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41 CN NS: Editorial: Planting The Seed Of OpportunismTue, 12 Dec 2017
Source:Truro Daily News (CN NS)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:73 Added:12/16/2017

It's funny how quickly a criminal enterprise can turn into a legitimate business opportunity. As a federal Conservative politician, even as late as 2015, Julian Fantino was opposed to the legalization of marijuana.

In 2004, he even compared weed to murder in an interview with the Toronto Sun, saying, "I guess we can legalize murder too and then we won't have a murder case. We can't go that way." Now, he's partnered with former RCMP deputy commissioner Raf Souccar to open a medical marijuana business, Aleafia Total Health Network.

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42 CN NS: Editor: They've Got High HopesFri, 15 Dec 2017
Source:Truro Daily News (CN NS)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:68 Added:12/15/2017

The latest Corporate Research Associates (CRA) survey this week probably sent chills down the spines of finance ministers and premiers across Atlantic Canada. After returning home from Ottawa earlier in the week with a lucrative tax-sharing deal on the sale of legalized marijuana, visions of windfall revenues were quickly brought back to reality.

The CRA survey suggests that approximately 20 per cent of Atlantic Canadians plan to purchase pot once marijuana becomes legal July 1. That is about the same percentage that uses pot today - illegally.

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43 CN NS: Youth Psychiatrist Disappointed In Nova Scotia's Marijuana AgeSat, 09 Dec 2017
Source:Truro Daily News (CN NS) Author:McPhee, John Area:Nova Scotia Lines:59 Added:12/14/2017

Health officials are disappointed that the province has set the legal age for marijuana consumption at 19 years.

The consensus among provincial and national health organizations is that the minimum age should be 21, and some believe it should be even older, said Dr. Phil Tibbo, director of the Nova Scotia Early Psychosis Program and a psychiatry professor at Dalhousie University.

"Regular cannabis use can actually have a significant impact on brain development up until about your mid-20s," he said in an interview Thursday.

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44 CN NS: Accused Released On ConditionsSat, 09 Dec 2017
Source:Cape Breton Post (CN NS)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:97 Added:12/14/2017

Unprecedented support shown for drug accused

In an unprecedented show of support for an accused, some 80 people crowded into two Sydney courtrooms Friday to attend a bail hearing for a man charged with drug trafficking.

The crowd left the Sydney Justice Centre cheering and clapping and drove away beeping their horns in showing their extreme pleasure with the decision to grant bail.

Provincial court Judge Peter Ross allowed the release of Donald James Campbell, 38, who is charged with two counts of possession for the purpose of trafficking, involving marijuana and hashish. He faces an additional drug charge of growing marijuana.

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45 CN NS: NSLC Outlets Will Double As Pot StoresFri, 08 Dec 2017
Source:Cape Breton Post (CN NS) Author:Doucette, Keith Area:Nova Scotia Lines:121 Added:12/08/2017

Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island both set legal age for marijuana use at 19

Nova Scotia and P.E.I. both set their legal age for marijuana at 19 on Thursday, but the two East Coast provinces are taking different paths on how weed will be sold.

P.E.I. said it will sell marijuana at standalone outlets run separately by its liquor commission, while Nova Scotia said pot will be sold alongside alcohol in its provincial liquor stores.

Justice Minister Mark Furey said Thursday Nova Scotia believes selling marijuana through existing liquor stores will provide the necessary control to ensure public safety.

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46 CN NS: Pot Law Will Boost Black Market: Dispensary OwnerThu, 07 Dec 2017
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:McPhee, John Area:Nova Scotia Lines:71 Added:12/07/2017

The owner of a Halifax marijuana dispensary says the province's recreational pot policy announced Thursday will drive more people to the black market.

But Chris Enns said he doesn't fear that widespread access to pot next July will threaten his business.

"I've had no less than half a dozen individuals call me this morning literally in tears, worried I was going to shut down or be shut down by these new regulations and that they wouldn't have a source for their medicine anymore," said Enns, owner of Farm Assists Medical Cannabis Resource Centre, in an interview Thursday.

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47 CN NS: Cannabis CrackdownTue, 05 Dec 2017
Source:Cape Breton Post (CN NS) Author:Sullivan, Nikki Area:Nova Scotia Lines:121 Added:12/05/2017

Medical marijuana dispensary raid angers clients

Cries of anger, disappointment and disgust rang throughout a Sydney courtroom on Monday when a judge ruled Donald James Campbell was to stay in jail until a bail hearing on Friday.

Campbell's supporters packed the courtroom on Monday. His mother, overcome with emotion, had to be taken out by wheelchair after the verdict.

Campbell is one of three people charged after Cape Breton Regional Police Service raided two commercial properties and two residential properties on Friday. During the raid, an estimated $200,000 worth of drugs was found plus $20,000 cash.

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48 CN NS: OPED: Newfoundland And Labrador Doing Cannabis Sales CorrectlyWed, 29 Nov 2017
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:Morgan, Jordi Area:Nova Scotia Lines:74 Added:11/29/2017

Allowing private sector to take point on distribution a sensible policy

Newfoundland and Labrador made a common-sense decision last week on the distribution of cannabis in that province. They've opted for a private-sector distribution model, breaking away from the ill-considered public-sector monopolies being set up in Ontario and New Brunswick.

As part of the Newfoundland and Labrador plan, the government says it will allow the sale of cannabis by private retailers, while the regulation, distribution and online sales will initially be carried out by the Newfoundland Liquor Corporation. On this issue, the government listened to the Canadian Federation of Independent Business.

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49 CN NS: Safe Needle Disposal Program Open To AllThu, 23 Nov 2017
Source:Cape Breton Post (CN NS) Author:Sullivan, Nikki Area:Nova Scotia Lines:99 Added:11/28/2017

Most pharmacies won't ask what needles are used for

Used needles or other sharps never have to be discarded in bottles, garbage or public spaces because of the Safe Sharps Bring-Back Program.

The Pharmacy Association of Nova Scotia (PANS) administers the program for residential sharps users. Although it is not intended for people who use intravenous drugs, most pharmacies won't ask what the needles are being used for.

"The whole idea is about harm reduction," said Hugh Toner, pharmacist owner of both Medicine Shoppe stores in Sydney.

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50 CN NS: Editorial: Go Further To Fight Opioid CrisisMon, 20 Nov 2017
Source:Truro Daily News (CN NS)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:95 Added:11/20/2017

To say that Canada is in the midst of opioid crisis is, tragically, a gross understatement. This is an emergency. Some 3,000 people, or about eight a day, are expected to die of opioid overdoses this year in Canada. Another 16 others are hospitalized each day.

To put that in perspective, 44 people died in the SARS epidemic of 2003.

So Health Minister Ginette Petitpas Taylor's announcement last week listing new measures to fight the opioid crisis could not have come soon enough. But, distressingly, as bold as the new measures are, they don't go far enough to ward off the epidemic of deaths caused by these highly addictive drugs.

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51 CN NS: 'We Need To Prepare'Tue, 14 Nov 2017
Source:Cape Breton Post (CN NS) Author:Jala, David Area:Nova Scotia Lines:121 Added:11/14/2017

Police chief warns CBRM to plan ahead for marijuana legislation

Once the federal government legalizes cannabis, it may or may not be OK to smoke marijuana while walking down the street.

According to Cape Breton Regional Police Chief Peter McIsaac, it is far too soon to predict exactly how the new regulations will affect the consumption, availability, distribution and enforcement of cannabis products and their use here in Cape Breton.

"There are still so many unanswered questions, but like it or not, agree with it or not, cannabis is coming and we need to prepare for it as a municipality," McIsaac said during a recent address to Cape Breton Regional Municipality councillors at city hall.

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52 CN NS: Column: Strictly Regulated Legal Pot Environment ExpectedThu, 09 Nov 2017
Source:News, The (New Glasgow, CN NS) Author:Vibert, Jim Area:Nova Scotia Lines:118 Added:11/11/2017

Nova Scotians thinking that next July they'll be able to nip down to the corner pot shop whenever they want, might want to chill until they see the province's plan.

Cannabis will be legal next summer, but the rules and regulations are yet to come and Nova Scotia, along with the other Atlantic Provinces, will create tightly controlled, strictly regulated environments.

Last week, the province wrapped up its online survey asking Nova Scotian for opinions on a variety of questions about cannabis control and access.

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53 CN NS: Column: Elderly Being Left Out Of Cannabis DiscussionsTue, 07 Nov 2017
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:Farries, Anne Area:Nova Scotia Lines:79 Added:11/11/2017

For months, Ralph (all names have been changed), neighbour to my friend The Chairman, has left his house only for doctor visits and a couple of hospital stints.

That's not for lack of trying. Prescribed mind-numbing meds put the former coal miner into a fog. Several times he insisted that he needed to go outside, rolled his wheelchair to the front door, tried to stand but instead tumbled, like laundry out of a basket, like a milk bottle smashed on the floor.

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54 CN NS: Countdown To Cannabis LegalizationWed, 08 Nov 2017
Source:Victoria Standard, The (CN NS) Author:Barber, Carolyn Area:Nova Scotia Lines:75 Added:11/11/2017

Austin wants Victoria County to get fair share of economic growth

With federal legalization of recreational cannabis less than nine months away, these are interesting times for an Economic Development Officer (EDO) in Cape Breton.

"I've been watching this for a while and looking for economic opportunities so the County of Victoria gets its fair share of economic growth from it," said Victoria County Economic Development Officer Patrick Austin.

Austin was instrumental in launching a broad-based conversation concerning the economic impacts of legalization for Cape Breton. He and colleagues from the Cape Breton Partnership gathered business owners, legislators, regulators, public health and safety authorities for the recent Atlantic Cannabis Forum held in Membertou, Nov. 1-2.

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55 CN NS: Column: Best Pot For PeriodsThu, 02 Nov 2017
Source:Coast, The (CN NS) Author:Laplante, Lucy Area:Nova Scotia Lines:92 Added:11/06/2017

When it comes time for your monthly uterine massacre, you bet Mary Jane has your back-and anywhere else that aches whilst surfing the crimson wave. Here are the cannabis products that my co-workers and partner can thank for not being murdered by me once every three weeks.

1 Arthritis balm from Cannalife Botanicals

Ever heard of our bodies' endocannabinoid system? It regulates mood, memory, appetite, pain and inflammation, while co-piloting the immune, reproductive, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal systems. The 100-plus chemical compounds cannabis is made up of (like psychoactive THC, and CBD which helps with pain) fit into different endocannabinoid system cell receptors like brokenhearted BFF lockets.

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56 CN NS: No Weed, Nova Scotia?Wed, 01 Nov 2017
Source:Metro (Halifax, CN NS) Author:d'entremont, Yvette Area:Nova Scotia Lines:52 Added:11/06/2017

Survey says majority won't buy marijuana when legalized

Pot doesn't look like it will be popular in this province when it's finally legalized.

A new survey released Tuesday says the vast majority of Nova Scotians don't plan to buy marijuana for personal use once it's legalized in Canada.

In a media release, Corporate Research Associates (CRA) said only one in five Nova Scotians (19 per cent) intend to buy marijuana at least occasionally for personal use once it's legalized.

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57 CN NS: Going To PotFri, 03 Nov 2017
Source:Cape Breton Post (CN NS) Author:King, Nancy Area:Nova Scotia Lines:83 Added:11/03/2017

Cannabis forum attracts businesspeople, politicians, individuals

It's still unclear how it will be distributed in Nova Scotia, but with the legalization of cannabis across Canada due by July, businesses, municipalities and individuals are considering how they can best respond.

About 75 people attended Thursday's Atlantic Cannabis Forum hosted by the Cape Breton Partnership at the Membertou Trade and Convention Centre Thursday.

While the Trudeau Liberal federal government introduced legislation to legalize cannabis earlier this year, to date only Ontario and New Brunswick have unveiled what their distribution models will look like.

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58CN NS: Halifax Official Stops Using Word 'Marijuana'Fri, 27 Oct 2017
Source:National Post (Canada) Author:Thomson, Aly Area:Nova Scotia Lines:Excerpt Added:10/30/2017

Claims it's racist

HALIFAX * A Halifax councillor says he will no longer use the term "marijuana" because it is racist, sparking a social media debate over the well-used synonym for cannabis.

Coun. Shawn Cleary said a police officer he works with on a cannabis legalization task force recently brought it to his attention that the term has a racist history.

Cleary said in the early 1900s during the criminalization of cannabis in the U.S., "marijuana" was used to demonize marginalized communities, namely Mexicans.

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59 CN NS: LTE: Magazine Outlines Problems With PotFri, 27 Oct 2017
Source:Truro Daily News (CN NS) Author:Kennedy, Ken Area:Nova Scotia Lines:55 Added:10/30/2017

To the editor:

Monday's editorial about PM Justin Trudeau facing an "uphill battle" in respect to pushing through cannabis legislation next summer seems to coincide with the recent discovery of a magazine I found in my doctor's waiting room.

It is called "Drug Facts For Young People" and is a free publication by Regional Maple Leaf Communications Inc., of Edmonton.

A copy should be placed in every politician's briefcase and every student's backpack.

Here are a few excerpts:

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60 CN NS: Front Line ConcernThu, 26 Oct 2017
Source:News, The (New Glasgow, CN NS) Author:MacDonald, Sam Area:Nova Scotia Lines:78 Added:10/30/2017

Mayors call for more support for cannabis legalization

New Glasgow Mayor Nancy Dicks was one of a group of Atlantic mayors who want a stronger voice when it comes to decisions around the legalization of marijuana.

She and the other community leaders associated with the Atlantic Mayors' Congress believe municipalities in the region need more support and information as the legalization of marijuana in Canada approaches.

While attending the Atlantic Mayors' Congress meeting from Oct. 18 to 20, Dicks signed a joint resolution requesting that the provincial and federal governments co-operate with municipalities in Atlantic Canada to prepare for the legalization of marijuana.

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