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101 US OH: OPED: Ohio's Opportunity To Make HistorySun, 18 Oct 2015
Source:Dayton Daily News (OH) Author:James, Ian Area:Ohio Lines:100 Added:10/18/2015

Issue 3 to Benefit Sick, Shut Down Ohio Drug Dealers.

Now is the time to legalize marijuana in Ohio. According to a Quinnipiac poll conducted earlier this month, the majority of Ohioans support legalization. Ninety percent of Ohioans support the legalization of medical marijuana and 53 percent of Ohioans support legalizing marijuana for adult, personal use.

Despite such positive public opinion, our state lawmakers have continuously failed to act on marijuana reform for the past 18 years. Since 1997, there has been legislation at the Statehouse to address medical marijuana for the chronically ill. And even as people continue to suffer and 9 out of 10 of us agree on providing compassionate care to sick Ohioans, lawmakers refuse to act.

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102 US OH: OPED: Headaches And Legal UncertaintySun, 18 Oct 2015
Source:Dayton Daily News (OH) Author:Montgomery, Betty Area:Ohio Lines:101 Added:10/18/2015

Issue 3 to Hinder Law Enforcement, Ohio Employers.

Few proposed constitutional amendments have been more at odds with common-sense public policy than Issue 3.

Its problems are varied, but Issue 3 starts by putting Ohio law in direct conflict with federal law, creating a legal quagmire on multiple fronts.

Issue 3 would create problems for Ohio peace officers, who sign an oath to support state and federal laws. If it were to pass, marijuana would be legal in Ohio but illegal under federal law. That's the quandary they would face.

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103 US OH: Questions About Pot Issue AnsweredSun, 18 Oct 2015
Source:Dayton Daily News (OH) Author:Bischoff, Laura Area:Ohio Lines:140 Added:10/18/2015

More than 300 people showed up for a public forum on Issue 3 recently conducted by Cox Media Group Ohio and the League of Women Voters at Sinclair Community College. Here are some of the questions from the audience, answered by our Statehouse reporter Laura Bischoff

Q: Will the cost of marijuana be determined and will it be as cheap as it is in the street now? How much of the cost will be decided by the government?

A: The market will determine the retail cost of legal marijuana. Legal manufacturers and product makers will pay a 15 percent flat tax and retailers will pay a five percent tax, plus other applicable business taxes. As a result, black market prices may still undercut the legal market prices. But buyers may be willing to pay a slightly higher price to know that it's legal and the product has been tested for safety, quality and potency.

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104US OH: OPED: Medical Marijuana: Hope Or Hoax?Fri, 16 Oct 2015
Source:News-Journal (Mansfield, OH) Author:Robinson, Paul E. Area:Ohio Lines:Excerpt Added:10/17/2015

This is a plea for a rational and compassionate perspective on the issue of medical marijuana. I must be honest. It is personal for me as I suffer from multiple sclerosis. The opinions expressed here, however, were formed long before it became a personal issue. My objectivity has not changed, but my compassion has deepened.

The medicinal qualities of marijuana were recognized as far back as 2737 B.C. In fact, from 1850 to 1937, marijuana was legally and readily available as a medicine for a wide range of maladies in the US.

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105US OH: Ohio Attorney General Mike Dewine Campaigns AgainstFri, 16 Oct 2015
Source:Plain Dealer, The (Cleveland, OH) Author:Morice, Jane Area:Ohio Lines:Excerpt Added:10/17/2015

CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine came to Cleveland Thursday to speak out against Issue 3, which would legalize recreational and medical marijuana use in the state.

DeWine, who made a recent trip to Colorado to learn about what marijuana legalization has done to that state, spoke at the Greater Cleveland Partnership headquarters on Huron Road in downtown Cleveland. With him were the Partnership's CEO Joe Roman and Shaker Heights Police Chief Scott Lee.

DeWine said he took a three-day "fact-finding trip" trip to Colorado to speak with government and law enforcement officials there. The attorney general said the overall message he took away was, "Don't do what Colorado has done."

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106 US OH: Ohio's Issue 3 More Complicated Than Support for LegalSun, 11 Oct 2015
Source:Blade, The (Toledo, OH) Author:Troyand, Tom Area:Ohio Lines:198 Added:10/13/2015

Questions, Gray Areas Worry Some

With 23 days left for Ohio voters to make up their minds on legalizing marijuana, there are a lot of complicated issues to consider.

State Issue 3 on the ballot Nov. 3 would amend the Ohio Constitution to allow adults 21 and older to possess an ounce of marijuana and get a permit to grow four flowering plants and keep 8 ounces of homegrown pot.

It also would allow anyone of any age to use marijuana for medical reasons - with a certificate from a licensed Ohio physician.

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107 US OH: Poll Shows Ohio Voters Support Marijuana UseFri, 09 Oct 2015
Source:Blade, The (Toledo, OH) Author:Provance, Jim Area:Ohio Lines:91 Added:10/10/2015

COLUMBUS - A poll released Thursday showed that more than half of Ohio voters believe that adults' personal use of small amounts of marijuana should be legal.

When it comes to just medical use, support soars to 90 percent, according to the Quinnipiac Poll.

The poll questions, however, were broadly phrased for voters in the presidential swing states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida and were not specifically tailored to Issue 3. That's the pot legalization and commercialization question on the Nov. 3 ballot, on which Ohioans are already voting.

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108 US OH: Slight Majority Backs 'Personal Use' Of PotThu, 08 Oct 2015
Source:Columbus Dispatch (OH) Author:Everhart, Michelle Area:Ohio Lines:73 Added:10/10/2015

The Quinnipiac Poll Also Showed Support Among Ohio Voters for Medical Marijuana at 90 Percent.

An overwhelming number of Ohioans would be OK with legalizing medical marijuana, while a smaller number - but still a majority - back legalizing recreational marijuana, according to a poll released on Thursday.

What's unclear is whether those people will vote for Issue 3, ResponsibleOhio's plan to legalize both types of marijuana use. The issue is on the ballot statewide.

The Quinnipiac poll showed support among Ohio voters for medical marijuana at 90 percent and for recreational use at 53 percent.

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109 US OH: Personal Use Of Marijuana Gains SupportThu, 08 Oct 2015
Source:Blade, The (Toledo, OH) Author:Provance, Jim Area:Ohio Lines:73 Added:10/09/2015

90 Percent of Voters Support Medical Purposes

COLUMBUS - More than half of Ohio voters support the personal use of marijuana by adults with support soaring to 90 percent for just medical purposes, according to a Quinnipiac Poll released today.

These questions of support were posed generally to registered voters in presidential swing states Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida and did not ask voters specifically about the legalization and commercialization ballot issue on which Ohioans are already voting for the Nov. 3 election.

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110 US OH: Medical-Pot Research Site Tied To Issue's FateWed, 07 Oct 2015
Source:Columbus Dispatch (OH) Author:Smola, Jennifer Area:Ohio Lines:81 Added:10/09/2015

A nonprofit organization dedicated to scientific research on cannabis plans to build a $24 million medical-marijuanaresearch facility at a proposed Licking County grow site if voters approve ResponsibleOhio's marijuana-legalization amendment this fall.

Work at the International Cannabinoid Institute Research Foundation would focus on marijuana-centered therapies for certain medical conditions such as childhood epilepsy, post-traumatic stress disorder, Alzheimer's disease and cancer.

The nonprofit group would lease 15 acres from the owner of the proposed site in Pataskala for the 40,000-square foot facility, the group announced on Tuesday at a news conference outside the Statehouse.

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111 US OH: Medical Marijuana Tough CallTue, 06 Oct 2015
Source:Columbus Dispatch (OH) Author:Johnson, Alan Area:Ohio Lines:169 Added:10/07/2015

Joe Triscaro does not like the ResponsibleOhio marijuanalegalization amendment, but he will vote for it on Nov. 3.

Dr. Anup D. Patel, a pediatric neurologist and director of the Complex Epilepsy Clinic at Nationwide Children's Hospital, says Issue 3 is not the way to make medical marijuana legal.

Marijuana as medicine is a controversial and emotional topic. Although most medical experts say there is no incontrovertible scientific evidence supporting marijuana for medical purposes, numerous studies, reports and thousands of anecdotal cases seem to indicate otherwise.

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112 US OH: Experts Weigh in on Marijuana Legalization and theMon, 05 Oct 2015
Source:Morning Journal (Lorain, OH) Author:Read, Tracey Area:Ohio Lines:125 Added:10/05/2015

The leader of one of the nation's largest metropolitan chambers of commerce is urging local businesses to come out against a ballot issue that would legalize both medical and recreational marijuana.

But legal experts and proponents of Issue 3 say employers need not fear if marijuana is legalized in Ohio.

On Nov. 3, Ohio residents will be asked to vote on both Issue 3 and Issue 2, the Ohio Initiated Monopolies Amendment put on by lawmakers in response to Responsible-Ohio's campaign to legalize marijuana here. Issue 3, or the Marijuana Legalization Initiative, would create 10 facilities with exclusive rights to commercially grow the drug.

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113US OH: Experts Weigh InSun, 04 Oct 2015
Source:News Herald (Willoughby, OH) Author:Read, Tracey Area:Ohio Lines:Excerpt Added:10/04/2015

Marijuana Legalization at Work Addressed

The leader of one of the nation's largest metropolitan chambers of commerce is urging local businesses to come out against a ballot issue that would legalize both medical and recreational marijuana.

But legal experts and proponents of Issue 3 say employers need not fear if marijuana is legalized in Ohio.

On Nov. 3, Ohio residents will be asked to vote on both Issue 3 and Issue 2, the Ohio Initiated Monopolies Amendment put on by lawmakers in response to ResponsibleOhio's campaign to legalize marijuana here. Issue 3, or the Marijuana Legalization Initiative, would create 10 facilities with exclusive rights to commercially grow the drug.

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114 US OH: OPED: Issue 3 - Marijuana: Why We're Saying YesSun, 04 Oct 2015
Source:Repository, The (Canton, OH) Author:James, Ian Area:Ohio Lines:82 Added:10/04/2015

For Far Too Long, Ohio Has Trailed the Nation Instead of Leading the Way.

For far too long, Ohio has trailed the nation instead of leading the way. This November, Ohioans have the opportunity to make Ohio a leader again by passing Issue 3 and enacting a proposal that a majority of Ohioans agree on - the legalization of marijuana.

Marijuana prohibition has failed and Ohioans want reform. But Ohio lawmakers refuse to act at the Statehouse. So the voters have a choice during early voting and on Election Day. And our decision will either propel us into being the first state in the Midwest to reap the many benefits of marijuana legalization or we will be once again shaking our heads and asking ourselves, "Why is Ohio always last? Always trailing the nation?"

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115 US OH: OPED: Issue 3 - Marijuana: Why We're Saying NoSun, 04 Oct 2015
Source:Repository, The (Canton, OH) Author:Doehrel, Andrew Area:Ohio Lines:128 Added:10/04/2015

Put Simply, This Arrangement Amounts to a Full-Scale Drug Cartel.

Since 1893, the Ohio Chamber of Commerce has waved the banner of free enterprise by actively championing policies that promote economic competitiveness and growth. The 8,000 businesses we represent range from large international companies to small family-owned businesses. Together we share a collective desire to see all Ohioans prosper, not just a few. Unfortunately, the deep-pocketed investors supporting state Issue 3 are not working toward the same goal. For the sake of Ohio's economic health and the safety of our workplaces, the chamber's board of virectors has voted to oppose Issue 3.

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116 US OH: DeWine Rejects Medical-Pot Ballot Language AgainSat, 03 Oct 2015
Source:Columbus Dispatch (OH) Author:Johnson, Alan Area:Ohio Lines:35 Added:10/04/2015

Ballot language for a new medical-marijuana issue was rejected for a second time on Friday by Attorney General Mike DeWine.

DeWine cited "a number of discrepancies" between the ballot summary and the full constitutional amendment submitted by backers of the Ohio Medical Cannabis Amendment. DeWine, who provides legal signoff on the ballot language summary of proposed amendments, turned down a previous version of the proposal on July 29.

DeWine said in a letter to Sandra Kay Riggs of Brice, Ohio, representing Ohio Medical Cannabis Care, that there were several discrepancies in the wording resubmitted on Sept. 24.

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117 US OH: Editorial: Ohioans, Don't Be Swayed by Pro-Marijuana TVSun, 04 Oct 2015
Source:Vindicator, The (Youngstown, OH)          Area:Ohio Lines:96 Added:10/04/2015

There are a couple of slick TV commercials that are designed to convince voters of Ohio that the legalization of marijuana would be a good thing and would be good public policy. However, we would urge television viewers and readers of the literature being mailed to households in the state to beware of drug pushers bearing gifts. The push to legalize pot in Ohio is being led by ResponsibleOhio, an umbrella organization funded by a small group of so-called investors who will reap huge financial benefits if State Issue 3 on the November general election ballot is approved

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118 US OH: PUB LTE: Other Tafts Wrong About MarijuanaMon, 28 Sep 2015
Source:Cincinnati Enquirer (OH) Author:Taft, Woody Area:Ohio Lines:49 Added:09/29/2015

Despite their good intentions, Bob and Hope Taft are misguided and misinformed regarding Issue 3 ("Marijuana dangerous to kids, adults" Sept. 24). They call the amendment the "worst public policy proposal" they have seen, but their conclusion is specious when one considers the facts: Since marijuana was legalized in Colorado, traffic fatalities are down 6 percent, arrests are down 10 percent, violent crime and heroin overdose deaths are down and teen use of marijuana is down 2 percent.

Bob and Hope are simply wrong that Issue 3 will legalize candies and other edibles that are "inviting to children." The third paragraph of the amendment clearly states that edibles will not be "manufactured, packaged or advertised in ways that create a substantial risk of attractiveness to children." What edibles are actually sold in Ohio will be determined by a newly created and independent Ohio Marijuana Control Commission.

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119 US OH: Supporters Of Marijuana Make Their Case For Issue 3Sun, 27 Sep 2015
Source:Star Beacon, The (Ashtabula, OH) Author:Dennis, Justin Area:Ohio Lines:212 Added:09/27/2015

Doctors have projected Tom Clint will only live another four months.

A dentist visit in 1994 revealed leukoplakia in the Ashtabula man's mouth, which later progressed into stage 3 oral, nasal and skin cancers. In February, doctors said the only way to save his life was to remove his tongue, but he chose against a life in which he couldn't talk, and hasn't seen an oncologist since.

The 57-year-old upholsterer said he's counting on the natural qualities of marijuana to halt, or even reverse, the spread of cancer through his body.

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120 US OH: Police: Legalizing Pot Leads To DangerFri, 18 Sep 2015
Source:Columbus Dispatch (OH) Author:Johnson, Alan Area:Ohio Lines:76 Added:09/18/2015

Law-enforcement officials fear fatal accidents involving marijuana-impaired drivers will increase.

Ohio law-enforcement agencies voiced full-throated opposition to legalizing marijuana, saying it poses public-safety hazards, particularly on the highways.

"Issue 3 is bad for Ohio and bad for our roadways and public places," Jay McDonald, president of the 25,000-member Ohio Fraternal Order of Police, said at a news conference on Thursday.

McDonald was joined by representatives from organizations representing police chiefs, sheriffs and county prosecutors in opposing State Issue 3, a proposed constitutional amendment that will appear on the Nov. 3 statewide ballot. The issue would legalize marijuana use for those 21 or older and medicinal marijuana for people with qualifying health problems.

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