Mickleburgh, Rod 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 CN BC: Health Canada May Stifle Rebagliatias High-flyingFri, 25 Jan 2013
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:120 Added:01/26/2013

VANCOUVER - Olympic snowboard champion Ross Rebagliati's high hopes to make some gold in the marijuana business may be a bit of a pipe dream.

Fifteen years after Mr. Rebagliati briefly lost his gold medal when he tested positive for cannabis, the upbeat 41-year old has finally opted to try and cash in on an incident that brought him worldwide celebrity status, along with a notoriety that still has him banned from the United States.

He and some partners hope to open storefronts called Ross's Gold right across the country, starting with one later this spring in his hometown of Whistler.

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2 CN BC: Ban-Happy Town Targets Medicinal MarijuanaTue, 20 Jul 2010
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:96 Added:07/25/2010

Pitt Meadows Mayor Says B.C. Community Tired of Grow-Op Houses Burning Down and Threatening Homes

The bucolic Fraser Valley community of Pitt Meadows may be the ban-happy capital of Canada.

The list of outlawed activities in a place where Ipsos Reid found 98 per cent of residents pleased with their quality of life is long and wide.

Be gone massage parlours, X-rated video stores, strip joints, hydroponic retail outlets, nuclear power plants, used car lots, and even giant advertising icons perched on top of buildings. Existing municipal bylaws ban them all.

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3 CN BC: Safe-Injection Clinic Wins Legal ReprieveWed, 28 May 2008
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:138 Added:05/29/2008

VANCOUVER -- North America's only sanctioned safe-injection site for drug addicts won a major court victory yesterday, thwarting any chance of the federal Conservative government closing it down. Mr. Justice Ian Pitfield of the B.C. Supreme Court granted users and staff at the popular but controversial facility known as Insite a permanent constitutional exemption from prosecution under federal drug laws.

Allowing addicts to inject their illegal drugs in a safe, medically supervised environment is a matter of sensible health care and they should not be under threat of being busted by police, the judge ruled.

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4 CN BC: Operators Go to Court to Protect B.C. Injection SiteTue, 29 Apr 2008
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:120 Added:04/29/2008

VANCOUVER -- With just two months to go before its doors may be closed by the Conservative government, operators of North America's only supervised injection site for users of illegal drugs have gone to court to stay open.

The facility saves lives, reduces harm to drug addicts and increases their motivation to seek treatment, lawyers argued in B.C. Supreme Court yesterday. As a result, they said, federal drug laws against possession of heroin and cocaine should not apply there.

"The criminal approach leads to death. Harm reduction leads to life," said John Conroy, representing the Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users.

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5 CN BC: Marijuana Activist Agrees To Prison DealTue, 15 Jan 2008
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:95 Added:01/17/2008

VANCOUVER -- Canada's most prominent marijuana activist, the self-styled Prince of Pot, may soon be changing his moniker to Prince of Prison.

Facing a possible life sentence in the United States if extradited and convicted on charges of selling marijuana seeds to online U.S. customers, Marc Emery has agreed to a deal that would see him spend a minimum of five years behind bars in Canada.

Although the plea bargain is not yet "signed, sealed and delivered," Mr. Emery, 50, said that he expects to be heading to prison as early as March.

[continues 538 words]

6 CN BC: Specifics Of Drug Substitution Plan Out In WeeksFri, 08 Jun 2007
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:95 Added:06/09/2007

VANCOUVER -- Specific plans for trials of Mayor Sam Sullivan's controversial proposal to wean drug addicts from illegal narcotics by giving them substitute pills should be unveiled "within weeks," the mayor said yesterday.

There will be five separate studies, all of them related to "testing the effectiveness of substitution ... to convert illegal injection drug users to legal pill medicine users," he said.

His plan is an improvement over the use of methadone by heroin users seeking to kick their habit, he said, because it will also cover cocaine and crystal meth addicts.

[continues 511 words]

7 Canada: Study Backs Safe-Injection Site's WorkFri, 25 May 2007
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:Canada Lines:88 Added:05/25/2007

Use of Centre Increases Rate of Addicts Entering Detox 30%, London-Based Medical Journal Finds

VANCOUVER -- On the eve of the expected unveiling next week of the federal Conservatives' long-waited anti-drug strategy, a significant new study has endorsed the benefits of Vancouver's controversial safe-injection site for heroin addicts, a pilot project many fear Ottawa will end.

The study, published today in the London-based medical journal Addiction, found that use of the city's supervised injection facility known as Insite increased the rate of addicts entering detox by 30 per cent.

[continues 473 words]

8 Canada: A Few Trips Decades Ago Put An End To This OneWed, 25 Apr 2007
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:Canada Lines:125 Added:04/27/2007

A Former LSD User Is Turned Away at Border After Guards Use Internet to Dredge Up Past

VANCOUVER -- Nearly 40 years ago, a young psychotherapist embraced two-thirds of LSD guru Timothy Leary's advice to the Sixties generation to "turn on, tune in and drop out."

Curious how LSD and other hallucinogens might be used in treating patients, Andrew Feldmar turned on and tuned in himself.

But he never dropped out. And, no fan of the late Dr. Leary, Mr. Feldmar took his last hit of acid in 1974.

[continues 739 words]

9 CN BC: BC Judge Sorry For SwearingSat, 17 Mar 2007
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:111 Added:03/17/2007

'The Language I Used Had No Place In The Courtroom,' He Tells Special Sitting

VANCOUVER -- A contrite B.C. Supreme Court judge made an extraordinary, emotional public apology yesterday for making a number of profanity-laced observations during a criminal trial this week.

In an admission believed to be without precedent in the annals of B.C. courts, if not those of the entire country, Mr. Justice Peter Leask called his behaviour inexcusable and vowed not to repeat it.

"The language I used had no place in the courtroom and I was wrong to use it as I did," he told a rare, specially convened sitting of the court, packed with lawyers, news media and members of the public.

[continues 670 words]

10 Canada: Storm Brews Over Drug StrategyMon, 15 Jan 2007
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:Canada Lines:179 Added:01/16/2007

Ottawa Putting Too Much Emphasis on Law Enforcement, Medical Experts' Report Says

VANCOUVER, OTTAWA -- The federal investment in the war on drugs has been an abject failure, according to a report to be published today.

Canada's drug strategy, renewed with much fanfare in 2003, has put too much emphasis on law enforcement instead of on means to combat illicit drug use and minimize its human toll, says the report that is to appear in the HIV/AIDS Policy and Law Review.

[continues 1194 words]

11 CN BC: RCMP Takes Heat Over InsiteTue, 12 Dec 2006
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:124 Added:12/12/2006

Force's Research Criticizes The Lauded Safe-Injection Site And Asserts That The Program Increases Drug Use

VANCOUVER -- The RCMP is under heavy fire for its criticism of Vancouver's pioneering supervised injection site for heroin users, a project that has won positive reviews from more than a dozen rigorous research studies.

In a critical, three-page report on the site, Staff-Sergeant Chuck Doucette questioned findings of the numerous peer-reviewed studies, while pointing to "considerable evidence" that making drug use safer increases the number of users.

[continues 700 words]

12 CN BC: RCMP Oppose Expanded Injection SitesTue, 29 Aug 2006
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:112 Added:08/29/2006

More Research Needed Into Whether Facilities Increase Demand For Drugs, Mounties Say

VANCOUVER -- The RCMP, which may play a key role in deciding the fate of the city's supervised heroin injection site, said yesterday it is dubious about the merits of such sites.

In a statement issued from Ottawa to counteract some media reports that the RCMP is sympathetic to the site's continued operation, the Mounties said they are opposed to any expansion of so-called supervised injection sites.

[continues 603 words]

13 CN BC: Vancouver Ex-Mayors Speak Up for Injection SiteTue, 22 Aug 2006
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:121 Added:08/22/2006

Downtown Eastside Clinic's Exemption From Drug Laws Expires in September

VANCOUVER -- Three high-profile former mayors of Vancouver, from across the political spectrum, added their voices yesterday to a growing chorus in support of keeping the doors open at North America's only safe-injection site for heroin addicts.

Despite overwhelming police, public and political backing, the facility that more than 600 addicts use every day will have to close next month, unless the Conservative federal government renews its exemption from the country's drug laws.

[continues 729 words]

14 CN BC: Safe Drug Sites LaudedThu, 20 Jul 2006
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:87 Added:07/21/2006

VANCOUVER -- North America's only government-sanctioned safe-injection site for drug addicts, in the heart of Vancouver's notorious Downtown Eastside, is a life saver, a new study concludes.

Not one death resulted from a total of 336 drug overdoses at the site over an 18-month period ending last August, according to the study by Vancouver medical researchers published in this week's International Journal of Drug Policy.

Previous studies of drug addict populations have found that about 4 per cent of overdoses result in death.

[continues 434 words]

15 CN BC: Australia Backs Safe Injection ProgramTue, 18 Jul 2006
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:105 Added:07/18/2006

VANCOUVER -- The escalating campaign to keep the doors open at Vancouver's landmark safe-injection site for heroin addicts has reached across the Pacific to Australia.

A group representing more than 100 Australian federal and state politicians wrote last week to Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressing its strong support for the city's injection site, known as Insite.

The Vancouver facility's three-year legal protection to allow on-site heroin use expires on Sept. 12, and the Conservative government, with Mr. Harper previously on record opposing the safe-injection site, has not committed itself to renewing it.

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16 CN BC: Drug Busts Help Lift Vernon's 'Dark Shadow'Tue, 30 May 2006
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:85 Added:05/30/2006

VANCOUVER -- With its mild climate and modest population barely nudging 40,000, nestled near the shores of three lakes surrounded by hills, the Okanagan city of Vernon might well have been a stand-in for Pleasantville.

Recently, however, the otherwise-idyllic community turned dark, beset by five homicides and two suspicious disappearances in less than a year.

Now, Vernon may be able to reclaim its place in the Okanagan sunshine after a series of dramatic police raids during the weekend that, according to RCMP, broke the back of a large, violent drug ring known as the Greeks.

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17 CN BC: Old Tensions Appear to Melt Away As Mayor, Police Chief MeetThu, 15 Dec 2005
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:123 Added:12/16/2005

RCMP Probe into His Pre-Election Conduct 'Appropriate' To Ask For, Sullivan Says

VANCOUVER -- Police chief Jamie Graham and new mayor Sam Sullivan could not have been chummier yesterday as they sat side by side at Mr. Sullivan's first meeting as chair of the Vancouver Police Board.

Any lingering friction from Chief Graham's decision to seek an RCMP review of two drug-related incidents from Mr. Sullivan's past dissipated in a sea of mutual admiration.

"I think the City of Vancouver is absolutely blessed to have a mayor of this quality," Chief Graham gushed to reporters before the meeting. "I couldn't be prouder to support him."

[continues 634 words]

18 CN BC: Police Chief Defends Mayor-Elect ProbeWed, 30 Nov 2005
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:105 Added:12/01/2005

Sullivan, Who'll Be Police Board Chairman, Once Gave Addicts Money To Buy Drugs

Vancouver Police Chief Jamie Graham is defending his decision to ask the RCMP to review incidents from mayor-elect Sam Sullivan's past in which he gave money to addicts to buy illegal drugs.

Talking to reporters yesterday, Mr. Graham said he was unsure whether a conflict might exist between Mr. Sullivan's actions and his future role as chairman of the Vancouver Police Board, a post traditionally filled by the city's mayor.

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19 CN BC: Mayor Leaves City With 'Feel-Good' LegacyFri, 04 Nov 2005
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:89 Added:11/05/2005

Ah, Mayor Larry. The city of Vancouver is going to miss the irascible but fun-loving cop-turned-coroner-turned-mayor-turned-senator. Can anyone in Canada match his varied prospectus? This side of Paul Hellyer, that is.

The mark of a good mayor is not just the number of dull but important bylaws and zoning amendments passed under his or her watch. It's really whether the city feels good about itself. That does not mean a bevy of bread and circuses and big developments, but a sense that serious social issues are being tackled, too.

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20 CN BC: Overdose Deaths Not Due To Bad Heroin, Report SaysWed, 31 Aug 2005
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:93 Added:08/31/2005

VANCOUVER -- Something is killing drug addicts in Vancouver at an alarming rate, and it may not be a lethal batch of "bad heroin" as police initially suspected, preliminary toxicology tests have shown.

In one of the worst outbreaks of narcotic-related deaths in recent years, nine long-time drug users, six men and three women ranging from 28 to 48 years of age, have died within the past 12 days.

Radio station CKNW reported yesterday that initial tests on five victims showed only one appeared to have suffered a heroin overdose. The other four bodies contained methadone, crystal meth and cocaine, but no heroin, CKNW said.

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21 CN BC: Prominent Pot Activist Facing Extradition To U.S.Sat, 30 Jul 2005
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:102 Added:07/30/2005

VANCOUVER -- Marc Emery, Canada's most prominent pro-marijuana activist, is facing the possibility of life imprisonment in the United States for selling marijuana seeds over the Internet to U.S. customers.

In a stunning development, RCMP officers arrested the self-proclaimed "Prince of Pot" in Halifax yesterday after a U.S. federal grand jury indicted him on charges of conspiracy to distribute marijuana seeds, conspiracy to distribute marijuana and conspiracy to engage in money laundering.

The charges stem from Mr. Emery's lucrative sale of marijuana seeds, an activity he has carried on from his Vancouver base with minimal legal penalty for 10 years.

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22 CN BC: Crown Drops Marijuana Charges Against Ex-Aide BasiThu, 30 Jun 2005
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:85 Added:06/30/2005

Proceedings Will Continue Against Onetime Minister's Assistant In B.C. Rail Case

VANCOUVER -- Federal prosecutors have stayed two drug charges against David Basi, the former ministerial aide at the centre of an unprecedented police raid on the B.C. Legislature.

The Crown's decision came to light only yesterday, although the stay of proceedings on charges against Mr. Basi of production of a controlled substance and possession for the purpose of trafficking was entered in provincial court last Friday.

The charges were laid after the discovery of a marijuana grow operation at a Vancouver Island residence rented out by Mr. Basi.

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23 CN BC: Mayor Backs Proposal To Legalize MarijuanaThu, 09 Jun 2005
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:113 Added:06/09/2005

Put Tax Revenue Into Health Care, He Says

VANCOUVER -- "Legalize Pot!" -- the rallying cry of pro-cannabis crusaders across the country -- may soon be official policy for Canada's third-largest city.

A wide-ranging city report on drug prevention strategies released yesterday calls for marijuana to be legalized and regulated, much in the manner of alcohol and tobacco.

The recommendation, which goes far beyond Ottawa's proposal to decriminalize the drug, was enthusiastically endorsed by Mayor Larry Campbell. "We're talking about a $3-billion industry in this province. Tax the living hell out of it and put the revenue into health care," Mr. Campbell said.

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24 CN BC: Child Drank Rape Drug, Father Avoids RecordFri, 25 Mar 2005
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:81 Added:03/26/2005

VANCOUVER -- A 33-year-old father whose young daughter was rushed to hospital after drinking from his water bottle laced with the date-rape drug GHB was granted a conditional discharge in Provincial Court here yesterday.

Judge Cathy Bruce said the man was remorseful, of otherwise good character and his immediate forthrightness on what had happened was a major factor in his daughter's quick recovery.

She further agreed with defence lawyer Rishi Gill that the man has already been punished because of widely reported police accusations that he had irresponsibly left the water bottle out in the kitchen.

[continues 474 words]

25 CN BC: RCMP Reach Settlement With Off-Duty PolicemanSat, 29 Jan 2005
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:84 Added:01/29/2005

Man stopped by Texas trooper in Canada

VANCOUVER -- The long arm of a Texas state trooper is long, indeed. Just how long an off-duty Vancouver police officer discovered last summer when he was driving along the highway just beyond Hope, 150 kilometres east of here.

Who should wave him over and ask to see his driver's licence and vehicle registration but a tall man with a thick Texan accent?

Yep. Sure as shootin', it was a state trooper from Texas, all right.

[continues 421 words]

26 CN BC: Study Sees Pot of Gold in Illegal B.C. CropWed, 09 Jun 2004
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:115 Added:06/09/2004

Governments Advised to Tax, Regulate $7-Billion Marijuana Harvest

VANCOUVER -- The grass really is greener in British Columbia, to the tune of $7-billion a year, according to a landmark study by the Fraser Institute.

In fact, so much, so-called "B.C. bud" is harvested illegally in the province, with police efforts to stem the growth almost totally futile, study author Steve Easton says that the time has come to legalize, regulate and allow governments to tax marijuana.

"Police resources should be deployed elsewhere," the Simon Fraser University economics professor contended yesterday.

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27 Canada: Pot Spray Not PAMWed, 12 May 2004
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:Canada Lines:81 Added:05/15/2004

The world's first proposed cannabis-laced prescription drug to relieve pain may get its start in Canada.

Pharmaceutical giant Bayer announced yesterday that it has applied to Health Canada for permission to market the drug Sativex to those who suffer from multiple sclerosis and severe neuropathic pain.

The application was made in conjunction with the developers of the drug, the pioneering British firm GW Pharmaceuticals, which has been growing about 40,000 pot plants a year at a secret location in a government-approved research project.

[continues 370 words]

28 Canada: Approval For Cannabis Spray Sought In CanadaWed, 12 May 2004
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:Canada Lines:77 Added:05/12/2004

The world's first proposed cannabis-laced prescription drug to relieve pain may get its start in Canada.

Pharmaceutical giant Bayer announced yesterday that it has applied to Health Canada for permission to market the drug Sativex to those who suffer from multiple sclerosis and severe neuropathic pain.

The application was made in conjunction with the developers of the drug, the pioneering British firm GW Pharmaceuticals, which has been growing about 40,000 pot plants a year at a secret location in a government-approved research project.

[continues 370 words]

29 Canada: Canada No Pot Haven, Refugee Ruling ShowsTue, 09 Dec 2003
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:Canada Lines:31 Added:12/09/2003

Vancouver -- The green, green grass of Canada is not a refugee haven for U.S. pot smokers, a federal immigration and refugee board panel has ruled.

In the first judgment of its kind, panel chairwoman Paulah Dauns rejected a refugee bid from Steve Kubby, a heavy user of marijuana for medical reasons, who claimed he faces persecution in the United States for his high-profile advocacy of the drug.

Mr. Kubby also claimed that without access to marijuana he would die if forced to serve a four-month jail sentence imposed on him in California for possession of small amounts of peyote and magic mushrooms.


30 CN BC: B.C. Safe-Injection Site Wins Police ImmunityWed, 25 Jun 2003
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:77 Added:06/25/2003

VANCOUVER -- North America's first sanctioned injection site for illegal drug-users could be up and running by September, after Health Canada yesterday granted the proposed venue an unprecedented exemption from police action.

"This is an opportunity to be the first health authority . . . to establish, scientifically, whether supervised injection sites can improve health outcomes and reduce the harm to drug users," said Heather Hay, the Vancouver Community Director who will oversee the site's operation.

Although funding is not yet in place to cover costs of running the safe injection site, proponents are confident the money will soon be forthcoming now that Health Canada has given the green light.

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31 CN BC: Vancouver Police Accused Of BrutalitySat, 25 Jan 2003
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:112 Added:01/25/2003

Three Men Allegedly Beaten By Six Officers After Being Transported To Stanley Park

VANCOUVER -- Six Vancouver police officers have been suspended over charges that they picked up three suspected drug dealers, took them to a Stanley Park parking lot and beat them.

"This behaviour, if proven, is outrageous and repugnant," Vancouver police Constable Sarah Bloor said at a jammed news conference yesterday.

Fifteen police investigators are looking into the alleged incident, and the six officers could face criminal charges, as well as internal discipline, Constable Bloor said.

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32 Canada: Illicit-Drug Program Slammed By AuditorThu, 19 Sep 2002
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:Canada Lines:64 Added:09/19/2002

VANCOUVER -- In a strong indictment of Canada's illicit-drug strategy, a representative of the federal auditor-general charged yesterday that the 10-year program lacks leadership, focus and any information about whether it works.

"Are we any better off than we were 10 years ago? We don't know," declared David Brittian, author of an investigative report for the auditor-general that found gaping data holes in the extent of Canada's drug problem and what is being done about it.

[continues 349 words]

33 Canada: Studies Laud Safe-Injection SitesTue, 21 Aug 2001
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:Canada Lines:115 Added:08/21/2001

Vancouver - It is time for Canada to embrace a policy of safe injection sites for drug addicts, the authors of two new medical studies on the grim impact of injection drug use in Vancouver say.

The studies, published in Tuesday's edition of the Canadian Medical Association Journal, found that injection-drug users clog hospital beds and emergency wards at huge expense to the health-care system, suffer an appalling number of fatal drug overdoses and continue the risky practice of sharing needles, despite comprehensive needle-exchange programs.

[continues 588 words]

34 CN BC: Safe Drug-Injection Site SoughtThu, 02 Mar 2000
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Mickleburgh, Rod Area:British Columbia Lines:90 Added:03/02/2000

B.C. Facing Worst Hepatitis C Epidemic In The Western World

Vancouver -- Faced with the worst hepatitis C epidemic among needle drug users in the Western world and continuing high AIDS infection rates, health experts here are pressing their call for North America's first sanctioned site for the safe injection of illegal drugs.

"We have to stop looking at this as a criminal issue rather than a health issue," Dr. Perry Kendall, the province's health officer, said yesterday. "There is still a lot of resistance to the idea, but I think we're getting there. I'm optimistic."

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