Emery, Jodie 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN ON: OPED: Government Goes For Reefer Monopoly MadnessFri, 15 Sep 201788
2 CN ON: OPED: Government Goes For Reefer Monopoly MadnessFri, 15 Sep 201788
3      CN ON: OPED: Government Monopoly Case Of Reefer MadnessTue, 12 Sep 2017Excerpt
4 CN ON: OPED: Proposed Pot Legislation Prohibits And PunishesWed, 19 Apr 201792
5      Canada: Oped: Pot Plan Means Harsher Laws And PunishmentTue, 18 Apr 2017Excerpt
6 CN BC: PUB LTE: Vancouver Should Stop Aggressive Pot BylawThu, 23 Jun 201635
7 CN BC: PUB LTE: City's Pot Bylaws Need a RethinkThu, 23 Jun 201636
8 CN BC: PUB LTE: 4/20 Garbage Was No IssueFri, 29 Apr 201627
9 CN BC: PUB LTE: Pot Fears DebunkedFri, 04 Mar 201644
10 CN BC: PUB LTE: Girl's Case Shows Why Pot Should Be LegalizedThu, 09 Jul 201540
11 CN BC: PUB LTE: Executing Drug Users Is Certainly No SolutionSun, 11 Aug 201343
12      Canada: OPED: Victims Of The Drug WarThu, 19 Apr 2012Excerpt
13 CN BC: PUB LTE: Story On Medicinal Pot Unfair To Marc EmeryFri, 27 May 201143
14 CN BC: PUB LTE: Prisoner GiftsTue, 21 Dec 201029
15 CN AB: PUB LTE: Modified Definition Of 'Serious Crime'Sat, 14 Aug 201036
16 CN AB: PUB LTE: Doobie-us LawsThu, 12 Aug 201037
17 Canada: PUB LTE: Build Hospitals, Not More JailsThu, 24 Jun 201034
18 Canada: PUB LTE: Pot And PoliticsWed, 26 May 201035
19 CN AB: PUB LTE: Emery's Treatment UnjustTue, 18 May 201036
20 CN BC: PUB LTE: Pot ManoeuvresSun, 16 May 201034
21 Canada: PUB LTE: Jaffer's Hypocrisy on DisplayMon, 15 Mar 201033
22 CN BC: PUB LTE: My Husband Shouldn't Be Extradited To The U.S.Wed, 20 Jan 201032
23 Canada: PUB LTE: Canadians Should Serve Prison Time In CanadaFri, 27 Nov 200941
24 Canada: PUB LTE: Ask Health Experts, Not The PoliceThu, 22 Oct 200933
25 CN BC: PUB LTE: Federal Drug Policy More Harmful Than CannabisWed, 16 Sep 200936
26 CN BC: PUB LTE: Impaired Charges Should Rely On Driver'sWed, 18 Mar 200931
27 Canada: PUB LTE: Prohibition, Circa 2009Mon, 09 Feb 200935
28 CN BC: PUB LTE: Waste of Tax DollarsMon, 15 Dec 200835
29 CN ON: PUB LTE: Reducing HabitWed, 04 Jun 200845
30 Canada: PUB LTE: Decades After Woodstock, The Pot Debate StillTue, 27 May 200833
31 CN NF: Edu: PUB LTE: Cannabis Does Cure CancerWed, 02 Apr 200830
32 Canada: PUB LTE: No Deal Finalized for Marc EmeryWed, 16 Jan 200844
33 Canada: PUB LTE: New Drug Laws 'Guaranteed to Fail'Tue, 27 Nov 200736
34 CN ON: PUB LTE: Just The FactsTue, 17 Jul 200730
35 CN MB: PUB LTE: Refreshing ReadTue, 20 Feb 200736

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