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161 CN NS: Students Going To Pot, Residents SaySat, 14 Oct 2006
Source:Daily News, The (CN NS) Author:Jones, Lindsay Area:Nova Scotia Lines:107 Added:10/14/2006

Neighbours Of Eastern Passage School Say Kids Are Smoking Marijuana, Trespassing And Vandalizing Property

EASTERN PASSAGE - Plucking roaches, butts and chip bags off her front lawn isn't Kim MacLean's idea of gardening.

She and her partner Tay Landry are fed up with Eastern Passage Education Centre students smoking pot, pulling up plants and chucking their garbage on her tidy Samuel Danail Drive yard.

"I could care less (if they smoke)," said MacLean. "As long as they're respectful about it, it doesn't bother me. But they were smoking pot. My kids don't do that. I don't smoke, and I don't need them seeing that."

[continues 531 words]

162 CN NS: PUB LTE: Legion's Stance Was IncorrectThu, 12 Oct 2006
Source:Amherst Daily News (CN NS) Author:Myrden, Alison Area:Nova Scotia Lines:28 Added:10/12/2006

to the editor,

It is a sad day in our country when any person of legal age, can go into the Royal Canadian Legion and continue to buy and consume alcohol - one of the deadliest drugs known to man.

Yet they are not allowed access as medicine the most therapeutic plant known in the medical world, cannabis or in this case - cannabis oil.

For shame on our country!

Alison Myrden,

Federal Medical Marijuana Exemptee in Canada


163 CN NS: Political Pressure Cost Maccan Legion Its Charter -Fri, 06 Oct 2006
Source:Amherst Daily News (CN NS) Author:McNeish, Sam Area:Nova Scotia Lines:59 Added:10/11/2006

Rick Simpson vows he will bring his message to the people of the Maccan area.

However, it will not be at Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 134, in Maccan.

The facility lost its charter on Wednesday as statements issued by the executive supporting Simpson's production of hemp oil were deemed contrary to the charter the legion operates under.

"I think it's a total farce. (the legion) is not following their own rulebook. They are supposed to stand for freedom of Canadian people,' Simpson said.

[continues 256 words]

164 CN NS: Maccan Legion Charter RevokedThu, 05 Oct 2006
Source:Amherst Daily News (CN NS) Author:Cole, Darrell Area:Nova Scotia Lines:63 Added:10/11/2006

The Maccan branch of the Royal Canadian Legion has had its charter pulled and its executive has been suspended because of its stance on hemp oil.

Steve Wessell, chair of the Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command, said the executive of the Maccan branch was using the legion name to make policy statements and ignored warnings to stop.

"They were saying the Royal Canadian Legion, through the Maccan branch, is in favour of this hemp oil. They can do that as private citizens, but not as members of the Royal Canadian Legion at this point unless it comes through our command or Dominion command," Wessell said.

[continues 287 words]

165 CN NS: Man Says Hemp Oil Cured His CancerTue, 10 Oct 2006
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:MacIntyre, Mary Ellen Area:Nova Scotia Lines:97 Added:10/10/2006

Legion Trouble Helping To Get Message Out About 'Amazing' Oil

MACCAN - Rick Dwyer says officials with the provincial command of the Royal Canadian Legion were wrong to revoke the local legion's charter but he figures the action will nonetheless help all Canadians.

"The attention to this story is going across Canada and that means people will find out about this hemp oil and what it can do to save lives," Mr. Dwyer said Sunday.

He was referring to an essential oil a local man produces from the buds and leaves of the hemp plant.

[continues 530 words]

166 CN NS: Drugs Hurting Sydney District, Man SaysSun, 08 Oct 2006
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:Bethune, Jocelyn Area:Nova Scotia Lines:72 Added:10/08/2006

SYDNEY - A man who watched as a suspected armed robber kept police at bay for 16 hours says his neighbourhood has changed from a quiet residential area to one beset by drugs.

"Nobody feels comfortable and safe now with so much going on," said the man, who raised his family in the neighbourhood. He did not want to be identified for fear of "being burned out" of his home of over 30 years.

"It's frightening," he said of the armed standoff Friday that included police lobbing tear gas several times into an apartment at the small brown house at 43 Forrest St. in Sydney.

[continues 335 words]

167 CN NS: Bremner Guilty Of TraffickingSun, 08 Oct 2006
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:Arsenault, Dan Area:Nova Scotia Lines:79 Added:10/08/2006

Judge Says He Accepted Most Evidence Of Police Informant

In the last court case associated with a massive drug sting that used a criminal informant to gather evidence, a Supreme Court judge found a Spryfield drug dealer guilty of trafficking crack in the Springhill prison.

Justice Walter Goodfellow read out the verdict against Brian James Bremner, a.k.a. B. J. Marriott, in a Halifax courtroom at about 1:30 p.m. Saturday. The sentencing hearing has been set for Nov. 23.

[continues 427 words]

168 CN NS: Medicinal Pot Dispute Closes Legion BranchSat, 07 Oct 2006
Source:North Bay Nugget (CN ON)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:30 Added:10/07/2006

MACCAN, N.S. - Officials with the Royal Canadian Legion have shut down a Nova Scotia branch after members used the local hall to promote the use of locally produced marijuana oil for cancer patients.

The legion's Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command temporarily suspended the charter of the Maccan branch and ousted its executive.

Provincial command chairman Steve Wessel said the legion name, insignia and buildings cannot be used to promote the use of illegal substances.

But Rick Dwyer, 51, past president of the branch, isn't backing down.

[continues 66 words]

169 CN NS: Legion Branch Shut Down Over Medicinal Pot RowSat, 07 Oct 2006
Source:Standard, The (St. Catharines, CN ON)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:29 Added:10/07/2006

MACCAN, N.S. - Officials with the Royal Canadian Legion have shut down a Nova Scotia branch after members used the local hall to promote the use of locally produced marijuana oil for cancer patients.

The legion's Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command temporarily suspended the charter of the Maccan branch and ousted its executive.

Provincial command chairman Steve Wessel said the legion name, insignia and buildings cannot be used to promote the use of illegal substances.

But one executive member said he's not backing down.

[continues 51 words]

170 CN NS: Legion Charter Suspended Over Marijuana MeetingSat, 07 Oct 2006
Source:Sun Times, The (Owen Sound, CN ON)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:45 Added:10/07/2006

MACCAN, N.S. - Officials with the Royal Canadian Legion have shut down a Nova Scotia branch after members used the local hall to promote the use of locally produced marijuana oil for cancer patients.

The Legion's Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command temporarily suspended the charter of the Maccan branch and ousted its executive.

Provincial command chairman Steve Wessel said the legion name, insignia and buildings cannot be used to promote the use of illegal substances.

"The Royal Canadian Legion has a very good reputation in the general public and we don't want to soil that reputation by making it look like we're backing something that clearly is against the law at this point," Wessel said.

[continues 148 words]

171 CN NS: Column: Abandonment Of 'Time-Honoured Values' LeavesFri, 06 Oct 2006
Source:Cape Breton Post (CN NS) Author:Jonas, Area:Nova Scotia Lines:97 Added:10/07/2006

Toronto - BBC News carried an item this week that seemed right out of Monty Python. In the U.K. a yellow line parallel to the curb denotes a no-parking zone. A work crew was painting such a yellow line at a newly designated location when it encountered a parked car. Undaunted, the workers painted the line to the front wheel of the car, then underneath the car to the rear wheel, then continued down the road.

A few minutes later a traffic warden sauntered by, looked at the car, wrote a ticket, and stuck it on the windshield.

[continues 664 words]

172 CN NS: Medical Marijuana Oil Dispute Closes Legion BranchSat, 07 Oct 2006
Source:Truro Daily News (CN NS)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:39 Added:10/07/2006

MACCAN - Officials with the Royal Canadian Legion have shut down a Nova Scotia branch after members used the local hall to promote the use of locally produced marijuana oil for cancer patients.

The legion's Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command temporarily suspended the charter of the Maccan branch and ousted its executive.

Provincial command chairman Steve Wessel said the legion name, insignia and buildings cannot be used to promote the use of illegal substances.

"The Royal Canadian Legion has a very good reputation in the general public and we don't want to soil that reputation by making it look like we're backing something that clearly is against the law at this point," Wessel said.

[continues 105 words]

173 CN NS: Legion Closed For Promoting Medicinal MarijuanaSat, 07 Oct 2006
Source:Victoria Times-Colonist (CN BC)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:31 Added:10/07/2006

MACCAN, N.S. -- Officials with the Royal Canadian Legion have shut down a Nova Scotia branch after members used the local hall to promote the use of locally produced marijuana oil for cancer patients. The legion's Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command temporarily suspended the charter of the Maccan branch and ousted its executive.

Provincial command chairman Steve Wessel said the legion name, insignia and buildings cannot be used to promote the use of illegal substances.

But one executive member said he's not backing down. "This medicine is so phenomenal," Rick Dwyer. "I'm so proud of the members for standing up and defending this."


174 CN NS: Column: Who Can Doubt Society Is In A Moral Crisis?Sat, 07 Oct 2006
Source:Truro Daily News (CN NS) Author:Jonas, George Area:Nova Scotia Lines:98 Added:10/07/2006

Police officers used to handcuff suspects only if they resisted or were thought to be dangerous.

BBC News carried an item this week that seemed right out of Monty Python. In the U.K. a yellow line parallel to the curb denotes a no parking zone. A work crew was painting such a yellow line at a newly designated location when it encountered - a parked car. Undaunted, the workers painted the line to the front wheel of the car, then underneath the car to the rear wheel, then continued down the road.

[continues 686 words]

175 CN NS: Legion Branch Closed Over Pot SpatSat, 07 Oct 2006
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:37 Added:10/07/2006

MACCAN, N.S. - Officials with the Royal Canadian Legion have shut down a Nova Scotia branch after members used the local hall to promote the use of locally produced marijuana oil for cancer patients.

The legion's Nova Scotia/Nunavut Command temporarily suspended the charter of the Maccan branch and ousted its executive.

Provincial command chairman Steve Wessel said the legion name, insignia and buildings cannot be used to promote the use of illegal substances.

"The Royal Canadian Legion has a very good reputation in the general public and we don't want to soil that reputation by making it look like we're backing something that clearly is against the law at this point," Wessel said.

[continues 89 words]

176 CN NS: High TimeThu, 05 Oct 2006
Source:Coast, The (CN NS) Author:Sedo, Brent Area:Nova Scotia Lines:234 Added:10/06/2006

Eight Years After Falling Down A Flight Of Stairs, Wayne Lalonde Still Suffers.

He fidgets. He loses function in his feet and hands.

He gets migraines. But as part of COMPASS, a groundbreaking medical marijuana study, Lalonde may finally find relief.

It Was A Slip That Started It All.

A moment of carelessness that, had the planets been aligned differently, may have had few consequences beyond bruises and a couple days of walking around with a limp.

But it was not Wayne Lalonde's lucky day, and when he fell down a flight of stairs while moving furniture, he fell hard.

[continues 1805 words]

177 CN NS: Osteoarthritis Sufferer Upset By Pot Funding CutFri, 06 Oct 2006
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:Simpson, Jeffrey Area:Nova Scotia Lines:77 Added:10/06/2006

AHalifax woman is worried the federal government's decision to scrap funding for medical marijuana research will make her a criminal.

Corrie Watt, 59, says she has been using marijuana for six months as part of a clinical trial to alleviate the excruciating neurological pain she suffers due to osteoarthritis.

But she has been told funding for the program will end after the current fiscal year, leaving her scrambling to find another source.

"I'm going to apply for a medical marijuana licence," she said in an interview. "If I don't get it, I'll find my own way.

[continues 409 words]

178 CN NS: Support For Pot Oil Closes LegionFri, 06 Oct 2006
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:Kintzel, Cathy Von Area:Nova Scotia Lines:92 Added:10/06/2006

Officials Temporarily Suspend Maccan Branch's Charter

Maccan - Provincial Royal Canadian Legion officials have shut down their Maccan branch for supporting use of a homemade marijuana oil that some local members claim saves lives and relieves suffering.

But an ousted executive member says he's not backing down.

"They can take our charter off the wall but they can't run from the truth," Rick Dwyer of Maccan said in a telephone interview Thursday.

"We're a watchdog to make sure human rights, freedom of speech and democracy are protected. This medicine is so phenomenal."

[continues 487 words]

179 CN NS: Authorities Join Forces To Seize 6,000 Marijuana PlantsTue, 03 Oct 2006
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS)          Area:Nova Scotia Lines:35 Added:10/03/2006

A recent RCMP-led campaign against marijuana-growing operations pulled up 6,000 plants in Nova Scotia, a news release said Monday.

Besides the RCMP, Operation Sabot also involved local police forces, the Department of Natural Resources and the Department of National Defence. Seizures were made in Annapolis, Digby, Lunenburg, Hants, Cumberland, Pictou, Colchester, Halifax and Kings counties.

Operation Sabot was Maritime-wide and New Brunswick RCMP said Monday they also collected 20,000 plants -- enough to roll 10 million joints. Sgt. Frank Skidmore, an RCMP spokesman in this province, said New Brunswick is believed to have a better marijuana growing season.

[continues 92 words]

180 CN NS: Police Meeting Reveals Cost Of Renting Home To CriminalsTue, 03 Oct 2006
Source:Chronicle Herald (CN NS) Author:Borden, Sherri Area:Nova Scotia Lines:96 Added:10/03/2006

Dave Munro Learned Something New About Covert Police Work Monday.

The Bedford homeowner was surprised to learn that a person's home could be placed under police surveillance without his knowledge.

This is exactly what happened at Mr. Munro's home two or three years ago when he rented it out to two men while vacationing in Florida for the winter.

It turned out the men used the home as marijuana grow operation and Halifax Regional Police had put it under surveillance.

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