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141 CN AB: Cannabis Bylaws To Be TweakedFri, 23 Feb 2018
Source:Edmonton Sun (CN AB) Author:Alam, Hina Area:Alberta Lines:67 Added:02/26/2018

Much like a self-learning robot that improves with every step, Edmonton city hall hopes to tweak recreational cannabis bylaws now, and after it is legalized.

"We're still in a little bit of a state of confusion or complexity as to the way it'll all shake down as far as where can the stores be located," Ward 6 Coun. Scott McKeen said Wednesday. "I suspect we'll continue to struggle with these for a couple of years as we tweak the regulations and make sure we get things right."

[continues 365 words]

142CN ON: Ontario Market Open To Marijuana Suppliers A Regardless OfThu, 22 Feb 2018
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON) Author:Rendell, Mark Area:Ontario Lines:Excerpt Added:02/26/2018

TORONTO - Ontario's provincially run cannabis retailer is open to sourcing product from growers of all sizes across the country, according to a spokesperson for the Liquor Control Board of Ontario.

The approach appears to be in contrast to the one taking hold in provinces such as Quebec, where the government-run Societe des alcools du Quebec recently opted to sign sizable recreational cannabis supply agreements with a select few large licensed producers.

In Ontario, "the process for procuring cannabis supply for the (Ontario Cannabis Retail Corp.) will be open to all Canadian licensed producers," said LCBO spokesperson Nicole Laoutaris in an email, adding that "the OCRC has not yet entered into any supplier agreements."

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143 CN BC: UBCO Students To Get Bud CoveredFri, 23 Feb 2018
Source:Daily Courier, The (CN BC) Author:Peacock, Andrea Area:British Columbia Lines:69 Added:02/26/2018

Medical marijuana added to health-insurance plan

Medical marijuana will soon be part of health insurance for students at UBC Okanagan.

The one-year pilot program will begin in September. University of Waterloo began a similar plan in 2014.

The idea was initiated by Michelle Thiessen, chairwoman of the Okanagan chapter of Canadian Students for Sensible Drug Policy and a UBCO graduate student.

Without coverage for medical marijuana, students are left covering 100 per cent of the costs while still paying into the student health insurance plan, she said.

[continues 288 words]

144 CN BC: Local Governments Can Say Yea Or Nay To Marijuana StoresThu, 22 Feb 2018
Source:Oliver Chronicle (CN BC) Author:Doherty, Lyonel Area:British Columbia Lines:134 Added:02/26/2018

As the B.C. government sets policy on the legalization of marijuana, the towns of Oliver and Osoyoos are still wondering what that will look like.

Oliver Mayor Ron Hovanes said his council has to have a formal discussion on the topic.

"We had most recently suggested that any sale (of marijuana) should take place through a government agency and the province has decided against that."

Hovanes previously questioned if municipalities should have any role in marijuana legalization. Council recently supported a call for local governments to receive a share of the cannabis revenue to cover social and policing costs.

[continues 765 words]

145CN SN: 'Politics' Behind Cannabis Costs, Says CouncillorFri, 23 Feb 2018
Source:Regina Leader-Post (CN SN) Author:White-Crummey, Arthur Area:Saskatchewan Lines:Excerpt Added:02/26/2018

Policing issues played a minor role in Tuesday's Ward 4 budget town hall, with only one exception: Cannabis enforcement costs.

The Regina Police Service has estimated the cost of policing a legalized marijuana system between $1.2 million and $1.8 million. That number evoked shock from one resident who came to the meeting.

"It stretches the bounds of believability," she said. "Give me a break."

Coun. Andrew Stevens tried to steer clear of the RPS during the town hall, only once repeating his earlier warnings about the force's "uncontrolled" costs.

[continues 251 words]

146 CN ON: Amade In Brantforda Solution Sought For Legal CannabisWed, 21 Feb 2018
Source:Expositor, The (CN ON) Author:Ball, Vincent Area:Ontario Lines:89 Added:02/26/2018

City officials are looking for input as they deal with the ramifications of legalized recreational marijuana.

"There are a lot of questions, a lot of unknowns and I think it's important that we try to come up with a 'made in Brantford' solution to some of these issues," Mayor Chris Friel said Tuesday.

"I think we need to hear from more people, let them know what the issues are and see what we can come up with.

"We need to hear from the chamber of commerce, the health unit, police, real estate people as well as our own staff in social services and bylaw enforcement."

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147 CN ON: Breast-Pot Link QuashedWed, 21 Feb 2018
Source:Toronto Star (CN ON) Author:Moon, Jenna Area:Ontario Lines:40 Added:02/26/2018

York Regional Police tweeted on Tuesday that marijuana doesn't increase the growth of breasts in men, after one of its officers told high school students at a panel last week that "doobies make boobies."

"We're no health experts, but we're pretty sure getting high does not cause enhanced mammary growth in men," York police tweeted. "We are aware of the misinformation about cannabis that was unfortunately provided to the community by our officers. We're working to address it."

[continues 134 words]

148 CN AB: Store Rules More Strict On CannabisWed, 21 Feb 2018
Source:Metro (Calgary, CN AB) Author:Pike, Helen Area:Alberta Lines:68 Added:02/26/2018

Retailers watch on as city drafts regs on where shops can open

The cans and can'ts for Calgary cannabis retailers are taking shape this month, but some prospective shops are pointing out that perception could still be tainting the city's proposed bylaws.

On Wednesday, councillors will see administration's land use amendments to add cannabis retail store rules to the city's bylaws. These tweaks will go before the council in an April public hearing.

Out of three options, the city's going with one that would treat cannabis retailers a little like liquor stores - but not entirely the same as booze businesses.

[continues 338 words]

149 CN ON: LTE: Prime Minister Has Lost Control On Many FrontsWed, 21 Feb 2018
Source:Daily Press, The (CN ON) Author:Boudreau, Charles E. Area:Ontario Lines:84 Added:02/26/2018

This is a follow-up of my two letters in The Daily Press dated March 29, 2017 titled "PM's head going to pot" and Dec. 20, 2017 titled "Medical marijuana has no medicinal value."

I managed to get an updated publication dated April 13, 2017 titled "Health Effects of cannabis" from Health Canada.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and readers can find this Health Canada publication with an online search.

The publication clearly summarizes the short-term health effects, long-term health effects, risks of illegal cannabis, mental health effects, health effects on youth, health effects on pregnancy and children, and addiction.

[continues 352 words]

150CN BC: Column: Bylaws Can Prohibit All Forms Of SmokingWed, 21 Feb 2018
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Author:Gioventu, Tony Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:02/26/2018

Dear Tony: Our strata council is getting a lot of pressure from our owners to adopt a bylaw that prohibits use of marijuana and growing of marijuana plants. Several owners have already complained about the smell of marijuana in the building from several smokers, and we had to eradicate a grow-op back in 2004, costing our strata more than $75,000 in damages that we never recovered.

What our council is struggling with is the question of how far we can go with our bylaws.

[continues 447 words]

151CN SN: Cities Hope For More Collaboration Under Premier MoeThu, 22 Feb 2018
Source:StarPhoenix, The (CN SN) Author:Tank, Phil Area:Saskatchewan Lines:Excerpt Added:02/26/2018

The president of the organization that represents Saskatchewan's cities and towns wants a more collaborative relationship with Premier Scott Moe's new provincial government.

"So far, so good," Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) president Gordon Barnhart said Wednesday. "I think that they've been saying they want to have consultation before decisions are made and I think that's a step in the right direction."

Moe took over from premier Brad Wall last month as leader of the Saskatchewan Party and the province's new premier.

[continues 336 words]

152 CN MB: Editorial: No Need To Rush To PotTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB)          Area:Manitoba Lines:63 Added:02/25/2018

Ontario Senator Tony Dean, sponsor of the Trudeau Liberals' pot bill in the Upper Chamber, is upset that Canadians will not be able to legally light up their spliffs until long after Canada Day.

He says time is of the essence, and that the government does not have the luxury of biding it.

Why is this? Why, after more than 100 years of marijuana being illegal, does the good senator think pushing back the smoke date by a few weeks is the wrong thing to do?

[continues 296 words]

153 CN MB: Checkpoint Targets Drugs, BoozeTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB) Author:Paul, Alexandra Area:Manitoba Lines:198 Added:02/25/2018

A NORTHERN Manitoba First Nation is building a permanent checkstop on the only highway into the community to combat the illegal drug and liquor trade.

"It's like a border crossing and you'll have no choice but to go through it. And if you don't want to be searched, you're not going to go in," Norway House Chief Ron Evans said.

The small building next to Highway 373 looks a bit like a transport safety weigh station. As of this month, the Norway House Cree Nation Safety and Security Checkpoint will be open 24/7. Its official opening is scheduled for Feb. 24.

[continues 1309 words]

154CN AB: Column: There Was No Reason To Fuss Over Legalization OfTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Calgary Herald (CN AB) Author:Breakenridge, Rob Area:Alberta Lines:Excerpt Added:02/25/2018

For all the hand-wringing that we were rushing into cannabis legalization, and that there wasn't enough time to get it right, it turns out that it wasn't that hard to figure out, after all.

Proponents of legalization have long argued that it makes far more sense to regulate cannabis similar to how we regulate alcohol. All along, then, the model for cannabis retail was staring us right in the face, and the Alberta government deserves credit for not missing the glaringly obvious.

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155 CN AB: PUB LTE: No Link Between Pot And Car CrashesTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Edmonton Journal (CN AB) Author:Schrader, Alvin M. Area:Alberta Lines:37 Added:02/25/2018

I am quite suspicious about the headspace of the Journal editor who captioned a brief article about a U.S. survey with the headline "Pot holiday linked to fatal car crashes" (Feb. 13). Maybe their attention span allowed them to only get as far as the first paragraph.

The next one explicitly stated that the survey being reported had found absolutely no evidence of a link between pot smoking and car crashes on the one day of the year studied from 1992 to 2016, which was April 20, the day of the year adopted by activists to push for the decriminalization of cannabis.

[continues 107 words]

156 CN AB: Editorial: No Need To Rush To PotTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Edmonton Sun (CN AB)          Area:Alberta Lines:60 Added:02/23/2018

Ontario Senator Tony Dean, sponsor of the Trudeau Liberals' pot bill in the Upper Chamber, is upset that Canadians will not be able to legally light up their spliffs until long after Canada Day.

He says time is of the essence, and that the government does not have the luxury of biding it.

Why is this? Why, after more than 100 years of marijuana being illegal, does the good senator think pushing back the smoke date by a few weeks is the wrong thing to do?

[continues 296 words]

157 CN AB: Medical Marijuana Users Wait For CoverageTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Metro (Edmonton, CN AB) Author:Maimann, Kevin Area:Alberta Lines:104 Added:02/23/2018

Patients still struggling to get covered by insurance plans

As Alberta moves forward on retail applications for recreational marijuana, those who use the drug for medical reasons still wait for coverage.

Most forms of medical cannabis do not have a Drug Identification Number (DIN) in Canada, which leaves it subject to tax and exempts it from most health coverage plans.

"We're not talking about drug users using this to get high, we're talking about patients that need it to be able to function and be part of a working society," said Scott Bladon, an Edmonton man who has legally used cannabis for three years to treat psoriatic arthritis.

[continues 523 words]

158 CN BC: Driving High On B.C. HighwaysTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Metro (Vancouver, CN BC) Author:Ball, David P. Area:British Columbia Lines:95 Added:02/23/2018

As legalization looms, experts say we're not road safe yet

As Canada readies to legalize pot this summer, experts including an ex-traffic cop warn we're still stumped about stopping stoned drivers from hitting B.C.'S streets.

"I've stopped lots of people who have been under the influence of marijuana," recalls retired West Vancouver traffic enforcement officer Cpl. Grant Gottgetreu. "You had to get really good at making observations.

"Unless a person gets pulled over and there's an overwhelming smell of burned marijuana from the car … there's still no instrument out there to test like there is for alcohol yet."

[continues 532 words]

159 CN ON: LTE: Canada Will Change With Pot LawsTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Intelligencer, The (CN ON) Author:Comeau, Larry Area:Ontario Lines:44 Added:02/23/2018

(Re: New guideline recommends doctors avoid prescribing medical marijuana for most conditions, Feb. 15)

The British have just issued the same guideline raising the question why there was not public education on the serious dangers to health before the Trudeau government fast-tracked legalizing marijuana. Besides causing serious damage to young developing brains, using pot can also lead to very aggressive behaviour is some people. The bottom line is very little is known about the long-term health effects of the 80 cannabinoids contained in marijuana. One thing we do know from the experiences in Colorado and Washington states, after legalization, is there will likely be more impaired drivers on our highways leading to more road deaths and young people will gain access to the drug with dire consequences.

[continues 131 words]

160 CN MB: Unchartered TerritoryTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Brodbeck, Tom Area:Manitoba Lines:92 Added:02/23/2018

Pallister government not budgeting for pot tax revenue this year

If the Pallister government projects a reduced deficit in the 2018 provincial budget, it won't be because of a new pot tax.

The Winnipeg Sun has learned that next month's budget will not include a revenue line from marijuana sales, even though legalized pot is expected to go on sale sometime later this year.

Finance Minister Cameron Friesen confirmed government is not budgeting for any marijuana revenues in 2018-19 and is still examining the potential costs associated with legalized weed, including additional health care, road safety and justice costs.

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