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21 CN PI: LTE: Legalization Ignores DangersTue, 21 Nov 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:MacAulay, Betty Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:39 Added:11/21/2017

In 1969, the Trudeau government removed abortion from the Criminal Code. This action has led to the deaths of over six million unborn Canadians. In 2016, the present Trudeau government legalized the killing (euthanasia) of the elderly, handicapped, depressed etc. and gave individual Canadians the legal right to assisted suicide.

In 2018, this same government will legalize marijuana, totally ignoring - among the other serious side effects - the research that shows the deadly side effects this drug has on the mental and physical health and development of young people. It is a proven fact the continued use of marijuana leads to the use of hard drugs.

[continues 84 words]

22 CN PI: LTE: Drug Issues Start With PotFri, 20 Oct 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Reid, Mitchell Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:35 Added:10/20/2017

I thought about writing something a number of months ago about being against legal pot. The verbal abuse was crazy. I know anything I say or do will not change anyone's mind. You are for legal pot or you are not.

I never dreamed about our government ever being drug dealers. I know it makes sense for it to be legal - extra tax money, less people in jail, new revenue streams for many. Over the last number of years I have talked to a number of people who have been dealing with addiction, and their families trying to help them get past this time in their life. The common thread, however, talking with people dealing with addiction, has been it all started with pot. This isn't from a survey or study, it's from talking with the addict on the street.

[continues 57 words]

23 CN PI: LTE: MPs Stunned Or Just Stoned?Tue, 10 Oct 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Chandler, Paul R. Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:36 Added:10/10/2017

With regards to legalization of marijuana, a mind-altering substance, I wonder if our MP's are stunned or stoned? Do these people not see what this stuff is doing to people, families, court systems etc.?

There is a negative that comes out of almost everything associated with this stuff. We have seen it with liquor in the past, now some stoner in Ottawa wants easy access. If you doubt me on this, sit in a courtroom and see how many cases are alcohol/ drug related. Ask any police officers, doctor, judge, etc. what this is doing to people.

[continues 95 words]

24CN PI: OPED: Give First Nations Access To Marijuana IndustryTue, 03 Oct 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Quesnel, Joseph Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:10/06/2017

The legalization of marijuana in Canada in July 2018 gives the federal government an opportunity to bring communities - including Indigenous ones - into this lucrative sector in a big way.

For example, Manitoba's Opaskwayak Cree Nation recently took a major stake in a medical marijuana company. OCN purchased $3 million in shares in National Access Cannabis, a privately-held company that recently traded publicly for the first time.

Private investors in medical and recreational marijuana are watching intently as the federal government unveils its plans for how pot will be legally grown and sold in Canada.

[continues 448 words]

25CN PI: Editorial: Let There Be Public MeetingsWed, 27 Sep 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:09/29/2017

For a government that likes to tout its commitment to openness and public engagement, the MacLauchlan Liberals' decision to forego public meetings on legalizing cannabis is disappointing.

After all, it was the province that issued a call for opinions from Islanders on how P.E.I. should adapt to federal legislation that will make marijuana legal by July 2018.

"Have your say on cannabis legislation," the P.E.I. government website proclaims. "Share your thoughts on what cannabis legislation should look like for Prince Edward Island."

[continues 430 words]

26CN PI: OPED: Sell Pot At The LCCTue, 26 Sep 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Jackson, Karen Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:09/28/2017

UPSE supports public model for marijuana

The federal government is set to legalize marijuana in July 2018.

The P.E.I. government indicated that it will introduce legislation to regulate the sale of the product in the spring. Recently, in Ontario the government has chosen to distribute the sale of marijuana through the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO). The government and the province's public sector union agree that having the LCBO regulate the sale of cannabis is the best way to protect minors from purchasing the product, and to ensure quality control and public safety.

[continues 316 words]

27CN PI: 'Grass' May Mean More GreenMon, 25 Sep 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:MacDonald, Mitch Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:09/27/2017

P.E.I. could see substantial economic impact through cannabis, says group

Annie MacEachern wants to see P.E.I. become Canada's green province.

MacEachern, a communications consultant, says the province has the opportunity to see a substantial economic impact through cannabis, which is expected to become a multibillion dollar industry once it's legalized across Canada next summer.

However, she said the province must first approach the issue with more education.

"I have a dream of Prince Edward Island becoming Canada's green Island. I really think that growing cannabis here and allowing cannabis tourism should be something that is highlighted on P.E.I.," MacEachern said during the second public discussion in Charlottetown on the upcoming legislative changes.

[continues 568 words]

28CN PI: Column: Two Promises KeptSat, 23 Sep 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Holman, Alan Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:09/27/2017

Liberals election platform vowed to bring in changes to both pot and taxes

The federal Liberals are being castigated in some quarters over two promises they made in the last election. And no, they are not being hammered for breaking their vows. They're being pilloried for keeping them.

Well, pilloried might be too strong, but it is not for lack of trying on behalf of the opposition, especially on the Liberal promise to have some high-earners pay more taxes.

[continues 592 words]

29CN PI: Stepping UpSat, 23 Sep 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Wright, Teresa Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:09/27/2017

Islander hosting public discussion on legal pot after government says no to public meetings

A local woman is taking matters into her own hands to speak openly about legalizing marijuana after her request to government for a public meeting was denied.

Annie MacEachern says she asked provincial officials about its plans for a public meeting after government released a public engagement survey asking

Islanders for their opinions on how the province should deal with impaired driving, education, taxation, public health and regulatory compliance in regards to legal cannabis.

[continues 414 words]

30CN PI: Column: Tax Changes, Legalizing MarijuanaTue, 19 Sep 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Hebert, Chantal Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:09/23/2017

Two key hot-button issues to keep an eye on as Parliament returns this week

When it comes to two of the big policy battles that loom as the fall sitting of Parliament gets underway next week, prudence dictates that a journalist keeps his or her powder dry.

In the debate over the government's proposed tax changes for people with private corporations, as in the case of the Liberal plan to legalize marijuana, what we have so far seen are just the opening manoeuvres in a tug-of-war, the outcome of which in the court of public opinion is far from decided.

[continues 664 words]

31CN PI: OPED: Provinces Bear Marijuana BurdenMon, 18 Sep 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Bird, Malcolm Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:09/19/2017

Ottawa will enjoy political payoff but all problems and logistics will fall on provinces

The federal government is set on legalizing marijuana by summer 2018. While they will enjoy the political payoff of appearing progressive, all the problems and the logistics of legalizing pot will fall on the shoulders of the provincial governments.

There are strong correlations between how a drug or an indulgence, such as gambling, is made available to the public and the propensity for individuals to indulge in it, and the negative health and social outcomes associated with its use.

[continues 609 words]

32CN PI: OPED: The Well-Connected Ready To Cash InTue, 12 Sep 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Carver, Wayne Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:09/13/2017

Many involved in marijuana production are former civil servants, federal and provincial politicians

In anticipation of the impending approval of the marijuana legislation at the federal level, the province is now soliciting suggestions on how best to implement the roll out procedure for the sale and distribution of marijuana in this province.

How magnanimous is that gesture? The infrastructure is all in place, monies have been loaned, properties have been acquired and several government sponsored marijuana-growing operations are now in production.

[continues 431 words]

33CN PI: Column: Plan Won't Stunt Marijuana Black MarketTue, 12 Sep 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Hebert, Chantal Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:09/13/2017

Ontario stands to set the tone for much of the rest of the country in rules, regulations

Canada is edging closer to the July 2018 target date for the legalization of marijuana in a haze of political smoke.

With every new development, the gap between the political narrative attending the initiative and its actual implementation is harder to bridge.

Take the federal government's talking points. They have greatly evolved since Justin Trudeau was campaigning on university campuses in the last election campaign. Logic has not always benefited from that evolution.

[continues 602 words]

34CN PI: Editorial: Already Written?Thu, 07 Sep 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:09/09/2017

While it's a good idea for the Prince Edward Island government to seek public input on plans to legalize marijuana, the broad strokes of any such legislation are very likely already written.

Last week, Premier Wade MacLauchlan said his government is seeking Islanders' thoughts on what cannabis legislation should look like, an engagement process that's long overdue since Ottawa tabled its intentions in early April to legalize and regulate cannabis by July 1, 2018. Legalization is a federal decision but many of the rules and regulations fall under provincial responsibility so the 10 provinces are scrambling to deal with Ottawa's proposals. Most complain the narrow window won't allow enough time to get proper public health, pubic safety and public education guidelines in place.

[continues 394 words]

35CN PI: Pot PlansWed, 26 Jul 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Ross, Ryan Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:07/28/2017

Legislation on details such as the age of consumption and distribution likely coming in the spring, says Premier Wade MacLauchlan

P.E.I. will likely see legislation in the spring to get the province ready for marijuana legalization, says Premier Wade MacLauchlan.

MacLauchlan recently returned from Council of the Federation meetings in Edmonton where Ottawa's plan to legalize marijuana was discussed.

The most likely scenario for P.E.I. is that in the spring legislative session the government will introduce legislation to deal with issues like the age of consumption and distribution.

[continues 303 words]

36CN PI: Challenge Lies AheadSat, 22 Jul 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Stewart, Dave Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:07/25/2017

MADD manager says legalization of marijuana is going to create significant issues

Police need more powers to battle impaired drivers, says Susan MacAskill.

The regional manager of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) says the legalization of marijuana next year is going to create a whole new challenge for law enforcement, and governments need to act soon.

"Our federal government needs to have legislative framework in place and our provincial governments need to have legalization under the Motor Vehicle Act that gives police the powers to lay those drug impaired charges because a breathalyzer will not detect drugs,'' MacAskill said.

[continues 114 words]

37CN PI: No Magic BulletTue, 27 Jun 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Wright, Teresa Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:07/01/2017

Dr. Hendrik Visser, WCB medical adviser, says board seeing increasing claims for coverage of medical cannabis

The medical adviser for the Workers Compensation Board of P.E.I. says he believes the jury is still out on the effectiveness of medical marijuana.

Dr. Hendrik Visser is responsible for reviewing cases and providing medical opinions on injury claims submitted to the WCB in Prince Edward Island.

During a presentation at the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) annual meeting in Charlottetown Monday, Visser raised concern about the increasing perception of cannabis as a "magic bullet" among physicians.

[continues 355 words]

38CN PI: OPED: Oligopoly Thrives On P.E.I.Tue, 27 Jun 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Carver, Wayne Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:07/01/2017

Other than Mayor Clifford Lee, nobody addressed the cost associated with new legislation

Islanders are familiar with the practice of oligopoly. We saw it in spades with the PNP where it still continues under the secrecy of government control. It is a state of limited competition in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.

That is what happened with the PNP and that is what is happening with the legalization and production of marijuana. The federal and provincial governments are being criticized for creating an oligopoly of major companies to grow marijuana, called licensed producers, rather than a free market model which would open up the market to those with an entrepreneurial spirit and an interest in producing the product.

[continues 662 words]

39CN PI: Editorial: Medical RejectionThu, 29 Jun 2017
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:06/30/2017

It appears that Dr. Hendrik Visser isn't your typical medical adviser for the Workers' Compensation Board (WCB) of P.E.I. The position usually goes to a doctor who has spent a number of years in private or general practice, is getting close to retirement and assumes this less strenuous role, while easing towards hanging up the stethoscope.

Apart from testifying at appeal hearings over disputed medical claims or decisions, the adviser often keeps a low profile, and is rarely the public face of the WCB.

[continues 419 words]

40 CN PI: LTE: 'No' To Methadone, MarijuanaTue, 06 Jun 2017
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Curtis, John W. A. Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:30 Added:06/09/2017

A pioneer in methadone now says methadone isn't working. People on methadone are using other drugs. It is my opinion that under the methadone program the province has become the drug dealer.

What is the province going to do when Justin Trudeau legalizes marijuana? Intelligence isn't an attribute required for a politician. People are seeing provinces sue tobacco companies for health care costs. It won't take long for the provinces to sue companies selling marijuana for health care costs. Methadone isn't working for addictions to heavy drugs so how is the province going to pay for addictions to marijuana? Justin Trudeau campaigned for Wade MacLauchlan in the last provincial election, it is time both leaders provide answers. I think both methadone and legalizing marijuana are a joke.

John W.A. Curtis, Summerside


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