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151 US NM: OPED: Medical Pot Doesn't Lead To Impaired DrivingMon, 12 Jan 2015
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Monaghan, Patricia M. Area:New Mexico Lines:90 Added:01/12/2015

Marijuana's Negative Effects 'Pale in Comparison' To Alcohol Abuse on Roads

We're all concerned about reducing impaired driving, but "Road Warrior" columnist D'Val Westphal consulted only one biased and uninformed source on the topic of cannabis in her Dec. 29th column. Her sole source, Rep. Bill Rehm, R-Albuq., is a retired Bernalillo County sheriff's captain. Several of Rehm's statements were glaringly wrong.

First, he states that "(n)ot everyone who drinks alcohol intends to become intoxicated. They have a drink with dinner. Smoking marijuana has one purpose: to get high." That is absolutely wrong! Twenty-three states (including New Mexico) and Washington, D.C., permit the medical use of cannabis and according to procon. org there are approximately 2.4 million medical cannabis patients in the nation.

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152 US NM: Column: Medical Pot Users Not Protected by AmericansMon, 05 Jan 2015
Source:New Mexican, The (Santa Fe, NM) Author:Winnegar, Andy Area:New Mexico Lines:99 Added:01/05/2015

With legalized medical marijuana in 23 states and Washington, D.C., you might think that legal use of the plant would not result in the loss of your job or other dire consequences, but you are wrong.

This is because federal law still classifies marijuana as a Schedule I drug, which means it has no approved medical uses. Drugs and other substances that are considered controlled substances under the Controlled Substances Act are divided into five schedules.

Schedule I controlled substances are considered to have no currently accepted medical use in the U.S., a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision and a high potential for abuse.

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153 US NM: Editorial: Err On Side Of CompassionFri, 02 Jan 2015
Source:New Mexican, The (Santa Fe, NM)          Area:New Mexico Lines:59 Added:01/02/2015

Too much energy is being spent rewriting rules for the distribution of medical marijuana in New Mexico. The state Department of Health, rather than devising cumbersome rules that make it harder for patients to get the medicine they need, should streamline the process. While the latest version of rules is an improvement (anything would be) on the original plan, more work is needed. Compassion needs to play a role.

The Medical Cannabis Program is too important to sick patients to burden it with rules that are more political than practical. Testimony from patients whose quality of life has been improved because of marijuana prescriptions is too compelling to ignore.

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154 US NM: Revised Pot Proposal Nets More Criticism, Some PublicTue, 30 Dec 2014
Source:New Mexican, The (Santa Fe, NM) Author:Haywood, Phaedra Area:New Mexico Lines:100 Added:12/30/2014

Latest Public Hearing Draws Smaller Crowd

A public hearing on the revised version of proposed rule changes for the state Medical Cannabis Program on Monday drew far fewer people than a June hearing on the first version, and it was generally less contentious.

One woman wondered aloud if the hearing was deliberately scheduled during the holidays in order to reduce attendance.

The 50 people who spoke had many of the same criticisms of the proposed rule changes that were voiced last summer, but several also said they were pleased with the revisions.

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155 US NM: Column: Examining Legality Of Pot Use, DrivingMon, 29 Dec 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Westphal, D'val Area:New Mexico Lines:91 Added:12/29/2014

WHAT'S ONE TOKE OVER THE LINE HERE? Eric Jackson points out, "We all know it's illegal to drive while intoxicated, and that it's illegal to have open containers of alcohol in a vehicle - but what about using marijuana?

"Let's say a person has a medical marijuana card," he emails. "Is there an 'open container' law for pot? I ask because I observed a man toking on a marijuana pipe while stopped at a stoplight in Rio Rancho. Is it illegal to partake of marijuana while driving, even if one has not reached a level of intoxication that would cause impairment?"

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156 US NM: PUB LTE: Civil Asset for Feiture Evidence of DeclineTue, 16 Dec 2014
Source:New Mexican, The (Santa Fe, NM) Author:King, David Area:New Mexico Lines:35 Added:12/17/2014

Clearly, the far right wing of this country would love to return to a medieval, feudal state with them (the 0.1 percent) as our feudal lords. During those original good old times, the lords of the realm could confiscate any property accumulated by the lower classes arbitrarily at any time.

The article ("In seizure of civil assets, police look for 'goodies,' " Nov. 11) about "civil asset forfeiture" shows this practice has now been resurrected. U.S. law enforcement and the Internal Revenue Service proudly admit to seizing millions of dollars worth of property and cash from private citizens when no laws have been broken and often where no criminality is even suspected.

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157 US NM: Congress Eases Up On Medical Pot CrackdownsTue, 16 Dec 2014
Source:New Mexican, The (Santa Fe, NM) Author:Terrell, Steve Area:New Mexico Lines:108 Added:12/17/2014

Budget Bill Sent to Obama Calls for Backing off State-Run Programs

For the first time ever, Congress has gone on record opposing federal intervention against state-sanctioned marijuana businesses in states like New Mexico that have medical marijuana programs.

The federal budget bill passed recently by Congress includes a short provision that says "None of the funds made available in this Act to the Department of Justice may be used ... to prevent such states from implementing their own state laws that authorize the use, distribution, possession, or cultivation of medical marijuana."

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158 US NM: OPED: Pot Business Mimicking Big TobaccoSat, 13 Dec 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Wilkinson, Samuel T. Area:New Mexico Lines:120 Added:12/13/2014

Marijuana May Follow in Footsteps of Cigarette Industry in Luring New Users

Last month, people voted to legalize recreational use of marijuana in Oregon, Alaska and the District of Columbia. As the movement toward marijuana legalization continues, lawmakers and policy experts are looking to the experiments in Colorado and Washington for guidance. We should not overlook, however, valuable lessons from our experience with another legal drug: tobacco.

In the late 19th century, the landscape of tobacco consumption was very different than it is today. Tobacco use was much less prevalent, and cigarettes accounted for a tiny portion of consumption.

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159 US NM: Were Dedication And Passion Teacher's Downfall?Sat, 13 Dec 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Krueger, Joline Gutierrez Area:New Mexico Lines:132 Added:12/13/2014

When you send your children off to school, you hope for a teacher who not only fills their minds but inspires them to make their lives extraordinary.

Our schools are full of such wonderful teachers. But some of these teachers are burning out or being beaten down with the demands of conformity and administrative hoop-jumping. Worst of all, they are leaving.

The latest loss is Katrina Guarascio, a creative writing teacher who for the past eight years was a beloved educator at V. Sue Cleveland High School in Rio Rancho until she resigned Dec. 3, leaving more than 170 students with a parade of substitute teachers who have come and gone not just since Guarascio's resignation but for three weeks in October when she was placed on administrative leave for reasons that have changed with the weather.

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160 US NM: Classroom ControversyWed, 10 Dec 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Swedien, Jon Area:New Mexico Lines:134 Added:12/10/2014

Student Essay About Jesus and Pot Ends With RR Teacher's Resignation

What seemed at first to be an innocuous creative writing assignment sparked a controversy at a Rio Rancho high school that ultimately cost Katrina Gaurascio her job, the former English teacher said Tuesday.

In response to the assignment, one student wrote an essay about Jesus distributing marijuana. Another student complained to her parents about it.

Gaurascio, an English teacher at V. Sue Cleveland High School, ended up being put on paid leave for three weeks, and then later asked to change her creative writing class or resign - which on Dec. 3 she did.

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161 US NM: State Drops Proposed Fee For Medical PotWed, 03 Dec 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Uyttebrouck, Olivier Area:New Mexico Lines:76 Added:12/03/2014

Many Patients Complained They Couldn't Afford $50 Card

State health officials have scrapped a proposed $50 annual fee for more than 12,000 New Mexicans licensed to buy medical marijuana, according to new proposed rules unveiled this week by the state Department of Health.

The proposed $50 fee to renew a registry ID card was one of several proposed rule changes announced in May that drew fire from many licensed medical pot users and producers. About 500 people turned out at a public hearing in June, with most opposed to the proposed changes.

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162 US NM: N.M. Lawmaker Urges Debate On Legalizing PotWed, 26 Nov 2014
Source:New Mexican, The (Santa Fe, NM) Author:Bryan, Susan Montoya Area:New Mexico Lines:85 Added:11/29/2014

State House Dem Plans Legislation Modeled on Oregon Law, but Measure May Face GOP Challenge

ALBUQUERQUE - The conversation about whether New Mexico should join other Western states in legalizing marijuana is cranking up as state lawmakers prepare for the 2015 legislative session.

Rep. Bill McCamley, a Democrat from Southern New Mexico, took his case for legalization to fellow lawmakers Tuesday during a meeting of the interim Health and Human Services Committee.

McCamley dismissed the stoner humor of 1970s comics Cheech and Chong and said this should be a serious debate.

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163 US NM: Rep. Makes Case For Legalized PotWed, 26 Nov 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Bryan, Susan Montoya Area:New Mexico Lines:86 Added:11/28/2014

The conversation about whether New Mexico should join other Western states in legalizing marijuana is cranking up as state lawmakers prepare for the 2015 legislative session.

Rep. Bill McCamley, a Democrat from southern New Mexico, took his case for legalization to fellow lawmakers Tuesday during a meeting of the interim Health and Human Services Committee.

McCamley dismissed the stoner humor of 1970s comics Cheech and Chong and said this should be a serious debate.

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164 US NM: PUB LTE: Change A Failed Policy Of Pot ProhibitionTue, 18 Nov 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Fejer, Brian Area:New Mexico Lines:47 Added:11/19/2014

NOW THAT THE voters have spoken, I hope New Mexico small government Republicans rethink their lockstep support for the 80-plus-year failed big government federal prohibition on the cannabis plant.

In 2010, Gov. Susana Martinez campaigned vowing to repeal New Mexico's medical marijuana law, which helps New Mexicans who have chronic conditions, or who might be terminally ill with cancer. After her inauguration, Martinez relented, saying "We have bigger issues that we have to deal with."

In 2014, Martinez claimed that merely reducing marijuana penalties is a "horrible, horrible idea"?

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165 US NM: Santa Fe Pot Charges TossedTue, 18 Nov 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM)          Area:New Mexico Lines:28 Added:11/19/2014

SANTA FE - Santa Fe's city judge is dismissing citations issued by police for misdemeanor marijuana violations because the City Council has decided that people possessing small amounts of pot should instead be charged with a civil infraction.

City employees were caught by surprise when the council in August approved an ordinance outright instead of having voters decide the issue.

The ordinance took effect in September, but city employees didn't have new forms ready to charge violators with a civil infraction instead of a criminal violation.

Municipal Court Judge Ann Yalman says she's been dismissing citations filed under the old law because she no longer has jurisdiction.

Police say they'll stop sending misdemeanor citations to Municipal Court.


166 US NM: Editorial: Legalizing Pot May Mean Less of Your BrainSat, 15 Nov 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM)          Area:New Mexico Lines:63 Added:11/17/2014

One of the major arguments often heard in favor of marijuana decriminalization and legalization is that the only thing smoking weed threatens is a bag of Doritos.

Now a groundbreaking study that originated at the Mind Research Network on the campus of the University of New Mexico shows regularly getting high causes more damage than late-night munchies on a waistline.

In the study, published this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Dr. Vince Calhoun, a distinguished research professor of electrical and computer engineering at UNM, used three MRI techniques over several years to monitor a group of "chronic" pot smokers and compare them to a control group. Working closely with the Center for BrainHealth at the University of Texas at Dallas - including Dr. Francesca Filbey, director of Cognitive Neuroscience Research in Addictive Disorders and a former Mind Research Network colleague - he found that smoking marijuana at least three times a day over an extended period of time measurably reduces the volume of gray matter in a part of the brain associated with decision making and addiction.

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167 US NM: APD's Cut Of Federal Forfeitures EscalatesSat, 15 Nov 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Boetel, Ryan Area:New Mexico Lines:143 Added:11/17/2014

Officials Defend Practice, 'Stops Criminal Activity'

The amount of money the Albuquerque Police Department receives annually from federal forfeiture proceedings has doubled in the last five years, exceeding more than $1 million in the 2014 fiscal year, according to police records.

That money is in addition to what the city receives from seizing and sometimes selling vehicles used in repeat DWI cases. Overall, Albuquerque received about $11 million from 2010 through 2014 fiscal years from property seized by law enforcement, according to the records.

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168 US NM: Column: Pot Can Be Legal, But It's Still Not CoolThu, 13 Nov 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Moyer, Justin Area:New Mexico Lines:111 Added:11/13/2014

Legalization Is Not About What State Condones but Rather What's Allowed

This past week, D.C. advanced America's 21st-century war on its 20th-century war on drugs. Now that marijuana is somewhat legal, the city's African-American residents are less likely to be disproportionately arrested for a victimless crime.

If the cannabis industry stays out of town, D.C. Council members, who should spend time fixing the city's public schools, won't be preoccupied with regulating a substance arguably less harmful than alcohol. And police officers who should be chasing bank robbers and murderers will no longer bust college students carrying dime bags.

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169 US NM: Heavy Pot Smoking Shrinks Gray MatterWed, 12 Nov 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Bush, Mike Area:New Mexico Lines:120 Added:11/13/2014

UNM Professor Plays a Key Role in the Groundbreaking Research

Longtime, chronic marijuana use causes significant abnormalities in brain function and structure - and perhaps lower IQ - according to a major new study conducted in part at the Mind Research Network on the campus of the University of New Mexico.

Chronic users tend to have a smaller volume of gray matter in a part of the brain associated with decision making and addiction and a marked increase in a function called brain connectivity, which researchers said may be an attempt by the brain to make up for the decreased gray matter volume.

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170 US NM: Santa Fe Pot Law Enforcement VariesWed, 12 Nov 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM)          Area:New Mexico Lines:26 Added:11/13/2014

SANTA FE - Santa Fe police continue to file some marijuana citations under state criminal law despite a new city ordinance that reduces penalties for possession of small amounts of pot.

About two of every five citations issued since the City Council's Aug. 27 vote were issued under the state law that carries a higher potential penalty than the city ordinance.

City Councilor Signe Lindell said the council clearly asked that those cases be the lowest priority for police and that they stay in the city court system.

Police spokeswoman Celina Espinoza said possession of small amounts of pot continues to be a low law enforcement priority for police.


171 US NM: LTE: Pot Decriminalization Will Cost Us DearlyTue, 11 Nov 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Ross, Jerry Area:New Mexico Lines:44 Added:11/12/2014

I WOULD LIKE to offer my opinion about marijuana decriminalization.

Here in the state of New Mexico, we have some of the weakest marijuana laws of all states. Now obviously this would not include states that have already legalized marijuana - Washington and Colorado. You will hear the argument that too many people are in prison for non-violent - drug - crimes. Yet if we are specifically talking about marijuana ... this is not true.

As you research our state laws regarding marijuana, you will find that you need to have over 100 pounds to get any significant time - over one year in prison. Having said that, we are wasting much time and taxpayer dollars to essentially lower a $50 fine to a $25 fine. This is basically what decriminalization will do

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172 US NM: Next Steps for Pot Law, Mental Health Tax in QuestionSat, 08 Nov 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:McKay, Dan Area:New Mexico Lines:72 Added:11/08/2014

Results Are Not Binding, and It's Unclear If They Will Turn into Government Action

Both advisory questions on the Bernalillo County ballot - marijuana decriminalization and a mental health tax - won big at the polls this week.

But whether those results will translate into government action isn't clear.

The county itself has little authority over marijuana laws, for example, and Tuesday's election results aren't binding, in any case. The issue hasn't advanced far in the Legislature during past sessions and that was before Republicans this week won control of the House.

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173 US NM: Column: Will A Small Town's Underground Economy BeFri, 31 Oct 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Goold, Eric Area:New Mexico Lines:96 Added:10/31/2014

A little-known battle in this country's marijuana war is underway in a small town of 1,500 in western Colorado, known (if at all) for its underground coal mines, 12 wineries, a microbrewery, organic vegetables and fruit - and its perfect climate for growing pot.

The town is Paonia and, this November, its registered voters will decide whether to allow the sale of pot for recreational use. Looking back at the history of this town, nestled at the base of 11,400-foot Mount Lamborn on the North Fork of the Gunnison River, it is clear that the battle lines in today's culture war were drawn long ago.

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174 US NM: Pot Question Aims To Clear The AirFri, 31 Oct 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Last, T. S. Area:New Mexico Lines:155 Added:10/31/2014

Non-Binding Question on Tuesday's Ballot Will Ask About Support for Decriminalization

You might call it an "altitude check."

Voters in Santa Fe County have a chance to weigh in on just how high they are on seeing their elected officials, law enforcement and courts lighten up on marijuana laws.

They will do so by answering an advisory question appearing on the Tuesday general election ballot that asks whether the County Commission should "support county, city and statewide efforts to decriminalize possession of one ounce or less of marijuana."

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175 US NM: OPED: Addiction Part Of Equation With PotThu, 30 Oct 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Roffman, Roger Area:New Mexico Lines:101 Added:10/30/2014

Legalizing Drug Would Lower Violence, Other Negative Factors, but Discussion of Addiction Is Vital, Too

On a warm Seattle summer evening in 1978, my wife wanted to talk about my increasingly frequent pot smoking: "I feel you've abandoned me, that the person I married - even when you're sitting next to me on the couch - is not there."

She had complained before about my use, and I'd tried to reassure her. "It's not as if I'm stoned every day," I'd counter. "Is it that different from having a drink or two?" I'd promise to cut back, but my resolve would give way, and I'd start to cut corners, making exceptions to the rules I'd set. Eventually I'd slide right back to where I started.

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176 US NM: OPED: Every Vote Matters, So Get To PollsThu, 30 Oct 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Kaltenbach, Emily Area:New Mexico Lines:59 Added:10/30/2014

Advisory Questions Can Serve a Role in Public Policy Decisions

As the people working on marijuana decriminalization, we appreciate the opportunity to respond to the "emphatic no" that the Albuquerque Journal Editorial Board gave to our advisory question.

We have heard opponents of marijuana policy reform time and again use every excuse in the book against us. Now the excuse is that your vote doesn't count. We're sure that left many asking: Then why show up?

It's important to show up because every single vote counts. The simple fact is that advisory questions do matter, they do affect the laws our lawmakers enact, and you can help create that change.

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177 US NM: Advisory Pot Question Fans Political FlamesWed, 29 Oct 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:McKay, Dan Area:New Mexico Lines:94 Added:10/29/2014

Critics Say Question Is Misleading; Supporters Say It Lets Voters Speak

Voters in Bernalillo and Santa Fe counties have a chance this fall to offer their advice to policy-makers on state and local efforts to decriminalize possession of an ounce or less of marijuana.

The election results won't enact a specific ordinance or otherwise require the counties to take action.

Supporters say it's a chance for voters to weigh in ahead of next year's session of the state Legislature and to encourage local policy-makers to respond. Critics say it is disingenuous, misleading and a transparent effort to encourage pot-smoking advocates to vote rather than stay home.

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178 US NM: Pot Question Has The Interest Of Early VotersSun, 19 Oct 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Boetel, Ryan Area:New Mexico Lines:70 Added:10/19/2014

A non-binding question about pot seems to be growing interest in Bernalillo County ballots.

Eighteen early voting centers opened throughout the county on Saturday, the first day early voting was available at numerous locations.

Several people who cast a ballot on Saturday afternoon at the Glenwood Village shopping center near Tramway and Montgomery in Albuquerque said the pot question was one of the issues that they felt most strongly about this year. The governor's race was the another question on several voters' minds.

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179 US NM: SF Council Affirms Lenient Pot RulesThu, 09 Oct 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM)          Area:New Mexico Lines:31 Added:10/09/2014

SANTA FE - A Santa Fe City Council majority Wednesday night reaffirmed its support for decriminalizing possession of small amounts marijuana under city code, adopting administrative procedures needed to implement a decriminalization ordinance that the council approved in a 5-4 vote Aug. 27

Three councilors - Bill Dimas, Ron Trujillo and Chris Rivera - also restated their opposition to making possession of an ounce or less of pot merely a civil infraction punishable by a fine of $25 or less.

"We're just inviting drug dealers into our community," said Dimas. Rivera noted that city police continue to have the option to charge violators under a state criminal statute, punishable by jail time, and said many people don't realize they can still "be in trouble" for having pot. Rivera also said officers who charge violators in criminal court instead of issuing a civil citation will face accusations that "you charged my son because he's Hispanic" or because he wears baggy pants.


180 US NM: OPED: When A Decision Comes Back To Haunt YouMon, 29 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Nelson, Ron Area:New Mexico Lines:88 Added:09/29/2014

The Lessons Learned From Legalizing Alcohol Should Be a Role Model for Why Decriminalizing Drugs Is a Bad Idea

When I first read Diane Dimond's column, "When will we really listen to the experts on drugs?", my first mental response was, this woman really is out of touch as to how and why we have the prisons overflowing and the social issues that plague us today over drugs.

I only agree with one portion of her column, "We believe that by placing drug abuse in the hands of medical professionals instead of the criminal justice system, we will reduce rates of addiction and overdose deaths," says LEAP's mission statement. "We believe that in a regulated and controlled environment, drugs will be safer for adult use and less accessible to our children."

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181 US NM: Ballot Fight Comes Down To 'Other Questions'Mon, 29 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Cole, Thomas J. Area:New Mexico Lines:138 Added:09/29/2014

The state Supreme Court case that resulted in residents of Bernalillo and Santa Fe counties being allowed to vote on whether they would like to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana turned on a definition and who has the authority to decide what the words in question mean. "Other questions" was the question. The questions to go before Bernalillo and Santa Fe counties are nonbinding advisory questions, meaning the passage or defeat means nothing in and of itself and county commissions aren't required to act based on outcomes of the voting. The commissions had voted to put the questions on the November ballot.

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182 US NM: Pot Possession In Santa FeFri, 26 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Last, T. S. Area:New Mexico Lines:212 Added:09/26/2014

Is Officer Discretion Too Big a Part of Equation?

Police Officers Can Choose to File Under the New City Code or the Existing State Law

Santa Fe broke new ground for New Mexico last month when it decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana, making the violation a mere civil nuisance violation under city ordinances.

But just because Santa Fe has decriminalized having an ounce or less of pot in the city code doesn't necessarily mean people caught with a joint won't get criminal charges on their record and face the possibility of jail time. That, apparently, will be left to individual police officers.

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183 US NM: Pot Legalization Falls Short With Nm VotersFri, 19 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Baker, Deborah Area:New Mexico Lines:141 Added:09/20/2014

Support for Change Strongest Among Young Respondents

A proposed constitutional change legalizing marijuana never made it to this year's ballot, but it looks like it would have been a hard sell with voters anyway.

A statewide Journal Poll of likely voters in the Nov. 4 general election found 50 percent of respondents opposed to legalization, while 44 percent favored it.

Another 3 percent told pollsters they had mixed feelings, while 3 percent didn't know or wouldn't say.

The poll question was: "Do you support or oppose legalizing recreational marijuana use for adults in New Mexico, with a tax and regulation system, similar to Colorado?"

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184 US NM: Court Puts Pot Questions Back On BallotSat, 20 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:McKay, Dan Area:New Mexico Lines:127 Added:09/20/2014

NM Supreme Court Overrules Action by Secretary of State

Marijuana is back on the ballot. The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled unanimously on Friday that Secretary of State Dianna Duran overstepped her authority when she refused to allow Bernalillo and Santa Fe counties to put advisory questions on the Nov. 4 ballot.

Each county wants to ask general-election voters whether they support decriminalizing possession of small amounts of marijuana.

The election results won't carry the force of law. It would be up to the counties or other governments to pursue legislation aimed at changing marijuana penalties, if they so choose.

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185 US NM: Column: When Will We Really Listen to the Experts onSat, 20 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Dimond, Diane Area:New Mexico Lines:110 Added:09/20/2014

New Study Says That Legalizing All Drugs Is the Smart Thing to Do

Here's a riddle: How many knowledgeable people does it take to suggest a policy change before society adopts their sage advice?

Buried in all the recent news about ISIS, horrific weather lashing the United States, the violence of NFL players and the like came a hardly noticed news item about the idea of legalizing drugs. Now, stay with me on this. It's important. The Global Commission on Drug Policy, an illustrious panel including former U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan, former U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz, former chairman of the U.S. Federal Reserve Paul Volcker, former presidents and prime ministers of nearly a dozen countries, and others issued a detailed study about why it's smart - for reasons both humanitarian and financial - to legalize marijuana and other drugs. Yes, all drugs. Maybe it's time to consider their suggestion? After all, our decades-long War on Drugs has been a miserable failure. Actions to curb drug production and violence in other countries, and along our border have obviously not worked.

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186 US NM: SF Panel Criticizes New Pot OrdinanceWed, 17 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM)          Area:New Mexico Lines:25 Added:09/19/2014

SANTA FE - Santa Fe's advisory Public Safety Committee on Tuesday panned the city's new ordinance that decriminalizes possession of less than an ounce of marijuana.

Former police chief Eric Johnson referred to part of the new law that makes busts for possession of small amounts of pot the lowest law enforcement priority in Santa Fe.

Johnson wanted to know what that means and said in his view marijuana remains "a gateway drug." The committee voted unanimously to have nothing to do with the pot law, rejecting an amendment to clarify that it remains "unlawful" to have an ounce of pot in Santa Fe.


187 US NM: High Court Will Hear Bern. Ballot ArgumentsTue, 16 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Mckay, Dan Area:New Mexico Lines:103 Added:09/17/2014

Weekend Mailing of Ballots to Be Postponed

The state Supreme Court on Monday ordered election workers to postpone the mailing of general-election ballots this weekend until the court can decide whether it's legal for the county to add advisory questions to the ballot.

The court order came shortly after Bernalillo County filed an emergency petition Monday asking justices to intervene and authorize the addition of two advisory questions - one centering on marijuana decriminalization, the other on raising taxes for mental-health programs.

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188 US NM: Debate Heats Up On Easing Pot PenaltiesWed, 17 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Boyd, Dan Area:New Mexico Lines:145 Added:09/17/2014

Secretary of State, NM High Court, 2 Counties Involved

SANTA FE - New Mexico's politically charged debate over marijuana decriminalization intensified Tuesday with two counties, the secretary of state and the state Supreme Court embroiled in legal questions over November ballots.

And the governor had something to say, too.

Santa Fe County joined Bernalillo County in challenging Secretary of State Dianna Duran's decision to not allow advisory questions on the Nov. 4 ballot. Duran's office, meanwhile, said she would go to federal court to challenge the state Supreme Court for holding up the mailing of ballots to certain overseas voters.

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189 US NM: State Won't Let Marijuana Question On BallotThu, 11 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:McKay, Dan Area:New Mexico Lines:88 Added:09/11/2014

Counties Could Sue Secretary of State

Secretary of State Dianna Duran says she won't allow Bernalillo and Santa Fe counties to put nonbinding "advisory" questions on the fall ballot.

Each county had agreed earlier this week to ask voters whether they support decriminalizing possession of an ounce or less of marijuana.

In a memo released Wednesday, Duran, a Republican, told the counties she has "denied" their attempt to put those questions on the Nov. 4 ballot.

The questions, she said, are really just opinion polls because they don't carry the force of law or change local ordinances. Instead, they simply ask voters for their opinion. It's not legal to add such questions to a general-election ballot, she said.

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190 US NM: Editorial: County Picks Politics Over Doing theWed, 10 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM)          Area:New Mexico Lines:63 Added:09/10/2014

What do the two advisory questions from the Bernalillo County Commission have in common with the three real ballot questions approved by the Albuquerque City Council? Nothing. Because the commission's two questions won't change the law regarding penalties for possession of small amounts of marijuana or institute a grossreceipts tax to provide facilities and care for the mentally ill. And even if they did, there has been no legal opinion as to the constitutionality of the first and no fiscal details on how the projected millions of dollars would be spent from the second.

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191 US NM: County Opts For Tax, Pot Questions On BallotTue, 09 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:McKay, Dan Area:New Mexico Lines:139 Added:09/09/2014

Democrats Favor Advisory Questions Over City Issues

It isn't clear they'll fit on the ballot or survive a court challenge.

But two non-bonding advisory questions - one asking voters their opinion on a tax increase for mental health services, the other on reducing marijuana penalties - narrowly won County Commission approval Monday for addition to the Nov. 4 ballot.

It was a 3-2 vote along party lines, with Democrats in the majority.

The decision came in a packed meeting in Downtown Albuquerque after commissioners heard from a handful of women who shared their personal struggle with addiction and mental illness. Supporters of decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana also spoke.

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192 US NM: SF County Voters May Give Opinion On PotTue, 09 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Last, T. S. Area:New Mexico Lines:53 Added:09/09/2014

Commission to Consider an 'Advisory Question' For November Ballot

SANTA FE - Voters in Santa Fe County, and not just those inside Santa Fe city limits, may get to weigh in on whether possession of small amounts of marijuana should be decriminalized - but they won't vote to actually create a law to lower pot penalties.

The Santa Fe County Commission today will consider placing an "advisory question" on the November ballot. The results would serve as an opinion poll on decriminalization. "It's not binding, but it lets voters weigh in," said Pat Davis of ProgressNow New Mexico, which pushed petition drives to put pot decriminalization measures on the ballot in Albuquerque and Santa Fe.

[continues 234 words]

193 US NM: Editorial: Stop Blowing Smoke On SF Marijuana LawThu, 04 Sep 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM)          Area:New Mexico Lines:75 Added:09/04/2014

"It is unlawful for a person intentionally to possess a controlled substance. ... one ounce or less of marijuana ... is, for the first offense, guilty of a petty misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $50 ... and by imprisonment for not more than 15 days." - N.M. statute 30-31-23, Controlled substances; possession prohibited

If New Mexico Attorney General Gary King is entrusted with enforcing New Mexico's laws, then how, exactly, can he opt to kick back on the sidelines when a plain reading of a city pot decriminalization ordinance appears to be in direct conflict with the state statute?

[continues 451 words]

194 US NM: Berry Veto Quashes Pot, Tax ProposalsSat, 30 Aug 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:McKay, Dan Area:New Mexico Lines:114 Added:08/30/2014

It's Unlikely Council Can Override Mayor

Mayor Richard Berry on Friday vetoed an election resolution that would have asked Albuquerque voters to reduce marijuana penalties and to raise taxes for social services.

The mayor faced an all-or-nothing proposal from the City Council - an election resolution containing five ballot items, including the marijuana and tax proposals.

The debate now turns to the council, which could try crafting a new election resolution when it meets Wednesday. Unless a councilor changes his or her position, there isn't enough support to override the veto.

[continues 655 words]

195 US NM: AG Has No Plans To Challenge New Pot LawFri, 29 Aug 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Stiny, Andy Area:New Mexico Lines:110 Added:08/29/2014

King: City Has Authority to Enact Own Ordinance

SANTA FE - Attorney General Gary King supports decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana and his office has no plans to challenge Santa Fe's brand new ordinance that does just that.

"The city of Santa Fe definitely has the authority to enact its own ordinance, but beyond that I don't think it would come under the purview of the Attorney General's Office," said Phil Sisneros, spokesman for King.

"It could, but right now we don't see that happening," Sisneros said. "The attorney general (King) is in favor of decriminalizing marijuana laws such as the council has done."

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196 US NM: SF Council Reduces Marijuana PenaltiesThu, 28 Aug 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Oswald, Mark Area:New Mexico Lines:91 Added:08/29/2014

Move Bypasses Public Vote on Nov. Ballot

SANTA FE - There won't be an election on whether to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana in Santa Fe after all - a divided City Council went ahead and adopted a decriminalization measure late Wednesday night.

The vote was 5 to 4 to pass an ordinance that makes having an ounce or less of pot only a civil infraction, punishable by a fine of no more than $25. Councilors who voted for passage said it would save the cost of putting the measure on the ballot, estimated by the City Clerk's office at as much as $80,000.

[continues 536 words]

197 US NM: SF Commission Wants Pot Proposal On Nov. BallotWed, 27 Aug 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Last, T. S. Area:New Mexico Lines:68 Added:08/27/2014

But There May Not Be Enough Space for Question

SANTA FE - The Santa Fe County Commission on Tuesday voted 4-0 to put proposed decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana within the Santa Fe city limits on the ballot for the Nov. 4 general election.

But questions remain as to whether there's enough room on the ballot to publish the question.

State Secretary of State Dianna Duran and her Bureau of Elections Director Bobbi Shearer outlined several concerns about whether there is enough space on the ballot to handle the pot proposal and having different ballots in precincts split between city and county voters.

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198 US NM: ABQ Council Agrees To Put Pot Issue To VoteTue, 19 Aug 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Last, T. S. Area:New Mexico Lines:141 Added:08/20/2014

But Measure Faces Mayoral Veto and Lack of Space on Ballot

Petitioners calling for decriminalization of possession of small amounts of marijuana have filed enough valid voter signatures to put a proposal on the ballot in Santa Fe, the city clerk has confirmed.

Proponents are aiming to have the question go before city voters as part of the November general election.

In Albuquerque, however, the picture is not so clear. The City Council late Monday narrowly agreed to ask voters whether they support reducing marijuana penalties.

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199 US NM: Column: Immigration Is A Symptom And The Major Cause IsMon, 11 Aug 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM) Author:Farwell, James P. Area:New Mexico Lines:94 Added:08/15/2014

Both Topics Are Intertwined and Must Be Addressed Together

The faces of frightened young children huddling together just inside our border are heartrending. Texas Gov. Rick Perry has the right attitude. Enough talk. Let's act.

Merely deploying National Guard units underscores the pressing need for a national dialogue that places immigration into a more sensible context. Too many politicians miss the real issues and exploit the topic for partisan gain.

Immigration is a symptom. Immigrants have different motives for coming here, but a core problem stems from the Mexican drug war that has claimed more than 105,000 lives on our doorstep, and threatens our families and children in perhaps a thousand U.S. cities.

[continues 539 words]

200 US NM: Editorial: Employers Need Final Say On Workers' Use Of MedicalSun, 10 Aug 2014
Source:Albuquerque Journal (NM)          Area:New Mexico Lines:46 Added:08/11/2014

When you go to urgent care, you should be able to be confident the medical professionals treating you aren't high. When you drive down the highway, you should expect a truck driver to be sober. A drug-free workplace is what most people expect - including employers.

And that's what Presbyterian Healthcare Services says it is committed to and is required to provide under federal law. So, when a nurse practitioner started working in one of its centers and tested positive for THC, the active chemical in marijuana, she was fired, even though she provided documentation that she is authorized to use medical marijuana to treat symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. Donna Smith's attorney says she did not possess or use marijuana at work and had excellent performance reviews at previous jobs.

[continues 177 words]

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