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81 CN PI: Pointed IssueSat, 07 Dec 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Day, Jim Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:219 Added:12/07/2002

The Province's Chief Medical Officer Is Among Those Advocating A Needle Exchange Program For P.E.I. To Stop The Spread Of Diseases

Recovering drug addict Daniel Nowogorski says the number - and diversity - of IV users in the province should serve as a sharp stab in the gut to the many Islanders oblivious to the alarming problem.

"See, a lot of people have to understand that it's not just a typical picture of a junkie," he said.

"It's not this homeless guy standing on a street corner or shooting it in alleyways. It's professionals, it's mothers, it's fathers, it's brothers, it's sisters - and people we talk to every day of the week."

[continues 1484 words]

82 CN PI: Survey Finds Student Cannabis Use Rising, Tobacco UseWed, 20 Nov 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Ryder, Ron Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:121 Added:11/21/2002

Alcohol remains by far the most widely used drug by students with cannabis now second

The number of tobacco smokers in P.E.I. schools is going down while those using cannabis is climbing, making pot the number two drug after alcohol, according to a recent survey released on Tuesday.

Epidemiologist Dr. Linda Van Til unveiled results of a study led by Dalhousie University that looked at drug use among students in P.E.I., New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.

What she found is that the years of anti-tobacco campaigns and smoking restrictions seem to be paying off in terms of non-smoking youth.

[continues 738 words]

83 CN PI: Editorial: The Pot Debate Takes Centre StageSat, 07 Sep 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:65 Added:09/08/2002

The senators who have favoured more relaxed marijuana laws may have blown their chances of arguing for them

Lead Editorial charlottetown

Canada's senators have certainly pushed the debate about marijuana laws into the spotlight. The question is whether their call for outright legalization pushes the issue so far that more modest progress on drug laws will be impossible.

This week a committee chaired by Senator Pierre Claude Nolin brought in a 600-page report that compared marijuana use to alcohol consumption and proposed that marijuana be treated like alcohol ? as a controlled but legal substance.

[continues 315 words]

84 CN PI: PUB LTE: It's About Time We Took Steps Toward LegalizingSat, 07 Sep 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:MacNeill, Shaun Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:51 Added:09/08/2002


I am writing to express my support for the Senate's recommendation to legalize the use and possession of marijuana. For far too long, thousands of good and otherwise law-abiding citizens have been persecuted (and prosecuted) for their use of a substance no more harmful than tobacco or alcohol. It is ridiculous, given the scientific evidence that supports a rethinking of our attitudes towards pot, that someone can still be sent to jail and saddled with a permanent criminal record for recreational cannabis use.

[continues 233 words]

85 CN PI: Elementary School Hosting Race Against Drugs ProgramSun, 28 Jul 2002
Source:West Prince Graphic (CN PI) Author:Kenny, Jean Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:44 Added:07/28/2002

More that 600 school children are expected to take part in the RCMP Racing Against Drugs program when it visits West Prince later this month.

West Prince RCMP Const Carlo Bernard said Tignish Elementary School will host the event this year, with students from Alberton, Bloomfield, O'Leary and St Louis Elementary schools bussed in to the event.

Racing Against Drugs 'RAD,' is a drug and alcohol awareness program developed in partnership by the RCMP and various other organizations. Designed to provide police officers, education and addiction counsellors with an exciting alternative teaching aid, RAD has become a popular program across the country.

[continues 153 words]

86 CN PI: PUB LTE: Do We Want a Free Society or a Police State?Wed, 12 Jun 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:MacPhee, Rick Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:48 Added:06/16/2002


Re: Mark Murphy's letter of May 27, which said that to bring drug use under control, the answer is to empower police to: search any vehicle, person, place or thing (residence) likely to control drugs; wiretaps and technical surveillance, "automatic" investigations of new suspects, and mandatory 20-year sentences for traffickers and 'conspirators'. Whew.

If such actions are taken, we'll have to quadruple the number of prisons in Canada, at least, throw out the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and taxes would rise through the roof, at $60,000 a year per inmate.

[continues 165 words]

87 CN PI: A Daring ProgramThu, 06 Jun 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:MacKay, Mary Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:104 Added:06/07/2002

The Sherwood elementary school students spilling into the Charlottetown Police Department are excited about their behind-locked-doors tour of this city facility, to say the least.

"Good morning! What day is it?" asks their tour guide, Const. Gary Clow, who is community policing co-ordinator for the city.

"It's D.A.R.E. day!" the Grade 6 class heartily announces before they get started on their second-last session of the 17-week D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program, which Clow has instructed.

[continues 760 words]

88 CN PI: LTE: Canada's Other Undeclared WarSat, 25 May 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Murphy, Mark Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:55 Added:05/28/2002


As Canadian troops fight terrorism in Afghanistan, we should declare a second war but within our own borders, on drugs. After a three-year study, the solicitor general announced that drugs and alcohol contribute to crime in this country. Was that a surprise to anyone?

As a former police officer, it's fair to say we knew that 35 years ago. The question that begs to be answered is what is the solicitor general and Parliament willing to do about it?

[continues 287 words]

89 CN PI: PUB LTE: Al Capone Created By ProhibitionThu, 09 May 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Randell, Alan Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:54 Added:05/12/2002


Re: 'Ottawa gets data to tackle addiction issue' (The Guardian, May 6, 2002).

Lord save us from the relentless ignorance of the press.

The editorial states "Given the latest federal government information confirming the link between addiction and crime, it's obvious where Ottawa should be putting more resources - into stronger efforts at combatting drug and alcohol dependency."

Well no. We should legalize drugs.

Nearly all the harm done to users and non-users alike by illegal drugs is because the drugs are prohibited. Thousands were poisoned by adulterated booze during Prohibition. Thousands more are dying today because of adulterated drugs, an aspect of government policy my wife became well acquainted with when our 19-year-old son, Peter, died shortly after ingesting some street heroin in 1993.

[continues 175 words]

90 CN PI: PUB LTE: Drug War Fuels Crime, It Doesn't Fight ItMon, 06 May 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Sharpe, Robert Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:49 Added:05/07/2002


I hope Canadian taxpayers didn't spend too much on the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse study mentioned in your May 1st article. That alcohol is the drug most often associated with violent behaviour is well established. The United States tried prohibiting alcohol once, with disastrous results. Organized crime flourished and kids had easier access to alcohol than ever once mobsters took over the distribution.

The lessons learned and their relevance to the drug war are unfortunately lost on today's policymakers. Forcibly limiting the supply of illegal drugs while demand remains constant only increases the profitability of drug trafficking. In terms of addictive drugs like heroin, a spike in street prices leads desperate addicts to increase criminal activity to feed desperate habits. The drug war doesn't fight crime, it fuels crime.

[continues 137 words]

91 CN PI: Editorial: Ottawa Gets Data To Tackle Addiction IssueMon, 06 May 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI)          Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:44 Added:05/06/2002

Given the latest federal government information confirming the link between addiction and crime, it's obvious where Ottawa should be putting more resources - into stronger efforts at combatting drug and alcohol dependency.

Many experts in the field of criminology and social work have noted the high rate of addiction in our jails, but a new study by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse in Montague reinforces this opinion. It says almost half the crimes of those in our federal jails are directly linked to drug and alcohol use. Researchers discovered that more than half of federal inmates reported being intoxicated at the time they committed their offences and in 23 per cent of cases, the crime was committed to get drugs or alcohol.

[continues 219 words]

92 CN PI: Drug, Alcohol Abuse Key Factors In Criminal ActivityWed, 01 May 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Ryder, Ron Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:91 Added:05/01/2002

New Study Suggests Intoxicants Contribute To Nearly Half Of Crimes By People In Federal Jails

Drug and alcohol use are a direct cause of almost half the crimes that put people in the federal justice system, according to a study released in Charlottetown Tuesday.

Studies of inmate populations have long found a high number of the people in federal institutions reporting addiction problems, but the recent study from the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse goes a step further and suggests that intoxicants are a contributing cause to between 40 and 50 per cent of crimes.

[continues 528 words]

93 CN PI: Drugged OutSat, 20 Apr 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Day, Jim Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:248 Added:04/24/2002

Islanders Committed To Reducing The Supply And Demand For Drugs On P.E.I. Are Urging Better Treatment, More Education And Increased Resources To Help Combat The Complex Problem

From duped doctors to dope pushers, Prince Edward Island's drug problem is far reaching.

Several Islanders ? some paid to work at reducing the supply of drugs and others employed to help those damaged by drug use ? have offered their insight into the province's complex drug scene.

Collectively, they painted a bleak picture but also offered suggestions to get at the problem.

[continues 1637 words]

94 CN PI: PUB LTE: Cannabis Has Many God-Given AttributesThu, 18 Apr 2002
Source:Guardian, The (CN PI) Author:Myer, Paul Area:Prince Edward Island Lines:28 Added:04/18/2002


Our pot laws stink. Any drug has the potential for abuse, be it caffeine, nicotine, marijuana or even sugar. People consume these things to enhance their lives or confront their own demons in way of their choosing. My God, look at alcohol. I live on Kent Street in the bar district and for 10 years have witnessed mayhem on the street at times almost nightly. Fighting, threats and abusive language are common and intense. A young man was even killed outside my front window in some bar-related incident last year. I don't think you'd find the same scene outside of a cannabis cafe. Cannabis has many God-given attributes, and people shouldn't have to run to their doctors to find their own medicine of choice or hide from the law in fear. Our pot laws stink!

Paul Myer, Charlottetown


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