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21 CN PI: Summerside Police Introduces DARE To Grade 5 And 6Sat, 10 Feb 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:41 Added:02/10/2007

SUMMERSIDE - Summerside Police Services will introduce the DARE (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program to local grade 5 and 6 classes in Summerside.

The program is designed to teach students the facts about tobacco, marijuana and alcohol use with the goal of preventing youth from using these substances.

Summerside Police Services Chief Dave Poirier said, "The DARE program is being introduced to students to help them prepare for intermediate and high school. The program will not only educate the students on substance abuse, but will also open the lines of communication between the students and police."

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22 CN PI: OPED: Long-Term Care For Our Addicted YouthTue, 30 Jan 2007
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Somers, Andy Lou Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:112 Added:01/31/2007

This is in response to the editorial 'Appropriate treatment for addicted youth/Government may need a more persuasive case before changing its plans' (The Guardian, Jan. 25, 2007).

What's perceived to be a serious problem in our community, as quoted by the editor, is a serious problem in our community.

I am a member of the Summerside-area group lobbying the provincial government for the long-term youth addiction treatment program and facility here on P.E.I. We have been working on this issue for the past five years with the help and support of our adviser and mentor Dr. Sheldon R. Cameron. His expertise in the addictions field has helped hundreds of addicts to recover, he has helped hundreds of families with coping skills, and he has saved many, many lives (one of those lives was my son's). He has won many local and national awards over the years for his work in addictions.

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23 CN PI: Editorial: Appropriate Treatment For Addicted YouthThu, 25 Jan 2007
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:55 Added:01/25/2007

Government may need a more persuasive case before changing its plans.

The growing opposition in Summerside to the provincial government's plan for helping drug-addicted young people has some impressive clout, but it may need to work a little harder to get government on side.

A group of Summerside-area parents wants government to create long-term drug care for young people with drug problems. The province is committed to a facility for drug-addicted youth, but the parents say the three-month program being proposed won't be effective. They want to follow the lead of other provinces and bring in a long-term addiction program under legislation that would force youth into treatment.

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24 CN PI: Capital's New Street Crime Unit Cleaning Up StreetsSat, 20 Jan 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:MacPhee, Nancy Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:53 Added:01/21/2007

CHARLOTTETOWN - Only weeks on the job, the capital police's new street crime unit has already stopped thousands of dollars in drugs from reaching Island streets.

In two busts, the most recent Thursday morning, the unit seized crack cocaine, marijuana, Ecstasy, prescription narcotics and other drugs.

Two adult males, two female youth and a male youth were arrested in Thursday's bust and jailed overnight. Each faces charges of possession of drugs for purpose of trafficking and possession of stolen property.

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25 CN PI: Council Supports Lobby For Addiction FacilityTue, 16 Jan 2007
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Mayne, Lori A. Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:44 Added:01/17/2007

SUMMERSIDE - If it takes a community to raise a child, it might also take one to get that child off drugs.

Summerside city council took a step forward on that front Monday night. Council agreed to endorse the efforts of a parents' support group, which has been lobbying the Province for a youth addiction facility. The group also wants legislation allowing parents to force their children to get help.

Coun. Garth Lyle, who brought the resolution forward, attended one of the group's meetings. He told council the stories he heard would tear your heart out.

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26 CN PI: Learning to Resist Drugs and AlcoholFri, 22 Dec 2006
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:57 Added:12/23/2006

RCMP Dare program visits schools

ELLERSLIE - Thirty Grade 6 students have graduated from the RCMP's DARE Program.

DARE is an acronym for Drug Abuse Resistance Education. The 10-session program is designed to equip elementary, intermediate and high school children with knowledge about drug abuse, and to provide them with skills for resisting peer pressure to experiment with alcohol, drugs and tobacco.

The program introduces children to the DARE decision-making process to define, assess, respond and evaluate.

"I enjoyed the activities," graduate Brandon Williams said.

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27 CN PI: Lyle Wants Youth Addictions FacilityThu, 14 Dec 2006
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Brown, Jim Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:54 Added:12/15/2006

SUMMERSIDE - Garth Lyle wants Summerside city council to go to bat for children enslaved by drugs.

At Monday's year-end council meeting, the veteran Ward 2 councillor will ask the city to back a local parent lobby group's call to establish a new long-term in-patient facility in Summerside.

The proposed facility for 14-21 year-olds would be based at the Summerside Youth Centre.

"I'm going to ask Summerside council to ask our MLAs to work with the Parent Support Group and (push) the government to work a little faster to get the facility open."

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28 CN PI: Parents Urged To Talk To Their Children About DrugsWed, 29 Nov 2006
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Willis, Nancy Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:68 Added:11/29/2006

Presentation in Morell Emphasizes Being Actively Involved In Children's Lives

MORELL - Be aware, be alert and be involved was the message to parents at Morell regional high school at a recent meeting called to offer information about the growing array of street drugs available to children on P.E.I.

Charlottetown police officer Gary Clow and Margie MacLean of Murphy's Pharmacies spoke to 22 local parents about everything from alcohol and tobacco additions, to ecstasy, crack cocaine and crystal meth.

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29 CN PI: Organized Crime, Crystal Meth Moving InSat, 18 Nov 2006
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Armstrong, Nigel Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:87 Added:11/18/2006

RCMP, Youth Counsellor Speak To Parents About Being Vigilant With Their Kids When It Comes To Drugs

With Asian drug gangs operating in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, and crystal meth moving east, Island drug experts are advising parents to stay closely involved in the daily life of their children.

RCMP Const. Reg Campbell and youth drug counsellor Kevin MacKinnon were guest speakers at a recent parent information meeting co-hosted by the Colonel Gray Home and School Association.

Only 15 people showed up for the workshop aimed at informing parents about the state and nature of substance abuse on P.E.I.

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30 CN PI: Drugs Are Tearing Families Apart And Parents Don't KnowSat, 21 Oct 2006
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Mayne, Lori A. Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:234 Added:10/22/2006


SUMMERSIDE - A father sits in a room at the back of Prince County Hospital chatting with other parents about his son.

He's not boasting about hockey games, math tests or girls. He's explaining how he called the RCMP and kicked his son out of the house.

The teen has assaulted his parents and stolen jewelry and money from their safe. The family has a daughter with physical challenges. That money would help pay for a wheelchair ramp.

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31 CN PI: Editorial: Use All The Tools To Fight DrugsFri, 01 Sep 2006
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:81 Added:09/01/2006

Stephen Harper's federal government faces quite an ethical dilemma.

On one hand, they have to be seen as tough on illegal drug abuse.

On the other, upon accepting the fact that drug addiction is a reality, they have to address a byproduct of drug addiction -- the spread of disease through the sharing of dirty needles.

Some people feel the answer lies with safe-injection sites. The argument goes, "Oh well, if we can't stop them from abusing drugs anyway, let's at least try to protect others."

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32 CN PI: Pot Harvest Could Produce SurprisesTue, 22 Aug 2006
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI) Author:Brown, Jim Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:63 Added:08/27/2006

Police say growers elsewhere have stooped to diabolical methods when it comes to protecting their investment.

Harvesting season is just starting for one of the most lucrative cash crops around - marijuana.

And with the start of clandestine harvesting, RCMP warn the public to be careful around suspicious fields, since marijuana growers have been known to resort to such measures as planting booby-traps to ward off unwanted visitors.

Booby traps could include everything from covered holes and boards with nails to bear traps, said Sgt. Jamie George, operations NCO of the Prince County RCMP.

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33 CN PI: Editorial: The Ongoing War Against DrugsWed, 28 Jun 2006
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:28 Added:06/29/2006

A recent story on the illegal drug trade in Prince Edward Island is a reminder of the ongoing challenge faced by police to fight the drug war.

According to police, during 2004-2005, there were more than 150 drug-related occurrences, more than 350 drug-related seizures and more than 100 people charged with drug-related offences.

An additional 35 were handled through other measures, such as the Youth Justice program.

Clearly more work is needed on three fronts: enforcement, education for parents on how to talk to their kids about drugs, and encouraging the public to take action if they suspect drug activity in their neighbourhoods.


34 CN PI: Smoking Out The Drug TradeSat, 24 Jun 2006
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Day, Jim Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:222 Added:06/24/2006

Police try to strike balance between show of force and exhibiting patience in an ongoing battle against the lucrative drug business in Prince Edward Island.

Along with a weapon, Const. Wayne Conrad needs to pack plenty of patience to police the illegal drug trade in Prince Edward Island.

The only quick fix in this lucrative business is the high that users get from pot, cocaine, heroin and other drugs that feed the trade.

Officers like Conrad need to take their time to put a decent dent in this crime that is largely fuelled by addiction.

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35 CN PI: P.E.I. Police Officers Play Role in Bust of Major DrugThu, 08 Jun 2006
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Armstrong, Nigel Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:102 Added:06/11/2006

Members of P.E.I. Emergency Response Team Involved in Covert Operation That Saw RCMP Take Control of Tons of Hashish From Boat Off African Coast.

In the covert world of police tactical troops, little is being said other than some members of the P.E.I. Emergency Response Team were involved in a recent massive drug operation involving a boat off the coast of Africa.

"The Montreal drug section confirms that yes, there was a member of the tactical team of the Charlottetown City Police who was involved in some operations done in the Maritimes," said Cpl. Luc Bessette, spokesperson for the RCMP in Montreal, Que.

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36 CN PI: Major CrackdownFri, 26 May 2006
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Day, Jim Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:79 Added:05/27/2006

Police Execute Numerous Search Warrants on P.E.I., Including a Store Linked to Hells Angels in Downtown Charlottetown.

Police raided a Charlottetown store linked to the Hells Angels motorcycle gang Thursday in a crackdown on drug trafficking in P.E.I.

Boxes of items were confiscated from Route 81, a known merchandising arm of the Hells Angels, as part of the execution of eight search warrants Thursday.

RCMP Sgt. Dave Thibeau said police also performed a search and seizure on four residences in Charlottetown and on another residence along Rte. 225 in the Hampshire area.

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37 CN PI: Editorial: Helping Our Young People Beat AddictionSat, 20 May 2006
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:75 Added:05/27/2006

Adults who want to deal with substance abuse problems have a range of options that should also be available to youth.

Fires are easiest to fight when they are small. Similarly, a substance abuse problem is better dealt with at its onset than after it has developed into a life-crippling addiction.

If governments are serious about the health and well-being of our young people, about reducing crime and about helping families in crisis, then government must take a more comprehensive approach to helping young people deal with addictions.

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38 CN PI: Editorial: Drug Dealers Don't Care About Their CustomersMon, 20 Feb 2006
Source:Journal-Pioneer, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:66 Added:02/22/2006

Police forces predict a new kind of evil will soon encroach on Atlantic Canada. They anticipate that methamphetamines -- meth or crystal meth -- will soon be offered for sale by drug dealers eager to make a buck off the people who are willing to experiment with their lethal concoctions.

When meth makes its way into a community, hardship arrives with it - -- hardship for the user, hardship for the user's family and friends and hardship for the community.

Those who attended the Communities in Crisis: West Prince Responds public meeting last week got an earful and an eyeful on the harm crystal meth can cause.

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39 CN PI: Tip Line AIDS RCMPWed, 01 Feb 2006
Source:West Prince Graphic (CN PI) Author:Riley, Jonathon Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:53 Added:02/05/2006

West Prince RCMP say their new "Hello Phone" is helping them gather information on drug and other crime.

The "Hello Phone" is a tip line much like Crimestoppers says Cpl Michelle Mercer of the West Prince Detachment. Any one with information for the police can call the "Hello Phone" at 853-3933, but all emergency calls should still go through 911.

The tip line is sometimes answered if an officer happens to be in the office but is also set up with voicemail, and can be called anytime. She stresses the line should not be called by anyone looking for help or an immediate response.

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40 CN PI: Sales Restricted For Family Of Cold Medicines Linked ToThu, 19 Jan 2006
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Ryder, Ron Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:82 Added:01/26/2006

P.E.I. Pharmacy Board Tightens Rules For Sales Of Medication Containing Decongestants Used To Make Crystal Meth.

A family of cold medicines linked to production of the street drug crystal meth is being heavily restricted in Island pharmacies and banned altogether from stores where a pharmacist won't be able to monitor drug sales.

The Prince Edward Island Pharmacy Board announced this week that it is tightening the rules around the sales of non-prescription medicines that contain the decongestants pseudoephedrine or ephedrine.

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