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141 US OK: Senator Seeks Relaxed Pot LawsThu, 24 Jan 2013
Source:Oklahoman, The (OK) Author:McNutt, Michael Area:Oklahoma Lines:38 Added:01/25/2013

A legislator who couldn't get an interim study last fall on the benefits of medical marijuana has filed two measures to ease the state's tough marijuana laws.

Sen. Constance Johnson, D-Forest Park, has filed separate bills to establish a medical marijuana program in Oklahoma and to reduce the penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana.

Senate Bill 902 would direct the State Board of Medical Licensure and Supervision to develop and adopt rules that allow people with debilitating medical conditions to use marijuana with approval from their physicians and to establish fees for the "licensing, production, distribution and consumption" of marijuana for medical purposes.

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142 US OK: Column: War On Pot Has Gone Up In SmokeSun, 13 Jan 2013
Source:Tulsa World (OK) Author:Hiaasen, Carl Area:Oklahoma Lines:127 Added:01/13/2013

The war on marijuana is going up in smoke, and it's about time. There is no bigger waste of money and resources in all law enforcement.

Failure is too polite a description for the long campaign to eliminate the pot trade in the United States. A colossal flop is what it is. After four decades and billions spent, marijuana is easier to get, and more potent, than ever.

More than 40 percent of all Americans over 12 have tried it, and at least 30 million people smoke it every year. The most recent national drug survey found that 18.1 million Americans had used it during the previous month.

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