Givens, Ralph 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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101 US WI: PUB LTE: The Plain Truth Is - Medical Pot WorksWed, 19 Mar 2008
Source:Capital Times, The (WI) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:Wisconsin Lines:27 Added:03/20/2008

Dear Editor: One fact Tyler Zellmer omitted in advocating for medical marijuana use is that it is impossible to take a Marinol pill or to eat a marijuana brownie when you are puking your guts out from chemotherapy. Trust me, the pills come shooting out like mung beans out of a pea shooter.

The nausea relief provided by a few puffs of marijuana is the only reason many people are able to endure their cancer treatments.

Anyone who stands in the way of medical marijuana has spiraled into a moral black hole where lies trump the plain truth.

Ralph Givens,

Daly City, Calif.


102 CN BC: PUB LTE: Pot's HotWed, 05 Mar 2008
Source:Monday Magazine (CN BC) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:British Columbia Lines:24 Added:03/08/2008

Re: "Blowing Smoke," Feb. 28-Mar. 5

Health Canada reveals its utter hypocrisy by advising a dosage limit for cannabis after claiming it knows very little about marijuana. If they don't know anything, how can they make any medically based recommendations? How do they dare speak about medical marijuana at all? Better they leave such matters to those with real knowledge.

Ralph Givens, Daly City, CA


103 US AZ: PUB LTE: This Is Your Mailbag On Drugs. Any Questions?Thu, 15 Nov 2007
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:Arizona Lines:35 Added:11/17/2007

Mike Carey is correct on one point: An international treaty does supersede constitutional rights ("The U.S. Does Have Authority to Prohibit Drug Usage, and the People Can't Change That," Mailbag, Nov. 1). However, the idea that a treaty is carved in stone and cannot be amended is an error.

The United States can abandon the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs treaty anytime it chooses to do so. Moreover, there will be no repercussions among other signatories, because the United States has been the main promoter of international drug prohibition. Most of the countries in Europe would end the drug war in an instant if it were not for pressure from the United States.

[continues 52 words]

104 US: PUB LTE: BustedMon, 01 Oct 2007
Source:Brain, Child (US) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:United States Lines:38 Added:10/01/2007

Juliette Guilbert's insightful article ["Scared Straight? Or Just Scared?" Summer 2007] can be summed up in a few words: America's drug crusade is highly counterproductive and "drug education" in the schools actually encourages drug use.

The effects of drug prohibition should not be a mystery to anyone with the slightest knowledge of the history of Prohibition. The "Noble Experiment" was promoted with the idea of "saving kids from booze," but if anybody bothers to check the history they will find that, during Prohibition, the United States experiencesd the worst epidemic of teen alcoholism before or since. Thousands of young people suffered permanent brain damage, blindness, liver damage, paralysis and death.

[continues 64 words]

105 US CA: PUB LTE: Basis Of Laws AntiquatedFri, 31 Aug 2007
Source:Union Democrat, The (Sonora, CA) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:California Lines:60 Added:09/01/2007

To the Editor:

Re: Pot farms thrive despite best CAMP efforts (editorial, Aug. 15)

Campaign Against Marijuana Planting (CAMP) enforces marijuana laws based on absurd lies: "Marijuana influences Negroes to look at white people in the eye, step on white men's shadows and look at a white woman twice." (Hearst newspapers nationwide, 1934)

"There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the U.S., and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana can cause white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others."

[continues 203 words]

106 US CA: PUB LTE: Altered MindsThu, 02 Aug 2007
Source:Los Angeles City Beat (CA) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:California Lines:38 Added:08/05/2007

[Re: "Lies, Damned Lies, and Marijuana," July 19] It's good to see exposure of the hypocrisy called marijuana prohibition. Any list of laws that serve no useful purpose must put marijuana prohibition at the top. America's politicians have wedded themselves to Reefer Madness fables, fictions, and false witness for so long that the only hope for change is to vote these sleazeballs out of office.

What is a representative worth if he/she is too stupid or too hidebound to see the truth about marijuana. Anyone who supports punishment for a "marijuana crime" does not deserve to hold public office. Citizens serving on juries must deliver simple justice by refusing to convict in "marijuana only" cases. A very good reason for refusing to issue any guilty verdicts is the fact that the money wasted on enforcement, courts, and prisons by itself could save Social Security.

Ralph Givens

Daly City, California


107 CN ON: PUB LTE: Leave 'Mint' AloneWed, 18 Jul 2007
Source:Parry Sound North Star (CN ON) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:Ontario Lines:39 Added:07/21/2007

To the editor:

Re: Petition to ban 'magic mint' in July 11 North Star.

Before Parry Sound's drug crusaders wheel out the usual hysterical lies in their attempts to outlaw salvia divinorum, it is worthwhile to notice that no serious problems have been associated with salvia divinorum to date.

There are no deaths, no desperate addictions and no robberies, assaults or murders connected to salvia divinorum.

Of course, prohibitionists who advocate a salvia ban need no evidence of risk or harm to spew out dire warnings. If it is a drug and some people like it, it must be dangerous. Nevermind that alcohol and tobacco kill hundreds of thousands every year while salvia has yet to record a single fatality. The drug warriors still want a total ban.

The moral morons advocating prohibition never stop to consider that throwing someone in prison has a far more detrimental effect than a lifetime of salvia divinorum use.

Daly City, California


108 US CA: PUB LTE: Where's The Harm?Thu, 28 Jun 2007
Source:Chico News & Review, The (CA) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:California Lines:39 Added:07/01/2007

Re: "Caught in the middle" (Newslines, by Robert Speer, CN&R, June 21):

The very idea that people are being imprisoned for using marijuana makes me ashamed to be an American. When I hear that Assistant U.S. Attorney Samuel Wong is using fraudulent evidence to convict a medical marijuana user, my disgust becomes complete.

Refusing to recognize the right of California voters to legalize medical marijuana makes President Bush guilty of lying, because before he was elected he said, "I believe each state can choose that decision as they so choose."

[continues 101 words]

109 US WI: PUB LTE: Once Again, Drug Crusaders MisguidedWed, 20 Jun 2007
Source:Wisconsin State Journal (WI) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:Wisconsin Lines:31 Added:06/21/2007

Before the drug crusaders wheel out the usual hysterical lies in their attempts to outlaw salvia divinorum, it is worthwhile to notice that no serious problems have been associated with salvia divinorum to date. There are no deaths, no desperate addictions and no robberies, assaults or murders connected to salvia.

Of course, prohibitionists who advocate a salvia ban need no evidence of risk or harm to spew out dire warnings. If it is a drug and some people like it, it must be dangerous.

[continues 66 words]

110 CN BC: PUB LTE: Meth Problem Overblown By Victoria Police DeptFri, 01 Jun 2007
Source:Goldstream Gazette (Victoria, CN BC) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:British Columbia Lines:32 Added:06/03/2007

Re: Record meth haul by police (May 18)

Learning that "the largest single seizure of crystal meth in department history" only amounts to "one kilogram of crystal methamphetamine" raises questions about the meth scare being promoted by Victoria police officers.

How can a trickle of meth so small possibly supply the epidemic of meth addiction they claim exists or is the "epidemic" just more drug crusader propaganda?

If the largest seizure in history is only one kilogram of crystal meth the drug warriors are either absurdly ineffective in stopping drugs or they are greatly exaggerating the extent of the problem to enhance their budgets and power.

Daly City, CA


111 CN BC: PUB LTE: Meth Problem Overblown By Victoria Police DeptFri, 01 Jun 2007
Source:Victoria News (CN BC) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:British Columbia Lines:33 Added:06/03/2007

Re: Record meth haul by police (May 18)

Learning that "the largest single seizure of crystal meth in department history" only amounts to "one kilogram of crystal methamphetamine" raises questions about the meth scare being promoted by Victoria police officers.

How can a trickle of meth so small possibly supply the epidemic of meth addiction they claim exists or is the "epidemic" just more drug crusader propaganda?

If the largest seizure in history is only one kilogram of crystal meth the drug warriors are either absurdly ineffective in stopping drugs or they are greatly exaggerating the extent of the problem to enhance their budgets and power.

Daly City, CA


112 CN BC: PUB LTE: Meth Problem Overblown By Victoria Police DeptFri, 01 Jun 2007
Source:Oak Bay News (CN BC) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:British Columbia Lines:32 Added:06/02/2007

Re: Record meth haul by police (May 18)

Learning that "the largest single seizure of crystal meth in department history" only amounts to "one kilogram of crystal methamphetamine" raises questions about the meth scare being promoted by Victoria police officers.

How can a trickle of meth so small possibly supply the epidemic of meth addiction they claim exists or is the "epidemic" just more drug crusader propaganda?

If the largest seizure in history is only one kilogram of crystal meth the drug warriors are either absurdly ineffective in stopping drugs or they are greatly exaggerating the extent of the problem to enhance their budgets and power.

Daly City, CA


113 CN BC: PUB LTE: Meth Problem Overblown By Victoria Police DeptFri, 01 Jun 2007
Source:Saanich News (CN BC) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:British Columbia Lines:32 Added:06/02/2007

Re: Record meth haul by police (May 18)

Learning that "the largest single seizure of crystal meth in department history" only amounts to "one kilogram of crystal methamphetamine" raises questions about the meth scare being promoted by Victoria police officers.

How can a trickle of meth so small possibly supply the epidemic of meth addiction they claim exists or is the "epidemic" just more drug crusader propaganda?

If the largest seizure in history is only one kilogram of crystal meth the drug warriors are either absurdly ineffective in stopping drugs or they are greatly exaggerating the extent of the problem to enhancetheir budgets and power.

Daly City, CA


114 US NC: PUB LTE: Prohibition Didn't Work With Alcohol and Won'tSun, 27 May 2007
Source:Asheville Citizen-Times (NC) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:North Carolina Lines:43 Added:05/27/2007

The author of the letter, "Drugs ruined what was once a nice little neighborhood," (AC--T, May 20), should delve deeper into the history of drug prohibition before blaming "drugs" for the effects of drug prohibition. People are committing violent crimes in West Asheville because of a long failed prohibition policy that brings violence, disease and death where none existed previously, not because they are high on drugs.

The same thing happened during Alcohol Prohibition, but people didn't blame bootlegger crimes on drunkenness. They knew that the prohibition laws were behind the reign of terror from criminals like Al Capone and Lucky Luciano.

[continues 124 words]

115 CN BC: PUB LTE: 'No Serious Problems' With Salvia UseFri, 25 May 2007
Source:Kamloops This Week (CN BC) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:British Columbia Lines:34 Added:05/27/2007


Before taking reporter Cassidy Olivier's article about salvia divinorum as a reason to start another front in a long-failed drug crusade, it is worthwhile to notice that no serious problems have been associated with salvia divinorum.

There are no deaths, no desperate addictions and no robberies, assaults or murders connected to salvia divinorum.

Those seeking to outlaw salvia divinorum can only point to the fact that it "gets people high for five minutes.

As though getting high is automatically a criminal matter.

Moving salvia divinorum into a prohibited class can only cause problems where no problems exist.

Ralph Givens

Daly City, Calif.


116 US FL: PUB LTE: Pot Sentences Are Out Of Proportion To TheTue, 17 Oct 2006
Source:Press Journal (Vero Beach, FL) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:Florida Lines:59 Added:10/17/2006

Regarding your Oct. 6 article: "Vero man sentenced to 30 years in prison for marijuana charges":

Sending David L. Bennett to prison for 30 years for a "marijuana crime" shows the utter immorality of drug prohibition. Such a cruel sentence clearly violates the biblical standard of justice: Exodus 21:23 "life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise" (also see Leviticus 24:20, Deuteronomy 19:21).

[continues 232 words]

117 US KY: PUB LTE: 'Good Book' Hemp LessonWed, 20 Sep 2006
Source:Central Kentucky News Journal (Campbellsville, KY) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:Kentucky Lines:75 Added:09/23/2006

Senior Pastor Dr. Ted Beam should study his Bible more diligently because his denunciation of drug plants made by the Creator insults God. Denying the usefulness of plants such as marijuana, coca, peyote cactus and psilocybe mushrooms shows extreme ignorance and a lack of faith in God.

The only prohibition of any plant found in the Bible is at Genesis 2:16: The Lord God commanded the man, saying, "From any tree of the garden you may eat freely; (17) but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat from it you will surely die."

[continues 440 words]

118 US CA: PUB LTE: Drug Prohibition Is A FailureWed, 09 Aug 2006
Source:San Diego Union Tribune (CA) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:California Lines:29 Added:08/11/2006

Regarding "Stopping drug violence" (Opinion, Aug. 4):

Former San Diego Executive Assistant Chief of Police Norm Stamper's exposure of the counterproductive nature of drug prohibition reminds one that Eliot Ness never put the bootleggers out of business; repeal and a regulated market for alcohol did that.

A drug crusade based on the same principles doesn't work any better than alcohol prohibition did. It's time to admit that drug prohibition is a failure and establish a regulated market for adult drug use.

Ralph Givens

San Diego


119 US PA: PUB LTE: Say 'No' To Drug WarTue, 04 Apr 2006
Source:Tribune Review (Pittsburgh, PA) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:Pennsylvania Lines:33 Added:04/06/2006

Letter writer William F. Brna conveniently overlooks the fact that thousands of people become infected with HIV/AIDS, hepatitis C, etc., every year because of sharing needles with infected people ("Say 'No" to needles," March 30).

Many of those who become infected do not use drugs and catch the disease from an addicted partner.

Withholding clean needles from addicts is a crime against humanity, no matter what Pennsylvania's paraphernalia laws say.

Ralph Givens

San Diego


120 US FL: PUB LTE: Luyao Case Part Of Wider DebateThu, 23 Mar 2006
Source:Press Journal (Vero Beach, FL) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:Florida Lines:37 Added:03/24/2006

As a person who suffered months of chronic pain more severe than a bone break, I condemn Florida's misguided drug crusaders for interfering in matters they are hopelessly unqualified to deal with.

A lot of the "addicts" treated by Dr. Asuncion Luyao are actually people with extreme chronic pain.

America's drug war is a misguided fraud that meddles with medical care and denies people in agony access to effective pain killers.

Sending Dr. Luyao to prison is a crime against humanity.

Here's hoping that the lawmen and prosecutors who engineered Luyao's conviction will experience a long bout of untreated chronic pain.

Ralph Givens

San Diego, Calif.


121 US CA: PUB LTE: The People's Will on Pot, Its Use and the LawsWed, 25 Jan 2006
Source:San Diego Union Tribune (CA) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:California Lines:36 Added:01/25/2006

Robert Brown claims there is "a reason marijuana use and possession remain illegal under federal law" without ever trying to explain what great evil marijuana prohibition prevents.

Does Brown actually believe the reefer madness alibis the U.S. government used to get marijuana outlawed -- that marijuana is the most violence-causing drug in the history of mankind, that smoking one marijuana cigarette might cause a homicidal mania? Or has Brown bought into some new myth promoted by America's anti-drug crusaders?

Even a physician could not diagnose people by merely observing their outward appearance.

Ralph Givens

San Diego


122 US CO: LTE: Pot Promotion?Mon, 29 Sep 2003
Source:Denver Post (CO) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:Colorado Lines:28 Added:09/29/2003

The Post's articles on "medical marijuana" sound more like promotional pieces than good reporting. Is there some reason that marinol, which is synthetic THC, was not mentioned? It cannot be because of the difficulty in finding data. A Google search located the Drug Enforcement Agency site on the topic ( for me in seconds. The physician who was quoted as saying he doesn't "feel marijuana is a dangerous drug" has not done his homework. Anything that can produce intoxication, disorientation as to time and place, and partial memory loss of events is certainly dangerous.

Ralph Givens



123 US CO: PUB LTE: Can't Stop PotThu, 18 Oct 2001
Source:Vail Daily (CO) Author:Givens, Ralph Area:Colorado Lines:29 Added:10/18/2001

Vail Daily Buddy Sims has a distorted view of the effects of marijuana prohibition if he thinks it prevents teens from using pot. The fact is that any high school kid can get all of the marijuana they can pay for. Unlicensed, unregulated, outlaw dealers do not check ID for age, and kids are welcome customers.

If having a pot shop near a church wrecks believers' faith, they need more Bible study, not man-made laws.

Legal marijuana can be regulated and controlled so it is foolhardy to set barriers to legal distribution.

Ralph Givens

Daly City, Calif.


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