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21      US: Crack vs Heroin: 2 Races, 2 ResultsFri, 13 Dec 2019Excerpt
22 US: Drug Arrests Are Increasing, Even As Opinion Shifts In Favor ...Fri, 08 Nov 2019146
23 US: PUB LTE: Pregnancy And MarijuanaFri, 06 Sep 201940
24 US: PUB LTE: It's Really A War On Certain GroupsFri, 06 Sep 201937
25 US: Column: Ending The War On DrugsSun, 25 Aug 2019304
26 France: Crack Cocaine Makes A Paris Neighborhood Hell For Users ...Sun, 18 Aug 2019160
27 UK: Editorial: The Guardian View On The Case For Legalising ...Tue, 30 Jul 201963
28 US: Peering Into A Very Dark MirrorWed, 26 Jun 2019169
29 US: Editorial: Justice For Wronged Drug OffendersWed, 12 Jun 201975
30 US MD: Heroin Is Vanishing As Fentanyl Swamps StreetsSun, 19 May 2019195
31 US: OPED: Not So Fast On Magic MushroomsSat, 11 May 2019122
32 US: Test Lets Drug Users Indentify FentanylThu, 03 Jan 2019101
33      Canada: Federal Government Approves First Device For Testing ...Mon, 30 Jul 2018Excerpt
34 US: Editorial: Repeal Prohibition, AgainFri, 27 Jul 201880
35 US: Oped: The CDC Director's Deeply Personal Reason For FightingWed, 18 Jul 2018109
36 Colombia: Drug Gangs Battle In Old Rebel LandsTue, 17 Jul 2018128
37      US: Column: Hey Bud, Is That Marijuana, Pot Or Just Your Shoes?Wed, 11 Jul 2018Excerpt
38 US FL: Colombian Drug Kingpin Caught In Argentina Gets 31 YearsFri, 22 Jun 201825
39 US PA: Drugged Driving Deaths Spike With Spread Of Legal ...Thu, 31 May 2018148
40 US: Security Troops On U.S. Nuclear Missile Base Took LSDFri, 25 May 2018116

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