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61 CN PI: Editorial: It's High Time To Legalize MarijuanaThu, 28 Apr 2016
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:78 Added:04/28/2016

The federal government is pushing ahead with plans to legalize marijuana and not before time. Health Minister Jane Philpott certainly didn't play down the controversial announcement.

She chose a special session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York regarding drug use and drug-related crime.

The timing was more than coincidental. Minister Philpot chose April 20 to reveal that Ottawa plans to introduce legislation legalizing marijuana in the spring of next year. Her address coincided with 4/20 - - the annual day of celebration for cannabis culture lovers, the so-called National Weed Day.

[continues 409 words]

62CN PI: Medical Marijuana May Be Coming To SummersideThu, 24 Mar 2016
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:MacPhee, Nancy Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:03/26/2016

Craig Gaudet plans to open health centre and dispense medicinal marijuana from Water Street location

Craig Gaudet hopes to soon sell medicinal marijuana in Summerside's downtown.

Gaudet has an ambitious plan for a vacant Water Street building, known to many as either the old Royal Bank or Purple Parrot building.

His plans are for an unconventional health centre, which would include the province's first medical marijuana dispensary.

"What we are opening is a whole health and wellness centre," said Gaudet.

[continues 356 words]

63 CN PI: Big PlansTue, 22 Mar 2016
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:MacPhee, Nancy Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:69 Added:03/23/2016

Craig Gaudet hopes to soon sell medicinal marijuana in Summerside's downtown.

Gaudet has an ambitious plan for a vacant Water Street building, known to many as either the old Royal Bank or Purple Parrot building.

His plans are for an unconventional health centre, which would include the province's first medical marijuana dispensary.

"What we are opening is a whole health and wellness centre," said Gaudet. "It is based on medical marijuana, but it is also going to have yoga, tai chi, massage, holistic healing, Chakara, herbalist healing - not just the dispensary."

[continues 331 words]

64CN PI: Marijuana In Shoppers?Mon, 29 Feb 2016
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Blanchard, Madison Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:03/01/2016

Pharmacy wants to sell the drug

Along with other medication, Prince Edward Island residents may soon be able to pick up medical marijuana at Shoppers Drug Mart and other drug stores across the Island.

The corporation's executives are reportedly in talks with medicinal marijuana growers in order to begin having cannabis products in their pharmacies, according to a Globe and Mail story. This is coming on the heels of a ruling recently that saw a Supreme Court judge strike down a ban on medical marijuana patients from growing their own cannabis.

[continues 228 words]

65 CN PI: PUB LTE: Cannabis Effective Against Hard DrugsWed, 03 Feb 2016
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Stultz-Giffin, Debbie Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:42 Added:02/04/2016

Mitch Reid is neither a scientist nor a bona fide researcher. Reid's claims of research actually fly in the face of science and could have grave ramifications for our youth. (Charlottetown man leads petition against legalization of cannabis; January 31, 2016)

The 2002 Canadian Senate Committee Report on Cannabis concluded that pharmacological studies of the active ingredients in cannabis have not found any element that predisposes cannabis consumers to seek more potent drugs.

In fact, this report points to studies that show cannabis as an effective substitute to treat dependency to hard drugs; a 'gateway back drug' if you will with the capability to treat the plethora of side effects associated with hard drug withdrawal.

[continues 94 words]

66CN PI: OPED: Legalization: Good Drug PolicyTue, 02 Feb 2016
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Barbour, Rose Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:02/03/2016

I am writing in response to the recent article about the petition to stop the legalization of marijuana (also known as cannabis). Mitch Reid states that he is very concerned about legalization, which he believes will make things worse when it comes to addiction in our society. Cannabis is not a benign substance so Mr. Reid is right to be concerned about how it is handled.

In an effort to raise awareness on this important topic, and to perhaps put Mr. Reid's mind at ease, I will share the views of a few respected organizations that are in support of legalization, starting with the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). CAMH is Canada's largest mental health and addiction teaching hospital, and one of the world's leading research centres in its field.

[continues 509 words]

67CN PI: Just Say NoSat, 30 Jan 2016
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Coulter, Maureen Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:01/31/2016

Charlottetown Man Leading a Petition Against the Legalization of Marijuana.

Mitch Reid of Charlottetown is saying no to legalizing marijuana as he feels this would lead more people down the path of drug use.

"I'm concerned about the step after smoking weed. For some people, they may go down that path and may not get out of it."

Reid has seen his fair share of Islanders struggling with addiction.

Three years ago, he started a group through the Christian Reformed Church called Take the First Step to help spread the message of hope through Christ to those suffering from addiction and their families.

[continues 282 words]

68CN PI: Cardigan MP Comfortable With Marijuana LegalizationFri, 29 Jan 2016
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Sharratt, Steve Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:01/30/2016

He's never even touched the stuff, but Cardigan MP Lawrence MacAulay can appreciate the irony of a new nickname.

It might only be a footnote in history, but even Canada's agriculture minister has to chuckle at the prospect of being dubbed the minister of marijuana.

Especially, since he's now at the helm of the federal agricultural department that will one day oversee pot plantations and licensed grow ops, as well as collect scads of new tax revenue.

"It didn't seem to be a big problem for Canadians and so it will be legalized," he said in an interview. "The process of legalization is still being worked out and until that happens it's tough for me to provide details."

[continues 356 words]

69 CN PI: Column: Cha-Ching!Tue, 26 Jan 2016
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Wangersky, Russell Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:90 Added:01/26/2016

Colorado Raking in Taxes From Legalized Weed

A pall hangs over Denver, Colorado. Lawlessness stalks its streets, while stupefied potheads loll on every corner, stoned senseless on legal weed.

Well, actually, no, it's not really like that at all. Really, it's just another day.

Denver's like any other big American city: on the 16th Street Mall, there are vagrants on the corners, Broncos and Patriots fans spooling around while they wait for the start of the AFC final later in the day. Coffee shops are setting out chairs in the unseasonable warmth, and a robot street performer, painted entirely silver, is making plans with friends for after the game.

[continues 509 words]

70CN PI: Column: Legal Weed: Cha-Ching!Tue, 26 Jan 2016
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Wangersky, Russell Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:01/26/2016

State Raking in Millions in Taxes From Legalized Marijuana Sales

Colorado Raking in Taxes From Legalized Weed

A pall hangs over Denver, Colorado. Lawlessness stalks its streets, while stupefied potheads loll on every corner, stoned senseless on legal weed.

Well, actually, no, it's not really like that at all. Really, it's just another day.

Denver's like any other big American city: on the 16th Street Mall, there are vagrants on the corners, Broncos and Patriots fans spooling around while they wait for the start of the AFC final later in the day. Coffee shops are setting out chairs in the unseasonable warmth, and a robot street performer, painted entirely silver, is making plans with friends for after the game.

[continues 508 words]

71 CN PI: PUB LTE: Marijuana Ban Devil Doctrine?Mon, 25 Jan 2016
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:White, Stan Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:28 Added:01/26/2016

Mitch Reid may not be aware that he's actually supporting and enabling the devil law (Letter: Petition To Stop Marijuana Plans, Jan. 19, 2016); cannabis (marijuana) prohibition is the doctrine of demons. Cannabis prohibition separates people from receiving the "spirit of truth," which is available to those who "love one another," as described in John 14-16. You cannot love someone and cage him or her for using what God indicates He created and says is good on literally the very first page of the Bible, at the same time. Cannabis prohibition, persecution and discrimination are anti-Christian and clergy should be extra vigilant in protecting themselves from that public sin.

Stan White Dillon, Colorado


72 CN PI: Speed BumpWed, 20 Jan 2016
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:MacPhee, Nancy Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:95 Added:01/25/2016

Methamphetamine the main focus of Prince District JFO Drug Unit

At first glance, they look like candy.

In a small plastic bag, there are almost 500 tablets, similar in size and shape to PEZ candy.

But what's inside that bag, marked as evidence, is highly addictive, a drug that, said Cpl. Andy Cooke, the head of the Prince District Joint Forces Operation Drug Unit, has become its primary focus.

"Almost 75 per cent of the targets we are working on right now are related to speed," said Cooke. "Almost every single person we are investigating is linked into these in some fashion."

[continues 465 words]

73 CN PI: Speed's ImpactWed, 20 Jan 2016
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:MacPhee, Nancy Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:47 Added:01/25/2016

Speed leaves its users emaciated, strung out and paranoid. And its growing presence often leads to an increase in violent crimes, said Cpl. Andy Cooke, head of the Prince District Joint Forces Operation Drug Unit.

"Everyone (involved with speed) starts carrying weapons. They take it up a notch and become that much more violent," said the veteran drug enforcement officer.

"We had reports of drug collections over $200, people getting beat up and beat up bad. That is part of the drug world to begin with, but I think this just magnifies it."

[continues 124 words]

74CN PI: Weeding It OutFri, 22 Jan 2016
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:McCarthy, Eric Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:01/23/2016

Author of Cannabis in Canada Sends Marijuana With Book to P.E.I. MPs

Island MPs didn't even review the literature that a British Columbia pot activist mailed to their constituency offices.

Dana Larsen claims to have sent a copy of his book, Cannabis in Canada: The Illustrated History, plus a one-gram marijuana sampling to all 184 MPs in the new Liberal government. Besides promoting his book, it was to serve as a reminder of the Liberal government's promise to decriminalize marijuana.

[continues 221 words]

75 CN PI: Need For SpeedThu, 21 Jan 2016
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:MacPhee, Nancy Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:76 Added:01/22/2016

Illegal Drug Overtakes Prescription Narcotics As Drug of Choice in Prince County

Dr. Don Ling calls it worrisome, a drug that quickly takes users into its grip.

Speed. Crank. Ice. Methamphetamine.

It's become the drug of choice of Prince County addicts.

"As a stimulant, it accelerates everything. It will speed up your heart and give you a rush," said Ling. "It is a tough drug. It is so prevalent, so available. It is fairly cheap and it is a grabber, there is no doubt about that."

[continues 366 words]

76 CN PI: LTE: Petition To Stop Marijuana PlansTue, 19 Jan 2016
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Reid, Mitch Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:36 Added:01/21/2016

Take The First Step, a group from the Christian Reformed Church on Mt. Edward Rd. is starting a petition against making pot legal. Take The First Step is trying to spread the message of hope through Christ, to those who are suffering from addiction, and to their families. We are 100 per cent against making pot legal.

I know if you ask 10 people about this topic, you would get 10 answers - - all would not be the same. I have talked to a number of people over the last few years who suffer from addiction and the common thread through all their lives - it started with pot. Making it easier for young people to have access to it is bad news. Seventeen per cent will take on an addictive lifestyle.

[continues 83 words]

77 CN PI: Weed With ThatMon, 18 Jan 2016
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:McCarthy, Eric Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:57 Added:01/19/2016

Author of 'Cannabis in Canada' Sends Marijuana With Book to MPs

Members of Parliament from Egmont and Malpeque ridings didn't even review the literature that a British Columbia pot activist mailed to their constituency offices.

Dana Larsen claims to have sent a copy of his book, "Cannabis in Canada: The Illustrated History," plus a one-gram marijuana sampling to all 184 MPs in the new Liberal government.

Besides promoting his book, it was to serve as a reminder of the Liberal government's promise to decriminalize marijuana.

[continues 229 words]

78 CN PI: Editorial: Don't Rush On New LawsMon, 18 Jan 2016
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:67 Added:01/19/2016

The federal government is wise to request a six-month extension to draft new legislation on doctor-assisted dying. Canadians have been waiting for legislation on this crucial issue for far too long already, but for the Liberal government to rush it through by the February deadline after inheriting it from the foot-dragging Conservatives, does not make sense.

Last February, the Supreme Court of Canada struck down the ban on medically-assisted suicide. The ruling gave the federal government 12 months to rewrite the Criminal Code, or ignore the ruling, essentially leaving the matter in legal limbo.

[continues 365 words]

79CN PI: No Bud For NowSat, 02 Jan 2016
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Wright, Teresa Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:01/04/2016

P.E.I. finance minister questioned on whether P.E.I. liquor stores could sell marijuana once it is legal

P.E.I. Finance Minister Allen Roach says it's far too early to contemplate selling marijuana in Prince Edward Island liquor stores.

"I'll be honest with you, marijuana being sold anywhere in P.E.I. is not on my agenda right now," he told The Guardian.

"It's premature to say we're going to do it at the liquor stores or through any other way of selling it."

[continues 361 words]

80CN PI: Column: Flying High Behind The WheelSat, 05 Dec 2015
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Wangersky, Russell Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:Excerpt Added:12/07/2015

In British Columbia this past week, the provincial government was told liquor store employees wanted to be the ones to sell legalized marijuana, should that legalization occur. (It was a federal Liberal election promise.)

Their argument? "We believe this is an incredible opportunity for British Columbia," Stephanie Smith, president of the B.C. Government and Service Employees' Union, said at a press conference. "We have an excellent track record for distributing and retailing alcohol."

That track record, they argue, includes the responsible sale of alcohol. Interesting point. But despite all that responsibility at the point of sale, as a nation, we don't always do so well with personal responsibility.

[continues 463 words]

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