximately 50% of his enormous budget.

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28 US TX: PUB LTE: Dope More Dear Than GoldThu, 06 Jan 2005
Source:Houston Chronicle (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:47 Added:01/08/2005

Regarding the Chronicle's Jan. 3 editorial "Diversion/Reducing penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana is a sensible idea": This common-sense analysis should embolden readers to contact their state legislators referencing the editorial as a strong stepping-stone toward sanity in the drug war.

The label of marijuana was used by the first drug czar, Harry J. Anslinger, to create "reefer madness" over a "creeping danger" infiltrating our nation by way of "Mexican hoodlums." Now forgotten by most is the fact that until 1937, cannabis was sold over the counter in a dozen varieties, including extracts and tinctures prescribed by doctors, and was listed for 70 years in the U.S. pharmacopeia.

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29 US TX: Column: One Big PartySat, 01 Jan 2005
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:94 Added:01/02/2005

So how was your New Years? Did you scarf down half a turkey and pass out on Christmas day? "L-Tryptophan", what a nice, natural downer it is. Did you attend any big parties; did you align yourself with your buds?

The Republicans are having a party; an eternal party and we're all invited. I've decided that despite my lack of "rightful" leanings and my proclivity to forgo anything that smacks of partisanship I'm going to become a Republican, with a capital R. To me it seems the Democrats say they get it, and then act like Republicans if elected. The Libs, Greens and others get it and though I am for 3rd, 4th and even a 20th political party having success in the US, I think it will be easier to simply awaken, embolden and redirect the party of Lincoln.

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30 US OK: PUB LTE: Current Scenario Worst Of WorldsWed, 29 Dec 2004
Source:Muskogee Daily Phoenix (OK) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Oklahoma Lines:43 Added:12/29/2004

The writer asked on Dec. 16, "How anyone could suggest the legalization of methamphetamine is a good idea?"

By ending the prohibition of drugs, we will reduce crime in the United States by 50 percent in the first year. We will eliminate the reason for which most violent street gangs exist. If we were brave, we would immediately destroy the drug cartels that thrive in Colombia and Afghanistan.

Without the impediment of drug prohibition, we would end accidental drug overdose deaths. We could redirect hundreds of billions of our precious tax dollars away from persecuting non-violent Americans to more worthwhile endeavors, like arresting the criminals and the terrorists that mean us harm.

[continues 80 words]

31 US TX: Column: God ModeThu, 16 Dec 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:92 Added:12/16/2004

Ever play those video games where you can earn points to achieve enhanced states, with infinite ammunition or improved health for your pixilated warrior? Some games allow you to enter a code or password to reach a "God Mode" status wherein you never run out of bullets, you never get hurt and you can never die.

The US government is in God Mode. They have the weapons; they have the money, the power and the "moral" obligation, a veritable "mandate from God", for their eternal wars of "liberation." This "mandate" holds true for the proclaimed eternal war of terror as well as for the interminable, now 90 year old war of drugs.

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32 US TX: Column: Peasants Of The FieldWed, 01 Dec 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:97 Added:12/03/2004

Why does the drug war continue? For what reason do we pour a total of $550 billion dollars or more down the rat hole of drug prohibition each year?

Have we stemmed the tide of drugs coming from Colombia, Mexico, Afghanistan, Jamaica and the home grown of the USA? The answer is a resounding NO! Drugs are much more available, purer and cheaper than when President Nixon declared this drug war.

Have we managed to cut down on the violence of the drug war by arresting record numbers of non-violent drug users? Again, the answer is NO! Even though we arrest 1.6 million US citizens every year for drugs, the number of users continues to climb and the violence associated with control of neighborhoods by street gangs continues.

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33 US TX: Column: Burning BushMon, 15 Nov 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:95 Added:11/17/2004

Without his dear savior, our esteemed leader would be resigned to clearing brush 365. Jesus loves Bush so much, that he created a miracle on November 2. The man who cannot pronounce a four-sylable word, who cannot speak a full sentence without looking at his notes has once again been selected to be the leader of planet Earth.

Tom Ridge has his color code for threats to America, a veritable rainbow that ranges from peace to Armageddon. So too do we now have a more simple code, to determine patriotism. Those who look in Bush's face and see the eyes of God are patriots, red-blooded defenders of the USA. Anyone who perceives less than perfection in Bush's eyes is a blue-blooded insurgent, intent on destroying the American dream.

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34 US TX: Column: Crazy Like a Fox. (Network Exec)Mon, 01 Nov 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:98 Added:11/05/2004

Fear, paranoia and division, that's what the Bush junta exudes from every pore.

Despite the fact that they were on watch, despite the fact that they have screwed the pooch numerous times on live TV, despite the fact they have squandered hundreds of billions of our tax dollars, despite the fact they have no plan to extricate us from this fiasco in Iraq, they claim FEAR, huge hulking fear to be our only salvation.

As a 56 year old Texan, I've been watching little W for decades, (I managed the audit which collapsed his second "oil company", Harken energy), and I must warn you, "if his lips are moving... he's lying."

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35 US TX: Column: Meet the New Boss. Same As the Old Boss.Fri, 15 Oct 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:104 Added:10/16/2004

Who Will Steer Us into Oblivion for the Next Few Years?

The debates have shown the majority of voters that 1. W's rushes to judgment are democratic or that 2. Big John's resolve will save the republic. I fear we will choose the greater of two evils. Bush offers his neocon brethren a few more years of world supremacy, which is all they need before Jesus returns for his children. Simply blow up the Temple Mount to light the fire that will be a beacon to God and shazam! Jesus shows up with an attitude like little W's. Sinners beware!

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36 US TX: PUB LTE: Grassroots Movement Drug War InsanityThu, 14 Oct 2004
Source:Houston Press (TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:40 Added:10/14/2004

Thanks to writer Michael Serazio and the Houston Press for their courage ["Reefer Madness," September 30]. It takes balls to attack the perversion of the U.S. drug laws, and your attack against the marijuana "laws" is certainly a bold first step.

In the 90-year-old "prohibition of drugs," commerce worldwide in these prohibited drugs amounts to some $500 billion per year.

There is no justice, no logic, no truth involved, no scientifically justifiable reason for this drug war -- none, zero, zilch. Bankers, government contractors and pharmaceutical houses lead the charge for the everlasting, ever-escalating drug war. Millions of suppliers, guard union members and pot growers supplement the call for more of our young people to be arrested for making a nebulous choice as to their intoxicants.

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37 US TX: Column: I Am Your CanaryFri, 01 Oct 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:110 Added:10/06/2004

Like the proverbial canary in the coalmine, please let my life serve to protect yours. I urge you to join up or hide and watch.

The drug czar, John Walters is a horse's ass. John Ashcroft is a cretin, a slime ball scuz bucket whore. Locally the district attorney is a back woods, superstitious "fund-a-mentalist" dispenser of "justice" that would make Judge Roy Bean proud. Our mayor White lives only to serve his corporate masters and of course our Texas boy W is a self contained unit of ignorance whose connection to God has destroyed tens of thousands of innocent lives.

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38 US TX: Column: Bayou City CompassionWed, 15 Sep 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:98 Added:09/18/2004

Has a nice ring to it, right? The effort, formerly known as Project Housterdam is making progress with our city council. I thrice berated the council, told the mayor he was responsible for sending thousands of our young people to jail for basically no reason. I informed them that they were part of a conspiracy of silence, culpable, responsible. guilty of sins of omission as well as of commission.

Silence. wide-eyed and complete. silence.

We brought Emily Reilley, the former mayor of Santa Cruz and now a councilwoman to speak to the Houston city council. Before her speech, she talked to the mayors' aide, she schmoozed with the Houston council members and she helped open the door to progress about medical marijuana and the whole damned drug war.

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39 US TX: Column: Declaration of Evident TruthWed, 01 Sep 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:101 Added:09/01/2004

This third millennium offers a fresh perspective on life, the future, liberty and truth.

On this day, I pledge to uphold all valid and reasonable laws of the United States government, the individual States thereof and all laws of the city and county where I may live; except for those laws which have been shown by modern science, logic and understanding to be unfounded, based on lies and which were designed to vilify and persecute a segment of our society for the benefit of another, prohibitionist segment. This prohibition now extends to the use of certain drugs. These prohibitions specifically deny the use of the cannabis plant, for which I now make an exception to my allegiance to these aforementioned laws.

[continues 649 words]

40 US TX: Column: Be Not AfraidMon, 16 Aug 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:97 Added:08/23/2004

The drug Czar of the America's, Mr. John Walters is a charlatan, a perpetrator of prevarication, a prostitute for the pharmaceutical palaces, an aide to the Afghan drug lords and a pawn of terrorists worldwide.

I began my latest odyssey in wrangling the Czar on August 23rd with this invitation to Sonya Salstrom, an assistant to the Director of Public Affairs of the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the ONDCP: "I am having a difficult time in getting an interview with anyone dedicated to further enforcement of the drug prohibition laws. I understand that you see great harms in marijuana, more so than with heroin or cocaine, at a time when many are calling for reform of all these laws, more especially so in regards to marijuana."

[continues 654 words]

41 US NC: PUB LTE: Mumpower Is A Pawn Of The Drug LordsWed, 11 Aug 2004
Source:Mountain Xpress (NC) Author:Becker, Dean Area:North Carolina Lines:81 Added:08/11/2004

Vice Mayor Carl Mumpower called for a truce with Texans who see dysfunction in the mechanisms of the drug war [Letters, July 21]. But the vice mayor tears down the white flag and turns logic on its head with his list of six "solutions."

Mumpower says all pot smokers are airheads and all hard-drug users are predators. Carl Sagan, William F. Buckley and Bing Crosby were/are airheads? Dr. William Stewart Halsted, widely recognized as "the father of modern surgery" and as one of the four founders of Johns Hopkins Medical Center, was a "predator" because of his lifelong addiction to morphine?

[continues 495 words]

42 US TX: Column: Pot Stinks!Sun, 01 Aug 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:93 Added:08/06/2004

No doubt about it, everything about pot stinks. Once the plants get over a foot tall, you can smell them in the breeze growing in the wild. Once you kill the males and the female flowers start blooming, the breeze carries a truly enticing aroma.

If you should fire up a doobie in your car of more potent pot like Haze or Skunk, your car will forever, (almost) smell like Pepe Le Pew. Cops love that smell, that means they get to cuff you and give you and your car a most intimate groping.

[continues 680 words]

43 US TX: Column: Drug War On TrialFri, 16 Jul 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:92 Added:07/16/2004

There's a cozy little trial happening over at the 333rd District Court. Judge Halbach seems to have a fair and open court; the problem lies in the lies of the Chambers County drug task force. Racial profiling leads the laundry list of drug-war-gone-bad tactics, that also includes forgery, theft, legal malfeasance, fabrication of drug cases, fraud, computer piracy, perjury and civil rights violations. Perhaps we've become jaded, (the nightly "Cops" airings would tend to indicate otherwise), the media has been conspicuous in their absence from this trial.

[continues 692 words]

44 US TX: Column: Drugs Are Good!Thu, 01 Jul 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:91 Added:07/05/2004

The American people love drugs, all kinds of drugs. Recent polls indicate that a majority of US citizens have used some form of illegal drugs. Whether that's marijuana, cocaine, heroin or LSD or if it's using someone else's pain pills or muscle relaxers, it's all illegal, subject to the same provisions of the laughingly named "Controlled Substances Act."

Marijuana use as sacrament, for health or for just plain relaxing and fun is a federal crime, subject to sentences that can range to the penalty of death if your thumb is too green. We must remember, that in its 8,000-year history, marijuana has never killed anyone. Use of coca or opium products from the horribly inept black market, is responsible for less than 10% of the number killed each year by bumbling pharmacists at Eckerd's and Walgreen's.

[continues 626 words]

45 US TX: Column: Drug War 'Ark of the Covenant' is EmptyTue, 15 Jun 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:96 Added:06/19/2004

For 89 1/2 years, we have escalated the mechanisms, the bloodshed, the deaths, disease and misery of our nation through our policy of "drug prohibition". Based on racial screeds and hysterical posturing, the drug war has taken on a life of its' own.

There is no justice, no logic, no basis whatsoever to this drug war. There is not one person of stature within the legislature, not one cop or drug czar, not one doctor or journalist who dares to defend this drug war policy in an open, public debate. It cannot be done. The prohibition of drugs is a sham, the largest fraud ever perpetrated on the peoples of this earth.

[continues 653 words]

46 US TX: Column: Ayatollah Ashcroft And Associates AccountableTue, 01 Jun 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:95 Added:06/07/2004

The Federal, "Marijuana Tax Act" of 1937 was declared Unconstitutional in 1969 by a Supreme Court ruling in "Timothy Leary Vs. USA". Suddenly without means to persecute their jihad against the oh-so-dangerous pot smokers of this earth, the Justice department and the US Congress in 1970 pulled another unconstitutional law from their nether regions: "The Controlled Substances Act."

Timothy Leary, had been found guilty of sneaking marijuana INTO Mexico, but was later found innocent by the "Supremes" when they determined the MJ Tax act was illegal and unconstitutional because it required the 60's "guru of LSD" to incriminate himself were he to seek a federal tax stamp for his stash.

[continues 660 words]

47 US TX: Column: Justice Denied: Houston Crime Lab Not CredibleFri, 16 Apr 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:123 Added:04/18/2004

1. Our drug laws have in place mechanisms designed (supposedly,) to ensure proper procedures, exact gathering of evidence, proper analysis of that evidence and truthful presentation of facts gathered to a court of law. In Tulia Texas, a lone undercover narcotics agent named Tom Coleman stood alone, providing the only evidence presented to the courts, that indicted 39 black residents of the town, sending some of them to prison for terms of 60 years or more for sales of minor amounts of powder cocaine.

[continues 830 words]

48 US TX: Column: Prohibition of Drugs Is the Greatest Evil inThu, 01 Apr 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:90 Added:04/01/2004

Be it understood that those who postulate bad science or otherwise fight for the continuation of prohibition are veritable minions of Satan. Those benefiting from drug prohibition include most of the worst of the criminals in our midst. Growers reap small recompense, smugglers a hundred times more and distributors a thousand. At the top of the pyramid of crime that is prohibition, are the bankers that launder the money, the corporations that ship goods in lieu of cash transfer and the corrupt politicians, law enforcement officials and media that continuously feast on the contributions of these money launderers.

[continues 626 words]

49 US TX: Column: The 'Gateway Theory' Is Alive Again and Quite ValidMon, 01 Mar 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:174 Added:03/07/2004

Not the one the government tries to sell, about marijuana leading to heroin.

No, the gateway theory with teeth, is the one where the government itself encourages us to use heroin.

The Bush economy, though supposedly becoming more robust for the stock market and corporate profits is a big dud when it comes to actual jobs for lower and middle class workers. I know, I have been unemployed for almost two years now. I have managed to get by on unemployment benefits and selling George Bush Voodoo Dolls.

[continues 1358 words]

50 US TX: Column: I Am a TerroristMon, 09 Feb 2004
Source:Free Press, The (Houston, TX) Author:Becker, Dean Area:Texas Lines:159 Added:02/09/2004

At least that's what the government ads about marijuana users would have you think. I dared to believe in the US constitution, the Declaration of Independence and the bill of rights. That's my bad, the government would have you believe. Yet I have harmed nobody, broken none of the Ten Commandments and have no agenda of destruction to follow.

I am a pot smoker, basically just like tens of millions of Americans. What I have done to offend the government's sensibilities is to dare to question why the emperor wears no clothes. Each day of the year, I challenge the basic mechanisms of the drug war and the direct parallel to the newest of the eternal wars, the war of terror.

[continues 1212 words]

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