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101Canada: Playing With Fire With SupportersThu, 15 Oct 2015
Source:StarPhoenix, The (CN SN) Author:Hopper, Tristin Area:Canada Lines:Excerpt Added:10/17/2015

On Wednesday, ex-Toronto mayor Rob Ford came out with the somewhat surprising news that - only days before Election Day - Conservative Leader Stephen Harper would be joining him for a Saturday campaign rally.

"We're going to show ' em what a real rally is about," said Ford's brother Doug, in a Wednesday interview with CP24.

By all indications, Harper is not a fan of Toronto's most well-known political dynasty.

Admitted crack users are typically kept as far as possible from Tory campaign events. And the Ford's boisterous good-ol'-boy style clashes with the Harper image of sober, responsible leadership.

[continues 453 words]

102Canada: Polarizing Figures A Campaign DilemmaThu, 15 Oct 2015
Source:National Post (Canada) Author:Hopper, Tristin Area:Canada Lines:Excerpt Added:10/15/2015

On Wednesday, ex-Toronto mayor Rob Ford came out with the somewhat surprising news that - only days before Election Day - Conservative Leader Stephen Harper would be joining him for a Saturday campaign rally.

"We're going to show 'em what a real rally is about," said Ford's brother Doug, in a Wednesday interview with CP24.

By all indications, Harper is not a fan of Toronto's most well-known political dynasty.

Admitted crack users are typically kept as far as possible from Tory campaign events.

[continues 469 words]

103Canada: Playing With Fire Is Never An Easy Decision To MakeThu, 15 Oct 2015
Source:Calgary Herald (CN AB) Author:Hopper, Tristin Area:Canada Lines:Excerpt Added:10/15/2015

Polarizing figures pose campaign dilemma for all three major parties

On Wednesday, ex- Toronto mayor Rob Ford came out with the somewhat surprising news that - only days before Election Day - Conservative Leader Stephen Harper would be joining him for a Saturday campaign rally.

"We're going to show ' em what a real rally is about," said Ford's brother Doug, in a Wednesday interview with CP24.

By all indications, Harper is not a fan of Toronto's most well-known political dynasty.

[continues 481 words]

104CN BC: Study Of Psychedelics PushedWed, 09 Sep 2015
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:Eagland, Nick Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:09/11/2015

Health Care: Researchers Say Substances May Help Treat Addiction, Depression, Anxiety

A trip to the doctor's office could someday mean a trip inside the doctor's office, if researchers calling for further study into the use of psychedelics for treating illness get their way.

Dr. Evan Wood, co-director of the Urban Health Research Initiative at the B.C. Centre for Excellence in HIV/ AIDS, is one of four medical researchers behind an analysis published Tuesday focusing on the resurgence of research into psychedelic substances for treating illnesses, including addiction, depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder.

[continues 575 words]

105 CN BC: MarijuanaFri, 04 Sep 2015
Source:Vancouver 24hours (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:86 Added:09/05/2015

We start our federal election weekly series on the issue of marijuana legalization, a hotly debated topic in B.C

Who doesn't like B.C. bud? It's a big deal in the province, home to a significant number of both legal and illegal growers, and to people like the Prince of Pot himself, Marc Emery.

In a poll earlier this summer, Insights West found 67% of British Columbians supported the legalization of marijuana in Canada - only 7% thought pot should always be illegal without exception.

[continues 586 words]

106CN BC: Many Apply, But Few Will Receive LicenceSat, 29 Aug 2015
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author:Crawford, Tiffany Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:08/31/2015

Fewer than 10 per cent of applicants will win city's permission to sell pot: councillor

A Vancouver city councillor says that when the dust settles, fewer than one in 10 people or groups who have applied for the city's new coveted medical marijuana business licences will be able to open.

On Friday the city said it had received an astonishing 176 applications for so-called legal dispensaries, well up from the more than 110 now operating illegally in Vancouver. Of those applications, 69 were from groups describing themselves as compassion clubs, which would qualify for greatly reduced business licence fees of $ 1,000. Those applying for retail licences have to pay a $30,000 fee.

[continues 789 words]

107 CN ON: Column: Is Mulcair Blowing Smoke On Grass?Thu, 27 Aug 2015
Source:NOW Magazine (CN ON) Author:Mernagh, Matt Area:Ontario Lines:110 Added:08/29/2015

When asked about doobies during his VanCity whistle stop, the NDP leader didn't bring up legalization, but Toronto candidates assure that it's party policy

Thomas Mulcair has promised to decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana "the minute we form government." He made the announcement during a campaign stop in Vancouver on August 20.

But the NDP brain trust is not going to dirty its hands with the weedy subject of outright marijuana legalization, which the Liberals have pledged.

[continues 680 words]

108CN BC: Prince of Pot Delighted Over 'Biblical' ChangeMon, 20 Jul 2015
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:Fumano, Dan Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:07/21/2015

Cannabis Conference: Emery Says It's 'Satisfying' To See Key Enforcement Figures Shifting Sides in Debate

As the dreadlocks-and-sandals crowd mingled with the suit-and-tie types Sunday at Simon Fraser University in Harbour Centre, Marc Emery commented on how much has changed over his 25 years of cannabis advocacy.

New, unfamiliar faces have appeared, he said, while old, familiar figures have changed sides.

The "Prince of Pot" surveyed the crowd of 200 at the Vancouver Cannabis Conference, expressed surprise and said: "I don't even know any of these people."

[continues 426 words]

109 Canada: Lawyers Navigating Complex World Of New Marijuana RegulationsMon, 13 Jul 2015
Source:Law Times (Canada) Author:McKiernan, Michael Area:Canada Lines:188 Added:07/16/2015

Kirk Tousaw has always been a thorn in the side of authority when it comes to the laws surrounding marijuana.

His interest in the legal position of the drug dates back a long time. As a 15-year-old, he was busted for possession in his home state of Michigan.

"I thought it was completely unjust," says Tousaw.

Soon after, a visit to his high school from the state governor provided the perfect vehicle for Tousaw to take his protest to the highest levels of the Michigan establishment.

[continues 1262 words]

110CN BC: Man Rejects Honour From 'Cowards'Fri, 03 Jul 2015
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:Kane, Laura Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:07/06/2015

Stanley Cup riot hero says he'll burn award from police after Cannabis Day arrest

A man arrested at a Vancouver pot protest on Canada Day is vowing to burn an award he received for heroism during the Stanley Cup riot.

Vancouver police honoured Bert Easterbrook in 2013 with a certificate of merit - the highest award for civilian bravery - for stopping rioters from flipping over a truck two years earlier.

Easterbrook and two others were charged Wednesday with obstruction after trying to stop police from arresting a man for trafficking at the annual Cannabis Day event.

[continues 415 words]

111CN BC: Column: City Should Lead On Pot LegalizationSat, 04 Jul 2015
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author:Mulgrew, Ian Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:07/06/2015

Learn from U.S.: Instead of blazing some misguided trail, Vancouver must put its resources into regulating marijuana in B.C.

Secret illegal marijuana home-grow operations - how are they working for you, Surrey? White Rock? Abbotsford? It must take at least 100 such guerrilla cannabis production centres to supply Vancouver's burgeoning pot shops.

While Vansterdam-on-the-Pacific's council tries to reap a harvest of $30,000 licensing fees from the scores of prohibited dispensaries it has allowed, our neighbours can enjoy the fallout - the opportunity to earn a little mortgage relief with a basement garden.

[continues 746 words]

112 CN BC: A Chaotic Cannabis Day Amid Arrests, PolitickingThu, 02 Jul 2015
Source:Metro (Vancouver, CN BC) Author:Kieltyka, Matt Area:British Columbia Lines:78 Added:07/03/2015

Advocates Accuse Police of Being Too Aggressive

Arrests and political haggling cast a dark cloud over the annual Cannabis Day event outside the Vancouver Art Gallery on Wednesday.

The protest and marijuana festival faced official opposition this year from the City of Vancouver, which ordered organizers to cease advertising the festivities and insisted the unsanctioned event required permits to exist.

A new wrench was thrown in the works Wednesday morning when vendors arrived to the north plaza of the art gallery and discovered the city, within the last two days, fenced off the entire area.

[continues 401 words]

113 CN BC: Cannabis Day Protest Gets DownsizedWed, 01 Jul 2015
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Hager, Mikle Area:British Columbia Lines:93 Added:07/03/2015

July 1 event will move to smaller south side of the Vancouver Art Gallery this year, and will ban vendor booths and large stage

Organizers of the annual Canada Day marijuana protest are facing a frosty reception from authorities this year after refusing a last minute request from the city to move their hazy party from downtown Vancouver.

Every year on July 1, marijuana activists hold a protest event on the north plaza of the Vancouver Art Gallery. In a letter dated June 9, deputy city manager Sadhu Johnston asked the Cannabis Culture organization, run by pot activist Marc Emery, to cease and desist from advertising the event. Mr. Johnston's letter said it could only go ahead if the proper permits were secured.

[continues 523 words]

114CN BC: A Cannabis Day Of Highs And LowsThu, 02 Jul 2015
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:Colebourn, John Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:07/03/2015

Pro-Marijuana Activists Go Ahead With Their Annual Protest Despite Warnings From the City

What a bong show. Pot activists and Vancouver police clashed at a Canada Day demonstration on Wednesday at the Vancouver Art Gallery.

At least four people were arrested as the so-called protest stretched into a long, hot day full of pro-pot propaganda on the concrete steps of the art gallery.

In defiance of a City of Vancouver order not to hold the annual Canada Day marijuana protest on the gallery's large north plaza, activists and vendors started setting up their booths early Wednesday at the south end of the public facility.

[continues 381 words]

115CN BC: Pot Businesses A Hit With ThievesSun, 31 May 2015
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:Eagland, Nick Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:06/04/2015

Apparent ram-raids on dispensaries early Saturday just the latest in rash of lootings

A wave of thefts has hit Vancouver pot businesses over the past two weeks, including two apparent ram-raiding attempts on medical marijuana dispensaries early Saturday.

Thieves drove a van through the front windows of Stressed and Depressed Association dispensary at 1353 E. 41st Ave. about 4:20 a.m. Saturday, manager Chad Rowsell said.

They made off with about $6,000 worth of marijuana, hash oil, edibles and other pot products.

[continues 493 words]

116 CN BC: PUB LTE: Legalizing Pot A Hot Topic Among ReadersFri, 01 May 2015
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author:Hall, Linda Area:British Columbia Lines:28 Added:05/06/2015

Re: Marc Emery? Call him irresponsible, Column, April 25

Shelley Fralic writes "marijuana is but another diversionary vice - like alcohol and cigarettes and opium." Well, no. Those three "diversions" are very addictive and all too frequently quite deadly. Marijuana is in quite another category. Fralic suggests marijuana users are "artificially anaesthetized." Alcohol is an anesthetic. It dulls the senses. Marijuana, on the contrary, produces an increased awareness of sensation.

Linda Hall



117 CN BC: PUB LTE: Legalizing Pot A Hot Topic Among ReadersFri, 01 May 2015
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author:Patten, Kathryn Area:British Columbia Lines:34 Added:05/04/2015

Re: Marc Emery? Call him irresponsible, Column, April 25

Shelley Fralic has it right. While I support legalizing marijuana, Marc Emery's comments regarding teen use of marijuana are dangerous and damning.

Researchers of neuroscience and neuropsychology, who have examined teenagers' brains after use of marijuana, tell us that their brains show weaknesses in neuropsychological functioning related to: attentive behaviour, learning, information processing, spatial skills, memory processing, planning and problem solving, even after 28 days of abstinence. Teenage brains are still developing and THC can damage, delay, and deter normal brain development, particularly in the prefrontal cortex.

Dr. Kathryn Patten

Adjunct Professor, Educational Neuroscience; Director, Neuro Emotional Literacy Program, Simon Fraser University


118 CN BC: PUB LTE: Legalizing Pot A Hot Topic Among ReadersFri, 01 May 2015
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author:Lipskis, Peter Area:British Columbia Lines:26 Added:05/04/2015

Re: Marc Emery? Call him irresponsible, Column, April 25

Shelley Fralic scorns Marc Emery's opinion that fast cars, alcohol and athletics might cause more harm to teens than marijuana use. But, given the statistics for death and injuries from street-racing, downtown's alcohol-driven "entertainment district," and hockey concussions, his point seems valid.

Peter Lipskis



119 Canada: Feds Concerned Over Marijuana Zoning RulesFri, 24 Apr 2015
Source:Prince George Citizen (CN BC) Author:Kane, Laura Area:Canada Lines:97 Added:04/29/2015

VANCOUVER - The federal government is telling the City of Vancouver it does not have the authority to legitimize pot with its proposal to regulate "illegal" medical marijuana dispensaries.

Health Minister Rona Ambrose sent a letter to Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson on Thursday saying she was "deeply concerned" by the city's plans to discuss regulation at an upcoming council meeting.

"Marijuana is not an approved drug or medicine, and Health Canada does not endorse its use," reads the letter obtained by The Canadian Press.

[continues 520 words]

120Canada: Ottawa Blasts Vancouver For Marijuana RegulationsFri, 24 Apr 2015
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Author:Kane, Laura Area:Canada Lines:Excerpt Added:04/28/2015

VANCOUVER - The federal government is telling the City of Vancouver it does not have the authority to legitimize pot with its proposal to regulate "illegal" medical marijuana dispensaries.

Health Minister Rona Ambrose sent a letter to Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson on Thursday saying she was "deeply concerned" by the city's plans to discuss regulation at an upcoming council meeting.

"Marijuana is not an approved drug or medicine, and Health Canada does not endorse its use," reads the letter obtained by The Canadian Press.

[continues 552 words]

121CN BC: Column: Marc Emery? Call Him IrresponsibleSat, 25 Apr 2015
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author:Fralic, Shelley Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:04/27/2015

Marijuana: Pot Prophet Needs to Lay Off the Kids

Now that the smoke has cleared, it's safe to say that Marc Emery is officially the poster boy for reefer madness. No disrespect intended. Wait. The disrespect is intended.

Because as much as Vancouver pot proselytizer Marc Emery, crowned our very own messiah of marijuana after serving five years in a U.S. jail for selling mail-order cannabis seeds, has every right to preach the virtues of legalizing weed, he needs to get off his high horse when it comes to selling his bill of goods to teenagers.

[continues 704 words]

122 CN BC: Annual 4/20 Event Adopts Political ToneTue, 21 Apr 2015
Source:Globe and Mail (Canada) Author:Stueck, Wendy Area:British Columbia Lines:92 Added:04/25/2015

Some cannabis enthusiasts took the opportunity to urge people to vote in the upcoming federal election

An annual demonstration on Monday brought a haze of smoke and marijuana merchandise including pot-laced chocolates and marijuana mango slushies to downtown Vancouver, where police monitored an event that has grown steadily since its debut in 1995.

Political messages were also on the menu. Marijuana advocacy group Sensible B.C. was on site to promote its "grow the vote" campaign, an initiative to mobilize voters for October's federal election. The group, which failed in a 2013 attempt to force a referendum to end arrests for marijuana prohibition in British Columbia, has since turned its focus to the federal scene.

[continues 505 words]

123CN BC: Celebration Turns To Pot For Huge 4/20 CrowdTue, 21 Apr 2015
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:Eagland, Nick Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:04/24/2015

PEACEFUL GATHERING: Event at Vancouver Art Gallery attracts young and old as plume of smoke fills the sky

It was 4:20 p.m. on April 20 and there wasn't a cloud in the sky over Vancouver, save for the massive plume of sweet-smelling smoke hovering above the art gallery.

The 20th annual 4/20 protest and celebration of marijuana in Vancouver saw more than 15,000 people surround the Vancouver Art Gallery Monday with bongs, pipes and joints in hand.

[continues 366 words]

124 CN BC: 420 Event High On Fed Liberal VoteTue, 21 Apr 2015
Source:Vancouver 24hours (CN BC) Author:McKay, Jeremy Area:British Columbia Lines:48 Added:04/23/2015

Justin Trudeau's face featured prominently at Vancouver event

Thousands of activists and enthusiasts gathered in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery for the annual 420 rally to protest prohibition against pot and celebrate their love for marijuana.

Over 300 registered vendors were at the event selling everything from B.C. Bud to marijuana-infused ice cream - that number doesn't include the vendors walking around the rally peddling their goods.

"We're now seeing double the amount of attention in vender booths," said event co-ordinator Jeremiah Vandermeer. This year's theme was "Let's Grow the Vote" to encourage those attending the rally to vote in October's federal elections.

[continues 162 words]

125 CN BC: We Are Still Pot Capital, Says EmeryMon, 20 Apr 2015
Source:Metro (Vancouver, CN BC) Author:Kieltyka, Matt Area:British Columbia Lines:40 Added:04/23/2015

Weed advocate set to make return to 4/20 smoke-up

The "Prince of Pot" says Vancouver still leads the charge toward marijuana tolerance as he gets ready to celebrate his first 4/20 since being released from a U.S. prison.

More than 25,000 people are expected to attend the annual smoke-up outside the Vancouver Art Gallery, first started 21 years ago by activist Marc Emery and his Cannabis Culture enterprise.

Emery, released Aug. 12, 2014 after serving a five-year sentence for selling marijuana seeds to American clients, told Metro that he's returned to a Vancouver that remains one of the most pot-tolerant cities in North America, despite the fact several U.S. states and districts have moved toward legalization and regulation during his incarceration.

[continues 90 words]

126Canada: Minister Chastises Vancouver's Pot PlanThu, 23 Apr 2015
Source:National Post (Canada) Author:Kane, Laura Area:Canada Lines:Excerpt Added:04/23/2015

VANCOUVER - The federal government is telling the City of Vancouver it does not have the authority to legitimize pot with its proposal to regulate "illegal" medical marijuana dispensaries.

Health Minister Rona Ambrose sent a letter to Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson on Thursday saying she was "deeply concerned" by the city's plans to discuss regulation at an upcoming council meeting.

"Marijuana is not an approved drug or medicine, and Health Canada does not endorse its use," reads the letter obtained by The Canadian Press.

[continues 379 words]

127CN BC: Licensing Fee Of $30,000 "Ridiculously High"Thu, 23 Apr 2015
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author:Culbert, Lori Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:04/23/2015

Dispensaries and others welcome regulation, but proposed costs deemed unfair

Travis Williams works in the Cannabis Culture lounge on Davie Street, which does not sell weed but charges a $5 fee for people to bring in and smoke their own. A separate marijuana dispensary, run by Eden Medicinal Society, is located in the same building with a door that opens into the hazy lounge.

The businesses appear to violate two of the city's proposed new regulations: that two marijuana-related business cannot operate within 300 metres of each other and that they cannot be located within 300 metres of a school.

[continues 806 words]

128CN BC: 20,000 Tipped To Roll Up For Pot FestMon, 20 Apr 2015
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:Olivier, Cassidy Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:04/22/2015

20th Anniversary: Mass toke-up called "beautiful" celebration, but others say normalization a 'real threat'

In the small back courtyard of his marijuana dispensary on East Hastings Street, Dana Larsen, a well-known pot activist, talks candidly about a subject he knows well: B.C. bud.

It's four days out from one of the premier local events for marijuana enthusiasts and Larsen, the author of several pot-themed books whose past political involvement includes a run for the B.C. NDP leadership, sketches out some of the preparations for the annual massive toke up known as 4/20.

[continues 875 words]

129 CN BC: Pot Safe for Pregnant Women: AdvocatesFri, 10 Apr 2015
Source:Vancouver 24hours (CN BC) Author:Slivinski, Ada Area:British Columbia Lines:73 Added:04/13/2015

Marc and Jodie's online magazine claims pregnant women smoking pot helps with nausea and emotions - but studies say otherwise

Marc Emery's online magazine, Cannabis Culture, encourages marijuana use during pregnancy for relief of nausea, loss of appetite and to help get emotions under control.

"Most studies say cannabis is perfectly safe during pregnancy, but it's controversial, of course!" said Jodie Emery, Marc's wife and well-known marijuana activist.

In one online article, Dr. Kathy Galbraith, known as "Dr. Kate," writes, "Pot can be safely used during pregnancy, and can help with several of the discomforts/problems associated therewith."

[continues 343 words]

130 CN BC: Dispensary On The Front Line Of Legal BattlesThu, 09 Apr 2015
Source:Parksville Qualicum Beach News (CN BC) Author:Ruvinsky, Auren Area:British Columbia Lines:118 Added:04/11/2015

Education session planned for Friday at 7p.m. in downtown Parksville

Local and high-profile supporters of a medical marijuana dispensary in Parksville call the police raid Thursday harassment and invite supporters to an event tomorrow.

"I tried to do it legally, but it just didn't work out," said Donna Johnson. She said she tried to go through the licencing system, but the paperwork and finding a doctor to prescribe it "just became too complicated."

Instead she turned to the Nanaimo-based Phoenix Pain Management Society, which opened a dispensary in downtown Parksville in January, to help treat her fibromyalgia and two forms of arthritis.

[continues 712 words]

131 CN AB: Royal Visit: 'Prince of Pot' Thanks Local SupportersMon, 16 Mar 2015
Source:Lethbridge Herald (CN AB) Author:Martin, Tijana Area:Alberta Lines:80 Added:03/17/2015

Reality of Marc Emery's Time in Prison Was Eased by Various Donations

Marc Emery "the Prince of Pot" was in Lethbridge this past weekend to thank the community for its support.

On Aug. 12, 2014, Emery was released from a United States federal prison after serving his five-year sentence after he pleaded guilty to selling marijuana seeds from Canada to American customers from 1995-2005.

He was released after 54 months for good behaviour.

"That was the result of a brilliant fundraising event I had to raise for the cannabis movement ... by selling seeds to Americans and people around the world, I was able to give away about five million dollars to activist groups all across North America," said Emery.

[continues 402 words]

132 CN ON: Rally Supports Bong ShopWed, 04 Mar 2015
Source:Northern News (CN ON) Author:Owen, Rick Area:Ontario Lines:127 Added:03/06/2015

KIRKLAND LAKE - The protest against the law that allows police to confiscate merchandise that could be used for the consumption of illicit substances attracted about 30 people Monday evening.

The protest was being held to support the Tripping Daisy and its owner Darren Delaney after The OPP Organized Crime Unit executed a search warrant on the business Feb. 5, 2015 and according to the owner confiscated about $25,000 worth of merchandise. The OPP have since laid a charge against Delaney.

[continues 981 words]

133 CN BC: Local Criminology Instructor Squares Off With PotTue, 10 Feb 2015
Source:Comox Valley Record (CN BC) Author:Stanfield, Scott Area:British Columbia Lines:84 Added:02/12/2015

North Island College criminology instructor/addictions consultant Geri Bemister squared off with pot activist Marc Emery, among others, in a panel discussion about Canadian marijuana laws, Wednesday at UVic.

Emery was recently released from prison in the U.S., where he was incarcerated on drug charges.

The panel also included Jim O'Rourke, executive director of VisionQuest Recovery Society which helps people heal from addiction through better lifestyle choices.

A certified interventionist, Bemister is a proponent of educated decisions as opposed to simply legalizing pot. On one hand, she notes the harms of marijuana are underrated and under-reported.

[continues 464 words]

134CN BC: Pot Impresario Is Back, Growing A Retail ChainMon, 09 Feb 2015
Source:National Post (Canada) Author:Hutchinson, Brian Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:02/11/2015

VANCOUVER - This city has its own Prince of Pot, cannabis promoter Marc Emery. But he's minor royalty next to Don Briere. Or Donald Joseph Briere, as he's known inside the Canadian justice and penal systems. He was once this country's most prolificmarijuana producer and distributor, with 33 illegal growing operations hidden across B.C.

In the late 1990s, before an informant ratted them out to police, Briere and his cohorts were growing and selling two tonnes of pot annually. "That's a lot of weed," he laughs. "We were outlaws. My share was $5-million a year."

[continues 782 words]

135CN BC: Pot Impresario Is Back In The Trade, Growing A RetailMon, 09 Feb 2015
Source:Windsor Star (CN ON) Author:Hutchinson, Brian Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:02/10/2015

Busted for Pushing, Briere Expands Business

VANCOUVER - This city has its own Prince of Pot, cannabis promoter Marc Emery. But he's minor royalty next to Don Briere. Or Donald Joseph Briere, as he's known inside the Canadian justice and penal systems. He was once this country's most prolific marijuana producer and distributor, with 33 illegal growing operations hidden across B.C.

In the late 1990s, before an informant ratted them out to police, Briere and his cohorts were growing and selling two tonnes of pot annually. "That's a lot of weed," he laughs. "We were outlaws. My share was $5-million a year."

[continues 776 words]

136CN BC: Tim Hortons Of CannabisMon, 09 Feb 2015
Source:National Post (Canada) Author:Hutchinson, Brian Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:02/10/2015

63-Year-Old Marijuana 'King' Seeks Weeds Franchisees

This city has its own Prince of Pot, cannabis promoter Marc Emery. But he's minor royalty next to Don Briere. Or Donald Joseph Briere, as he's known inside the Canadian justice and penal systems. He was once this country's most prolific marijuana producer and distributor, with 33 illegal growing operations hidden across B.C.

In the late 1990s, before an informant ratted them out to police, Mr. Briere and his cohorts were growing and selling two tonnes of pot annually. "That's a lot of weed," he laughs. "We were outlaws. My share was $5 million a year."

[continues 1076 words]

137CN BC: Marijuana Promoter Gets Into High GearMon, 09 Feb 2015
Source:Calgary Herald (CN AB) Author:Hutchinson, Brian Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:02/10/2015

Briere Seeking to Grow Retail Opportunities

This city has its own Prince of Pot, cannabis promoter Marc Emery. But he's minor royalty next to Don Briere. Or Donald Joseph Briere, as he's known inside the Canadian justice and penal systems. He was once this country's most prolific marijuana producer and distributor, with 33 illegal growing operations hidden across B. C.

In the late 1990s, before an informant ratted them out to police, Briere and his cohorts were growing and selling two tonnes of pot annually.

[continues 702 words]

138 CN BC: Editorial: Laissez-FaireFri, 06 Feb 2015
Source:Quesnel Cariboo Observer (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:53 Added:02/07/2015

The attitude towards marijuana in this province is in sharp contrast with the approach in other parts of Canada.

Proof of that comes in details from a court document, filed as part of an application to seize a property near the Aldergrove border crossing which was the subject of a massive search last week.

Although the large property just drew public attention last week, the documents suggest it has been used for marijuana production since 1993. That's a 22-year period.

[continues 251 words]

139 CN BC: Editorial: A Relaxed Attitude On MarijuanaFri, 06 Feb 2015
Source:Campbell River Mirror (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:51 Added:02/07/2015

The attitude towards marijuana in this province is in sharp contrast with the approach in other parts of Canada.

Proof of that comes in details from a court document, filed as part of an application to seize a property near the Aldergrove border crossing which was the subject of a massive search last week.

Although the large property just drew public attention last week, the documents suggest it has been used for marijuana production since 1993. That's a 22-year period.

[continues 248 words]

140 CN BC: Editorial: A Relaxed AttitudeFri, 06 Feb 2015
Source:Williams Lake Tribune, The (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:51 Added:02/07/2015

The attitude towards marijuana in this province is in sharp contrast with the approach in other parts of Canada.

Proof of that comes in details from a court document, filed as part of an application to seize a property near the Aldergrove border crossing which was the subject of a massive search last week.

Although the large property just drew public attention last week, the documents suggest it has been used for marijuana production since 1993. That's a 22-year period.

[continues 248 words]

141 CN BC: Editorial: A Relaxed Attitude On PotFri, 06 Feb 2015
Source:Richmond Review, The (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:53 Added:02/07/2015

The attitude towards marijuana in this province is in sharp contrast with the approach in other parts of Canada.

Proof of that comes in details from a court document, filed as part of an application to seize a property near the Aldergrove border crossing which was the subject of a massive search last week.

Although the large property just drew public attention last week, the documents suggest it has been used for marijuana production since 1993. That's a 22-year period.

[continues 251 words]

142 CN BC: Editorial: A Relaxed AttitudeThu, 05 Feb 2015
Source:Langley Times (CN BC)          Area:British Columbia Lines:51 Added:02/06/2015

The attitude towards marijuana in this province is in sharp contrast with the approach in other parts of Canada.

Proof of that comes in details from a court document, filed as part of an application to seize a property near the Aldergrove border crossing which was the subject of a massive search last week.

Although the large property just drew public attention last week, the documents suggest it has been used for marijuana production since 1993. That's a 22-year period.

[continues 249 words]

143CN BC: Tourism Boost As Loonie Goes To PotSun, 01 Feb 2015
Source:Province, The (CN BC) Author:Eagland, Nick Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:02/02/2015

High season for American visitors as Canadian dollar plummets

A Vancouver entrepreneur and marijuana activist wants Americans to boost local tourism by coming north to get higher as the Canadian dollar gets lower.

"Hello, American would-be visitors, weed here is $3.50 to $8 US a gram," Marc Emery posted to Instagram on Thursday as Canada's dollar continued to plunge - dropping from about par to the U.S. dollar two years ago to 79 cents on Friday.

"I don't think it's occurring to (American tourists) that they can come up to Canada now, in the last six weeks, and have a holiday at a much greater discount than ever before," the self-styled "Prince of Pot" told the Sunday Province on Saturday.

[continues 454 words]

144 CN BC: Edu: Legalization Activist Marc Emery To Speak At UBC On TuesdayMon, 26 Jan 2015
Source:Ubyssey (CN BC Edu) Author:Lenz, Alex Area:British Columbia Lines:95 Added:01/30/2015

Marc Emery's downtown office looks exactly the way you'd imagine it would - adorned with bongs, weed art and a visiting cat. No other work setting would be appropriate for an activist who has dedicated his life to libertarianism and drug legalization.

Over the past twenty years, Emery has firmly established himself as local celebrity and an international symbol for the legalization of marijuana. After spending just over four years in various US federal prisons for selling marijuana seeds across the border, Emery is now campaigning for the Liberal Party's success in the upcoming elections. Headed by Justin Trudeau, the party has taken an explicitly pro-legalization standpoint.

[continues 598 words]

145 CN BC: Liberals Send a Message by Refusing to Allow JodieThu, 22 Jan 2015
Source:Georgia Straight, The (CN BC) Author:Smith, Charlie Area:British Columbia Lines:57 Added:01/22/2015

THE NEWS THAT came over Jodie Emery's Twitter feed was terse and direct.

"At 3:58 pm I received an email from the Liberal Green Light Committee informing me they are not recommending me to be a nomination candidate," she wrote.

Emery, wife of marijuana-legalization crusader Marc Emery, had hoped to become the Liberal candidate in Vancouver East.

She went through the usual bureaucracy that comes with seeking a nod from a federal party.

Emery demonstrated that she doesn't have a criminal record. She certainly has a long history of involvement in community issues. But apparently, that didn't satisfy party apparatchiks.

[continues 191 words]

146 CN BC: Federal Liberals Reject Jodie Emeryas Bid For NominationMon, 19 Jan 2015
Source:Metro (Vancouver, CN BC) Author:Kieltyka, Matt Area:British Columbia Lines:58 Added:01/21/2015

Wife of 'Prince of Pot'. Emery was running federally in East Van

Marijuana activist Jodie Emery won't be running for the Liberals after all.

After a year of speculation and headlines, the federal Liberal party officially ended Emery's hopes of running federally in Vancouver East by rejecting her nomination papers.

Emery, the wife of "Prince of Pot" Marc Emery, said she was notified with an email Friday explaining that the party's green light committee, "upon careful review," decided she was not a qualified candidate and would not be able to contest for the Liberal nomination.

[continues 197 words]

147CN BC: Marijuana Activist Questions Liberals' OpennessThu, 15 Jan 2015
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author:O'Neil, Peter Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:01/20/2015

Internal party poll shows Jodie Emery unlikely to win Vancouver East riding

OTTAWA - Marijuana legalization activist Jodie Emery, a candidate for the Liberal nomination in the suddenly competitive Vancouver East riding, is raising questions about her leader's honesty in committing to a wide-open nomination process across Canada.

The provocative comments this week from Emery, wife of so-called "Prince of Pot" Marc Emery, coincide with the release of internal Liberal polling results saying that the party has a shot at winning the Vancouver East riding now that NDP potentate Libby Davies is retiring.

[continues 703 words]

148CN BC: Trudeaua's Openness Vow QuestionedThu, 15 Jan 2015
Source:Ottawa Citizen (CN ON) Author:O'Neil, Peter Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:01/18/2015

Marijuana legalization activist Jodie Emery, a candidate for the Liberal nomination in the Vancouver East riding, is raising questions about her leader's honesty in committing to a wide-open nomination process across Canada.

The provocative comments this week from Emery, wife of the so called "Prince of Pot" Marc Emery, coincide with the release of internal Liberal polling results saying that the party has a shot at winning the Vancouver East riding now that NDP MP Libby Davies is retiring.

[continues 268 words]

149CN BC: Activist Criticizes Trudeau Over Selection ProcessThu, 15 Jan 2015
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC) Author:O'Neil, Peter Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:01/17/2015

Marijuana legalization activist Jodie Emery, a candidate for the Liberal nomination in the Vancouver East riding, has raised questions about her leader's honesty in committing to a wide-open nomination process across Canada.

The comments this week from Emery, wife of "Prince of Pot" Marc Emery, coincide with the release of internal Liberal polling results saying that the party has a shot at winning the Vancouver East riding now that NDP potentate Libby Davies is retiring. But that's only if Emery is not the candidate, according to polling data obtained by the Vancouver Sun.

[continues 347 words]

150CN BC: Jodie Emery Will Run For Liberal NodThu, 08 Jan 2015
Source:Vancouver Sun (CN BC) Author:Hutchinson, Brian Area:British Columbia Lines:Excerpt Added:01/09/2015

Wife Of 'Prince of Pot' Marc Emery Doesn't Like Being Called A One-issue Candidate

The old building is like a marijuana super store, without marijuana for sale. There's a large retail shop on the ground level that offers old-school pipes and papers and bongs, and pricey high-tech vaporizers for the modern, more health-conscious crowd. Upstairs there's a comfortable, if malodorous, lounge where bring-your-own cannabis products are openly consumed. Tobacco smoking is not allowed.

[continues 712 words]

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