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81 US DC: LTE: Stopping Illegal Drug Use Isn't So EasySun, 03 Jan 2016
Source:Washington Post (DC) Author:Schwartz, Lawrence Area:District of Columbia Lines:36 Added:01/05/2016

Danielle Allen argued that the successful anti-tobacco approach would solve the illicit drug problem. I amnot convinced.

Legalizing and controlling marijuana for recreational use follows the tobacco model. But in states that have legalized marijuana, businesses promote marijuana, and thatmay increase its use rather than reduce it.

Decriminalizing hard drugs such as heroin and cocaine is useful but falls short of solving this problem. On the positive side, it would help addicts get treatment rather than jail time. But Ms. Allen assumed that such treatment programs would dry up the demand for hard drugs. This may not be the case with new addicts coming along, despite antidrug campaigns.

[continues 59 words]

82 US DC: LTE: Stopping Illegal Drug Use Isn't So EasySun, 03 Jan 2016
Source:Washington Post (DC) Author:Gore, Linda Area:District of Columbia Lines:31 Added:01/04/2016

Danielle Allen's recommendation in her Dec. 30 op-ed, "We already know how to win the war on drugs," to model the U.S. approach to illegal substances on the handling of tobacco, has a glaring logical flaw: Seriously addicted tobacco users can function effectively as workers, parents and citizens. There is no deformation of judgment and character inherent in tobacco addiction.

As those who have dealt with addicts or with their families know, addiction to cocaine, opiates and similar substances produces behavioral changes that destroy the work and family lives of those addicted.

The "war on drugs" has been unsuccessful in reducing abuse and addiction. More funds for treatment and prevention are badly needed; however, new and creative policies will not be built on ignoring the devastation of personal functioning inherent in drug addiction.

Linda Gore, Gaithersburg


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