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61 CN NS: Cops Begin Crackdown On Crack HousesTue, 08 May 2007
Source:Daily News, The (CN NS) Author:Southwick, Reid Area:Nova Scotia Lines:293 Added:05/09/2007

New Police Unit Empowered To Evict Tenants, But Critics Say Law 'Criminalizes Poverty'

In Halifax, we are fortunate to have hundreds of bright, talented graduates from our local universities every year, each looking to make a mark in his or her chosen field. Today through Saturday, we are pleased to showcase some of the best work the University of King's College graduating class produced for its investigative reporting course.

Tracey Earle lives in the south end of Halifax, next door to a reputed drug house.

[continues 1947 words]

62 CN NS: OPED: Ill Canadians Rally for Improvements to MedicalFri, 04 May 2007
Source:Digby Courier, The (CN NS) Author:Stultz-Giffin, Debbie Area:Nova Scotia Lines:87 Added:05/06/2007

Halifax March on Saturday One of Hundreds Worldwide

Medical marijuana patients and advocates, cannabis consumers and freedom supporters, will rally in the Halifax North Commons from 1 to 4 p.m., May 5, to mark the annual Global Marijuana March as we join over 200 cities worldwide to seek changes to current cannabis laws.

Last month Canadians learned about Health Canada gouging critically and chronically ill Canadians a whopping 1,500 per cent markup for medicinal marijuana.

Maritimers Unite for Medical Marijuana Society (MUMM) is a registered non-profit organization that educates others about the safety of medical marijuana while advocating and lobbying for the rights of consumers, distributors and producers of medical marijuana.

[continues 437 words]

63 CN NS: Drug Issue Takes Centre StageSat, 05 May 2007
Source:Amherst Citizen, The (CN NS) Author:Wagstaff, Andrew Area:Nova Scotia Lines:63 Added:05/06/2007

PARRSBORO - The severity of the local drug problem remains a subject of debate, but at least one group of parents is convinced that illegal drugs are rampant in this small town.

Parents and community members were given a drug awareness presentation by representatives from the RCMP and Addictions Services in a public meeting at Fundy Geological Museum Tuesday night, following several sessions given earlier that day to students at Parrsboro Regional High School.

The crowd in attendance at the museum was small, but many of those who were there complained of "hard drugs" such as cocaine and crystal meth being sold in Parrsboro, and pleaded with the police for answers.

[continues 321 words]

64 CN NS: Cannabis Consumers March WorldwideSun, 06 May 2007
Source:Daily News, The (CN NS) Author:Macdonald, Andrea Area:Nova Scotia Lines:70 Added:05/06/2007

Rain Dampens Local Pro-Pot Rally On Common

A small group of people took to the Halifax Common yesterday, hoping to re-ignite debate over Canada's medical-marijuana program.

The rally was part of the Global Marijuana March, in which medical-marijuana patients, advocates and cannabis consumers gathered in more than 200 cities worldwide. Heavy rains put a damper on the Halifax rally, but organizers remained hopeful they could change current cannabis laws.

Maritimers Unite for Medical Marijuana Society says Health Canada is gouging chronically ill Canadians by marking up medical marijuana by 1,500 per cent. They say people living with HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other conditions can't afford the product. Most exemption holders live on lower, fixed incomes, according to MUMM, and medical marijuana is essential for their well-being.

[continues 284 words]

65 CN NS: Using Drugs Just Leads To Hard Road, Kids LearnTue, 01 May 2007
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:Everest, Paul Area:Nova Scotia Lines:78 Added:05/04/2007

Elementary School Program Packs Important Lesson in Fun

While shoe-sized race cars whizzed around her and her classmates cheered with delight, Alysha Rogers learned just how dangerous drugs can be.

"It can really blow your mind, especially cocaine and marijuana," the 11-year-old said.

Alysha, from Gertrude Parker Elementary School, was one of roughly 600 Grade 5 students from 13 Lower Sackville schools participating in the Racing Against Drugs program at Cavalier Drive Elementary/Junior High School, which kicked off Monday morning and wraps up this afternoon.

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66 CN NS: Journey Against Drug Addiction Begins In Glace BayTue, 01 May 2007
Source:Cape Breton Post (CN NS) Author:Montgomery, Sharon Area:Nova Scotia Lines:79 Added:05/02/2007

GLACE BAY - A Pictou man is lobbying the government for more funding for addiction services - by bike.

Doug MacBain, 29, began Ride for Recovery in Glace Bay, Monday, a cross-country bike tour to raise funds and awareness for addiction services in the province.

"I battled addiction for 14 years and now I am passionate about helping others out. I will also be carrying a petition (seeking) more funding and treatment programs for addiction services."

His tour, which he expects to end in Vancouver June 16, will include stops at Wal-Marts and schools where he will tell his story.

[continues 337 words]

67 CN NS: PUB LTE: Marijuana RipoffSat, 28 Apr 2007
Source:Daily News, The (CN NS) Author:Couch, Herb Area:Nova Scotia Lines:42 Added:04/29/2007

To the editor:

Re: High Markup On Feds' Medicinal Pot, The Daily News, April 16.

Marijuana has many beneficial medicinal uses. Medical-marijuana patients rely on their medicine to live and have better lives.

It is unfortunate that Health Canada feels the need to rip off sick people by charging exorbitant prices for a poor-quality product.

That is not the Canadian way of helping others. Instead, our federal government should legalize and regulate marijuana and support local compassion clubs which are able to deliver safe, organic, medicinal marijuana to patients.

Someone needs to tell Health Canada that bullying sick people is the wrong message to send to our young people.

Herb Couch

Western Canada Director

Educators For Sensible Drug Policy


68 CN NS: Rita MacNeil Brings The Old And New To Th'yarcThu, 26 Apr 2007
Source:Yarmouth Vanguard, The (CN NS) Author:Gorman, Michael Area:Nova Scotia Lines:74 Added:04/27/2007

At a point in her career when there was nothing left for her to do as a musician, Rita MacNeil did the only logical thing someone in her position could -- she harvested weed with the Trailer Park Boys.

MacNeil laughs when asked about the now legendary episode of the popular TV show where the boys hijack her tour bus and force MacNeil and her band to help them pick their crop. In the show, MacNeil happily picks five-foot tall marijuana plants while singing her trademark, Working Man.

[continues 429 words]

69 CN NS: PUB LTE: Mission ImpossibleSat, 21 Apr 2007
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:Cameron, Andrew Area:Nova Scotia Lines:44 Added:04/22/2007

The Mission and Vision section on Health Canada's website contains the words: "responsible for helping the people of Canada maintain and improve their health" and "committed to improving the lives of all of Canada's people "

I am confused: a 1,500 per cent mark-up on medical marijuana! How does gouging the sick, suffering and helpless fulfill that mission and vision?

Also on that website, I discovered Smart Regulation, which is "about creating a better, more effective regulatory system to safeguard the health and safety of Canadians and ensure a healthy environment, while enhancing the conditions for an innovative economy." Perhaps an innovative economy is the answer. There is certainly a thriving economy in the sale of illicit drugs. Maybe Health Canada doesn't want to be accused of unfair competition or of poisoning the conditions for this economy by undercutting the selling price of illicit drugs?

[continues 90 words]

70 CN NS: Drug Awareness Presentations Planned May 1Fri, 20 Apr 2007
Source:Amherst Citizen, The (CN NS) Author:Wagstaff, Andrew Area:Nova Scotia Lines:78 Added:04/21/2007

The local drug awareness committee is planning a series of presentations for youth and the community, but Cpl. John James is not convinced the town's drug problem is out of control.

The RCMP officer, who was challenged by Parrsboro deputy mayor Lloyd Smith at a recent council meeting to do more to combat an apparent substance abuse problem among local youth, said the upcoming presentations were not a result of public pressure.

Smith's comments followed the suicide of a 26-year-old Parrsboro man last month, which was rumoured to be drug-related.

[continues 465 words]

71 CN NS: PUB LTE: Tell Health Canada That Bullying Sick PeopleFri, 20 Apr 2007
Source:Evening News, The (CN NS) Author:Couch, Herb Area:Nova Scotia Lines:38 Added:04/20/2007

To the editor,

Re: editorial, Deals they can't refuse (The News, April 16)

Marijuana has many beneficial medicinal uses. Medical marijuana patients rely on their medicine in order to live and have better lives.

It is unfortunate that Health Canada feels the need to rip off sick people by charging exorbitant prices for a poor quality product. That is not the Canadian way of helping others.

Instead, our federal government should legalize and regulate marijuana and support local compassion clubs which are able to deliver safe, organic, medicinal marijuana to patients.

Someone needs to tell Health Canada that bullying sick people is the wrong message to send to our young people.

Herb Couch

Western Canada Director,

Educators For Sensible Drug Policy:


72 CN NS: Editorial: A Licence to Print MoneyWed, 18 Apr 2007
Source:Amherst Daily News (CN NS)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:42 Added:04/19/2007

The cronies in government must have taken this tip from the criminal element. Records recently obtained under the Access to Information Act and reported by The Canadian Press show the federal government charges patients 15 times more for certified medical marijuana than it pays to buy the weed from its official supplier.

That's quite the markup, a little bit like a licence to print money. It's hard to say how those in charge would justify such a profit margin. Perhaps they feel they have a captive market.

[continues 159 words]

73 CN NS: Editorial: Deals They Can't RefuseTue, 17 Apr 2007
Source:Truro Daily News (CN NS)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:57 Added:04/19/2007

The cronies in government must have taken this tip from the criminal element.

Records recently obtained under the Access to Information Act and reported by The Canadian Press show the federal government charges patients 15 times more for certified medical marijuana than it pays to buy the weed from its official supplier.

That's quite the markup, a little bit like a licence to print money.

The records obtained reveal that Health Canada pays $328.75 for each

kilogram of bulk medical marijuana produced by Prairie Plant Systems Inc. It then turns it over to the small number of licensed users for $150 - plus GST - for each 30-gram bag of ground-up flowering tops, with a strength of up to 14 per cent THC, the main active ingredient. That works out to $5,000 for each kilogram, or a markup of more than 1,500 per cent.

[continues 181 words]

74 CN NS: Firefighters Learn Drug DangersTue, 17 Apr 2007
Source:Digby Courier, The (CN NS) Author:Riley, Jonathan Area:Nova Scotia Lines:132 Added:04/19/2007

Digby area firefighters learned a lot about growing marijauna and cooking methamphetamines last week.

Three officers from special RCMP drug units spoke at the Digby Fire Hall on Tuesday, March 27 about the dangers of grow ops and meth labs.

"If you take anything out of this lecture," said Constable Paul Robinson, "it should be just how dangerous these labs are. These are life threatening. If you open a door and see what you think is a lab, just turn around and walk out."

[continues 730 words]

75 CN NS: Editorial: Deals They Can't RefuseMon, 16 Apr 2007
Source:Evening News, The (CN NS)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:54 Added:04/16/2007

The cronies in government must have taken this tip from the criminal element.

Records recently obtained under the Access to Information Act and reported by The Canadian Press show the federal government charges patients 15 times more for certified medical marijuana than it pays to buy the weed from its official supplier.

That's quite the markup, a little bit like a licence to print money.

The records obtained reveal that Health Canada pays $328.75 for each kilogram of bulk medical marijuana produced by Prairie Plant Systems Inc. It then turns it over to the small number of licensed users for $150 - plus GST - for each 30-gram bag of ground-up flowering tops, with a strength of up to 14 per cent THC, the main active ingredient. That works out to $5,000 for each kilogram, or a markup of more than 1,500 per cent.

[continues 182 words]

76 CN NS: PUB LTE: Ban Smoking BanSat, 14 Apr 2007
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:McKay, John G. Area:Nova Scotia Lines:40 Added:04/15/2007

Assad (Sid) Chedrawe's suggestion ("Ban youth smoking," April 9 letter) seems a little shortsighted. Nowhere in his simplistic solution does he tell us what the consequences of defiance ought to be.

Isn't it enough to consider the number of youngsters whose first view of the inside of a jail came about for possessing more than the prescribed amount of marijuana? How do you ban a youngster from smoking? Take away his Bic lighter or, better still, force his old man to pay his fine?

[continues 123 words]

77 CN NS: Column: It's Time To Legalize MarijuanaSat, 14 Apr 2007
Source:Daily News, The (CN NS) Author:Palmater, Candy Area:Nova Scotia Lines:102 Added:04/15/2007

Over the past few years there has been a debate in this country about the decriminalization of marijuana, but I think that debate should be about legalization.

Many people in the conservative right envision weed smokers as over-the-hill hippies who don't work or young high school dropouts. The reality is that lots of people, with families and careers, use cannabis in the same way that others use beer, and many use it for medicinal purposes.

My nephew was diagnosed with terminal testicular cancer at the age of 19. Doctors told him he would not live to see his 20th birthday. He smoked marijuana daily, not just as a way of controlling his pain, but to boost his appetite.

[continues 623 words]

78 CN NS: Canada: Mary Jane Is Not Just Peter Parker's Best FriendWed, 11 Apr 2007
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:Patriquin, Tara Area:Nova Scotia Lines:141 Added:04/11/2007

There comes a time in every young girl's life when she has grown up and lets science override personal qualms. And so, this is my own personal catharsis here, folks. The topic: marijuana.

Let me cut right to the chase. Regular and excessive use can lead to many problems, both acute and chronic. Some reports show that marijuana weakens the immune system. Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the most active compound in marijuana, makes the white blood cells 35-40 per cent less effective than normal during time of intoxication. Sugar, I remind you, reduces the immune system by 50 per cent for several hours after consumption.

[continues 919 words]

79 CN NS: Partners In CrimeSat, 07 Apr 2007
Source:Cape Breton Post (CN NS) Author:McNeil, Greg Area:Nova Scotia Lines:116 Added:04/09/2007

Crime Stoppers Lets People 'Tip' Scales Against Criminals

SYDNEY - They really just want your information and not your name but after almost 20 years, the average tipster to call Crime Stoppers is still suspicious of that claim.

The citizen, media and police co-operative helps citizens anonymously supply information about a crime or potential crime.

"I got a call from downstairs saying there is a lady there who wants to check your phone," said office manager Ron Rowe, a 15-year employee with Crime Stoppers, about one suspicious tipster. "I thought it was the telephone company. This lady came in and just had a look at our phone, asked if it was the one we take our calls on. I said 'yes' and she just walked out the door. I wouldn't doubt at some time after that I got a call from her."

[continues 644 words]

80 CN NS: Woman Took Pills Before TestifyingThu, 05 Apr 2007
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:Stewart, Jennifer Area:Nova Scotia Lines:62 Added:04/07/2007

Melanie Stephen was granted a rare bit of leeway in court Wednesday that allows her to review the transcript of her earlier testimony while still under oath.

Ms. Stephen, the estranged wife of Michael Patriquen, founder of the Nova Scotia Marijuana Party, admitted in court that she took sleeping pills before testifying in her money laundering and possessing proceeds of crime trial, which began in February.

The Lower Sackville woman, who is in the midst of being cross-examined by federal Crown attorney Ann Marie Simmons, told Nova Scotia Supreme Court Justice Felix Cacchione that she mixed the pills up with her anti-depressant medication.

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